NYU GPH Complex Public Health Disasters Lab


NYU GPH Complex Public Health Disasters Lab

The NYU GPH Complex Public Health Disasters (CPHD) Lab builds upon the momentum of the school’s Disaster Certificate Program and leverages the research of two GPH faculty members who are actively conducting public health disaster studies. The purpose of the Lab is to conduct cutting edge applied research to (1) identify best practices in disaster preparedness and response in essential work sectors, (2) minimize risk in vulnerable populations, including disabled, aged, marginalized and minority populations; and (3) improve our public health disasters preparedness strategies to increase resilience in  essential workers, such as mass transit workers.

The Lab is led by two Disaster researchers and educators: Dr. Robyn Gershon, Clinical Professor of Epidemiology, and Dr. Alexis Merdjanoff, Clinical Assistant Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The Lab currently includes  PhD, MPH, and undergrad public health majors who are working on thesis projects, applied practice projects, as well as student interns who are interested in gaining research experience and who are seeking opportunities for publications and presentations. A new NYU GPH Public Health Disaster Journal and a corresponding webpage have recently been launched to provide a platform for students to publish their disaster-related work.

NYU GPH Advanced Certificate in Public Health Disaster Science, Policy and Practice

The program offers students and professionals in the field an opportunity to take a multi-disciplinary approach to the scholarship, policies, and practices associated with the management of complex emergencies and public health disasters.
Learn more about the program

NYU GPH Journal of Public Health Disasters

The Public Health Disaster Journal is a student-led journal at the NYU School of Global Public Health. The journal website showcases exemplary student work and reports news and updates on the latest research related to public health preparedness and disaster response.

Access the journal online

Upcoming Event: Labor Unions’ Role in Protecting the Workforce During a Pandemic

Join the Complex Public Health Disasters Lab as we facilitate a discussion between union leaders and researchers on the role of labor unions in protecting the workforce during a pandemic. Speakers will present their experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic and will share their insights on preparing for the next pandemic event.

Date: November 29

Time: 8AM-12PM

Location: 708 Broadway, Room 801

Please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/ZAB22D64Hkpobs2g9