resources Fèy enfòmasyon (Fact Sheets) E-sigarèt (E-Cigarettes) Created by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Vareniklin (ke yo rele Chantix®) (Varenicline/Chantix) Bupropion, (ke yo rele tou Zyban® oswa Wellbutrin®) (Bupropion/Zyban) Enstriksyon pou Plak Nikotin yo (Nicotine Patch Instructions) Enstriksyon pou Gòm ki gen Nikotin yo (Nicotine Gum Instructions) Enstriksyon pou Inalatè Nikotin yo (Nicotine Inhaler Instructions) Enstriksyon pou Inalatè Pastiy yo (Nicotine Lozenge Instructions) Enstriksyon Jeneral Vaporizatè Nikotin pou Nen yo (Nicotine Nasal Spray Instructions) Created by the NYC Tobacco Cessation Training and Technical Assistance Center (TCTTAC). Brochi (Brochures) Kite Pou w ka fè Ekonomi Kisa ki nan sandriye ou? (Quit to Save: What's in your Ashtray?) Created by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.