Tobacco, E-Cigarettes, and Alternative Products: Anticipatory Guidance, Screening and Treatment for Pediatric Providers
Tobacco, E-Cigarettes, and Alternative Products: Product Guide for Pediatric Providers
Tobacco Control and Treatment for the Pediatric Clinician: Practice, Policy, and Research Updates
Tools for Your Patients
Youth Tobacco Cessation Organizations
The Truth Initiative
The Truth Initiative is a non-profit organization that works to decrease the use of tobacco and e-cigarettes among youth populations. They serve as a great educational resource for young adults attempting to quit, and provide opportunities for activism in the tobacco cessation community.
Reality Check
Reality Check is a youth-led group originating in the New York State Bureau of Tobacco Control Program that pushes for awareness and education on deceptive marketing by the tobacco industry to combat the use of tobacco in younger populations.
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids is a national organization that works on federal, state and local as well as global issues related to targeted marketing by the tobacco industry in youth populations. Similar to the Truth Initiative and Reality Check, they provide opportunities for involvement in tobacco cessation initiatives.