Pilot Grants and Projects

Current Center Pilot Project: 

Co-developing SHELTER (Safe, Healthy Environments and Local Transformation for Equity and Resilience"
Principal Investigator: Diana Margot Rosenthal, PhD, MSc, MPA

SHELTER (Safe, Healthy Environments and Local Transformation for Equity and Resilience) is a multi-level, four-phase pilot project using mixed methods and CBPR, which aims to determine what barriers exist to accessing specific health services (e.g., mental health) and optimizing health and wellbeing for families with children under age five who are experiencing homelessness/have experienced homelessness in the New York City shelter system. 

The research is co-developed with these families, who will learn transferrable skills while compensated for their time. An objective will be to improve the quality and quantity of data currently lacking for this vulnerable population.

They will also co-develop a translational intervention output of their choice to deliver to key decision-makers and help foster transformational change and participatory action, addressing such barriers.

Our LEEs advisory committee worked with us to refine the research questions, which had previously been informed by other families with children who had experience living in the NYC shelter system. Our overarching mixed-methods research question is now: What barriers exist in the physical and social environments to optimizing health and wellbeing among children under age 5 years old (under 5s) in NYC shelters? Based on the research questions, we determined that an equal-status sequential mixed-methods design was most appropriate (please see the attached project framework).

Supplemental files or additional information:

The Center for Anti-racism, Social Justice, & Public Health has also previously funded seven pilot projects:

  • Stigma and COVID-19: Discrimination towards Asian Americans and vaccine hesitancy - Dr. Don Des Jarlais (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 
  • What if we had listened to Scholars of Black Health- Dr. Diana Silver (Public Health Policy and Management)
  • Telemedicine Policies to Support Patient Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining Phone vs. Video Use Among Patients of Color - Dr. Ji E Chang (Public Health Policy and Management) 
  • Race- and gender-based discrimination and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) access and uptake among marginalized women who use drugs in Paris, France- Dr. Farzana Kapadia (Epidemiology)
  • Online Survey to Identify the Determinants of Intention to Receive a Future HIV Vaccine among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men- Dr. Ralph DiClemente (Social and Behavioral Sciences)
  • Assessing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Tobacco Research- Dr. Shu Xu (Biostatistics)
  • Geospatial Assessment of Intersectional Discrimination and HIV and Drug Use Risk Behaviors Among Young Sexual Minorities- Dr. Stephanie Cook (Social and Behavioral Sciences/ Biostatistics)