If you have any specific technical questions regarding Brightspace features, please go over to the Brightspace Resources tab for more information.

How do I find my course sites?

Login to Brightspace at https://brightspace.nyu.edu/d2l/home, then find all your courses underneath the section "My Courses". You'll be able to filter your courses by semester as well.

How do I activate my course?

To do so you can follow the following steps:


1. Access your course site under that semester's dashboard


You should see the following pink box if your course has not yet been activated (if it is a green with a checkmark you are good to go!)

Pink Box Showing course is Inactive

2. Click on  Course Offering Information.
3. Check the Course is active check box.
4. Click Save. The course offering is now activated.

Important Note: If a Start Date and End Date are set but the instructor does not select the Course is active check box, the course does not become accessible to students on the selected Start Date. The course must be activated using the Course is active check box on the Course Offering Information page. When a course’s End Date is reached and the course is still active, students will no longer receive notifications from the course but will still have access to the course site.


How do I unenroll from a course?

In the case that you are enrolled in a course that you are currently not teaching or assisting as a TA, please email one of our team members to be removed from the Brightspace class. 

How do I copy content from an earlier semester?

Please email our team at TEE_GPH@nyu.edu and we can assist.

If you want to try to do it yourself please follow the following steps: If you’d like to reuse content from a previous site in either NYU Classes or NYU Brightspace, you can use the “import/copy components” feature in your new course site to import those materials. You may already have access to past NYU Classes course content in NYU Brightspace through a “reference site.” For more details on the process as it relates to NYU Classes, see Reusing NYU Classes Course Content in NYU Brightspace. For information on copying content from NYU Brightspace “practice” or live course sites, see NYU Brightspace: Copy, import, or export components.

How do I use breakout rooms on Zoom?

Please see the linked document How to Use Breakout Rooms.

How do I allow my zoom recording to be downloaded?

Go to your NYU zoom account: https://nyu.zoom.us/signin. From the left navigation menu, click on "Recordings". Then click on the desired recording from your list of recordings, and a new window would appear with all the settings of this recording. Click on the "Share" button that is located near the top-right corner of the page. Turn on "Viewers can download", by making sure the toggle is blue/to the right.

For more details, please see the page Best Practices for Zoom Recordings