Shreya Meda

Shreya Meda

I graduated from New York University as a Presidential Honors Scholar in the fall of 2023 with a double major in Global Public Health and Biology, along with a concentration in Genetics. While at NYU, I was heavily involved with research at the ISEE Lab since my freshman year. At the ISEE Lab, I have led a project looking into how musical interventions can help control Hypertension. Additionally, I am a Research Assistant at NYU Grossman School of Medicine on ADHERE, a project that evaluates the social determinants of health that create a disparity within hypertension care in the Black community of NYC. Along with this, I am also a Medical Assitant at a Cardiology practice in NYC, allowing me to learn about the clinical implications of uncontrolled hypertension.

Based on all of these experiences, I plan on taking this knowledge to Medical School to apply it to patient care and to emphasize the importance of preventative care that is feasible for all. Due to my eminent passion in improving healthcare delivery, I want to be an SGPHF mentor to help train future public health leaders so that we can work together to improve healthcare outcomes. With my past experience as a Teaching Assistant for the School of Global Public Health, I have seen how vital it is to spread knowledge and the love of learning about Public Health to younger students. Without all of the great guidance I have had at the ISEE Lab since I was 18, I do not think I would have been this well-versed in the Public Health field - I want to help others realize their full potential within Public Health, just like the ISEE Lab did for me.