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All course titles are linked to a sample syllabus with a general course description. Please note that courses taught by multiple faculty will slightly vary in syllabus content.
Graduate & Doctoral Courses
Graduate Courses
GPH-GU 2154 Adolescent Health and Development (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 3152 Advanced Agent-Based Modeling (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: None
GPH-GU 2374 Advanced Epidemiological Methods I: Evaluation of Epidemiological Students (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2930 (may be taken as a co-requisite)
GPH-GU 3275 Advanced Epidemiological Methods II: Practical Applications in Epidemiology (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2930 and GPH-GU 2374
GPH-GU 3110 Advanced Health Policy & Management (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2110
GPH-GU 1005 Advanced Introduction to Bioethics (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 1006 Advanced Introduction to Environmental Ethics (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2033 Advanced Introduction to Ethics of Technology (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 1230 Advanced Introduction to Public Health Ethics (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2355 Analysis of Epidemiologic Data Using SAS (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2353 and GPH-GU 2106 or 5106
GPH-GU 2219 Application of Implementation Science Frameworks to Address Diseases in Global Populations (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2347
GPH-GU 2372 Applied Bayesian Analysis (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2184 and GPH-GU 2353
GPH-GU 2359 Applied Practice Experience Seminar (2)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: 23 Credits
Online course: GPH-GU 5359 (3)
GPH-GU 2332 Applied Regression Analyses (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisite: GPH-GU 2995 or 5995
GPH-GU 2368/3368 Applied Survival Analysis (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2353
GPH-GU 2220 Applying Systems Thinking to Global Health Practice (3)
GPH-GU 2220 Applying Systems Thinking to Global Health Practice (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisite: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106, GPH-GU 2380 or 5380, and GPH-GU 2030 or 5030
Online Course: GPH-GU 5220 (3)
GPH-GU 2218 Assessing Community Health Needs & Resources (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106, GPH-GU 2995 or 5995, and GPH-GU 2361
Online: GPH-GU 5218 (3)
GPH-GU 2085 Autonomy, Capacity, and Consent (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 5325 Behavioral and Communication Strategies for Global Epidemics (3)
Semester: Varies
Prerequisites: none
Study Abroad course: GPH-GU 9325 (3)
GPH-GU 2235/3235 Biostatistical Consulting (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: A regression course such as GPH-GU 2353 or equivalent.
GPH-GU 2995 Biostatistics for Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 2995 Biostatistics for Public Health (3)
Semester: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: none
Online Course: GPH-GU 5995 (3)
GPH-GU 2363 Causal Inference: Design and Analysis (3)
Semester: Fall
Pre- or Co-prerequistes: GPH-GU 2450, GPH-GU 2353, and GPH-GU 2184 or GPH-GU 2182
GPH-GU 2265 Climate Change and Global Public Health (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisite: none
GPH-GU 2222 Clinical Ethics (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2229 Commercial Determinants of Health (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
Online course: GPH-GU 5229 (3)
GPH-GU 2415 Community-Based Health Interventions (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisite: GPH-GU 2140 or 5140
Online Course: GPH-GU 5415 (3)
GPH-GU 3260 Complex Systems, Disasters, and the Social Ecology of Health (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2140 or 5140 and GPH-GU 2106 or 5106
GPH-GU 2236 Criminalization and Public Health: A Critical Review (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2242 Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2140
GPH-GU 2380 Data-Driven Decision Making in Global Public Health (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
Online course: GPH-GU 5380 (3)
GPH-GU 5320 Data Utilization in Public Health Practice (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2995 or 5995 and GPH-GU 2106 or 5106
GPH-GU 2294 Designing and Managing Organizations in Public Health (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisite: GPH-GU 2112 or 5112
GPH-GU 2232 Detection and Control of Waterborne Pathogens (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2190 or 5190
GPH-GU 5232 Disease Elimination and Eradication Strategies for Infectious Diseases in LMICs (3)
Semester: Summer
Pre/co-requisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106 and GPH-GU 2140 or 5140
GPH-GU 2135 Dissemination and Implementation Science in Health Care and Public Health (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 3200 Dissertation Proposal Seminar (3)
Semester: Spring
Pre-requisites: none; PhD students only
GPH-GU 3030 DrPH Public Health Leadership Seminar I (1.5)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none; DrPH students only
GPH-GU 3035 DrPH Public Health Leadership Seminar II (1.5)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 3030; DrPH students only
GPH-GU 5150 Emergency Preparedness for Healthcare Organizations (3)
Semester: Summer
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2440 Emerging Disease and Bioterrorism (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisite: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106
GPH-GU 2032 End of Life (4)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2280 Environmental Health Assessments and Interventions (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2153 or 5153
GPH-GU 2211 Environmental Justice - A Global Outlook (3)
Semester: Varies
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2153 or 5153
GPH-GU 2106 Epidemiology (3)
Semester: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: none
Online Course: GPH-GU 5106 (3)
GPH-GU 2930 Epidemiological Methods and Design (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisite: GPH-GU 2450
GPH-GU 2190 Essentials of Public Health Biology (3)
Semester: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: none
Online Course: GPH-GU 5190 (3)
GPH-GU 3020 Evidence-Based Public Health & Systematic Review Best Practices (0)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 5130 Food Marketing and Communications (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2217 Food Policy for Public Health (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2136 Fundamentals of Global Health and Development (3)*
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
Online course: GPH-GU 5136
GPH-GU 9278 Global Cancer Epidemiology: A Focus in Nutritional Risk Factors (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2153 Global Environmental Health (3)
GPH-GU 2153 Global Environmental Health (3)
GPH-GU 2153 Global Environmental Health (3)
Semester: Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisites: none
Online Course: GPH-GU 5153 (3)
GPH-GU 9130 Global Health Diplomacy (3)
Semester: January Term
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 5210 Global Health Disaster Preparedness & Response (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 5171 Global Health Informatics Workshop (0)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2342 Global Issues in Public Health Nutrition: Climate, Sustainability and Food Security (3)
Semester: January and Spring
Prerequisites: none
Online course: GPH-GU 5342 (3)
Study Abroad course: GPH-GU 9342 (3)
GPH-GU 2140 Global Issues in Social & Behavioral Health (3)
Semester: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: none
Online course: GPH-GU 5140 (3)
GPH-GU 2230 Global Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology & Control (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 5312 Global Perspectives in Reproductive Health & Human Rights (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2285 Global Women's Health Programs: Analyzing the Evidence to Improve Women's Lives (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2319 Grant Writing to Fund Public Health Research (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2250 Health and Human Rights (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
Online Course: GPH-GU 5250 (3)
GPH-GU 2126 Healthcare Claims Data Analysis (3)
Semester: Spring
GPH-GU 2244 Health Care Management Science (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2110 Health Care Policy (1.5)
GPH-GU 2110 Health Care Policy (1.5)
Semester: Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisites: none
Online Course: GPH-GU 5110 (1.5)
GPH-GU 2405 Health Communications: Changing Norms in Theory and Practice (3)
Semester: Summer
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2282 Health Economics (3)
GPH-GU 2282 Health Economics (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2110 and GPH-GU 2112
GPH-GU 3185 Health Services & Policy Research (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2110
GPH-GU 5120 HIV/AIDS from a Global Perspective (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106 and GPH-GU 2140 or 5140
GPH-GU 2343/9343 HIV/AIDS Public Health Promotion (NYC/London) (3)
Semester: January term
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106 and GPH-GU 2140 or 5140
GPH-GU 2324 Infectious Disease Epidemiology (3)
Semester: Fall term
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106 and GPH-GU 2995 or 5995
GPH-GU 2450 Intermediate Epidemiology (3)
Semester: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106 and GPH-GU 2995 or 5995
GPH-GU 2360 Integrative Learning Experience Seminar (2)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisite: GPH-GU 2359
Online course: GPH-GU 5360 (2)
Online course: GPH-GU 5360 (2)
GPH-GU 3040 Intervention and Prevention Science (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2152 Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2286 Introduction to Data Management and Statistical Computing (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 3205 Introduction to Intervention Optimization (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none; restricted to doctoral students; master's students by permission of instructor
GPH-GU 2115 Introduction to the Principles of Nutrition in Public Health (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
Online course: GPH-GU 5115 (3)
GPH-GU 5170 Introduction to Public Health (0)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2145 Introduction to Public Health Systems: Management & Policy Issues (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2224 Introduction to Urban Health and Equity (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2140/5140
GPH-GU 1210 Justice in Health & Healthcare (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2357 LGBTQ Health Disparities (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2480 Longitudinal Analysis of Public Health Data (3)
GPH-GU 2480 Longitudinal Analysis of Public Health Data (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2353
GPH-GU 2017 Longtermism, Intergenerational Ethics, and Catastrophic Risk (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2338 Machine Learning in Public Health (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2184 or GPH-GU 2182 and GPH-GU 2353 (may be taken as co-requisites)
GPH-GU 5270 Management of Public Health Disasters (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2344 Maternal and Child Nutrition in Public Health (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106
GPH-GU 3050 Methods in Community Health Research (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: doctoral students only; masters students by permission of instructor
GPH-GU 5420 Monitoring & Management of Public Health Programs for Equity (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisite: none
GPH-GU 2028 Nonconsequentialism (4)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisite: none
GPH-GU 2275 Nutrition Epidemiology for Public Health (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106
Online Course: GPH-GU 5275 (3)
GPH-GU 3240 Organizational Theory and Behavior in Health Care (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none; restricted to doctoral students; master's students by permission of instructor
GPH-GU 2274 Outbreak Epidemiology: Re-emerging and Emerging Infectious Diseases (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106 and GPH-GU 2995 or 5995
GPH-GU 5288 Perspectives in Migrant Health & Human Rights (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2140 or 5140
GPH-GU 3000 Perspectives in Public Health: Doctoral Seminar I (1.5)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2349 Program Planning and Evaluation (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106, GPH-GU 2140 or 5140, and GPH-GU 2995 or 5995
Online: GPH-GU 5359 (3)
GPH-GU 2227 Psychiatric Epidemiology (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106; doctoral students who take this class need to have taken GPH-GU 2930
GPH-GU 2225 Psychometric Measurement & Analysis in Public Health Research & Practice (3)
Semester: Fall, Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2995 or 5995
GPH-GU 2326 Public Health Communication for Impact (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2380 or 5380 and GPH-GU 2112 or 5112
GPH-GU 9345 Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response: A Global Perspective (3)
Equivalent to GPH-GU 2345
Semester: January
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106 and GPH-GU 2140 or 5140
GPH-GU 2276 Public Health Financial Management (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2110 and GPH-GU 2112
GPH-GU 2296 Public Health Innovation & Entrepreneurship (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2292 Public Health Law (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
Online course: GPH-GU 5292 (3)
GPH-GU 2112 Public Health Management and Leadership (1.5)
GPH-GU 2112 Public Health Management and Leadership (1.5)
Semester: Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisites: none
Online Course: GPH-GU 5112 (1.5)
GPH-GU 2213 Public Health Nutrition (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2115
Online Course: GPH-GU 5213 (3)
GPH-GU 2155 Public Health Policy (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2110 or 5110
GPH-GU 2160 Qualitative and Field Methods (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 3210 Qualitative Analysis: Interviewing & Mixed Methods Approaches (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: None for PhD students; MPH students must have completed GPH-GU 2160
GPH-GU 2024 R Programming for Beginners (1)
Semester: January
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 5175 Readings in the History & Philosophy of Public Health I (0)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 5180 Readings in the History & Philosophy of Public Health II (0)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 5185 Readings in the History & Philosophy of Public Health III (0)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2353/3353 Regression I: Linear Regression and Modeling (3)
Semester: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2995 or 5995
GPH-GU 2354/3354 Regression II: Categorical Analysis (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisite: GPH-GU 2353
GPH-GU 2025 Reproductive Ethics (3)
Semester: varies
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 1165/3165 Research Ethics (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2361 Research Methods in Public Health (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106
Online course: GPH-GU 5361 (3)
GPH-GU 5410 Results-Focused Strengthening of Health Systems in LMIC Countries (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2022 SAS for Beginners: Data Management and Exploration (1)
Semester: varies
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106 or 2995 or 5995
GPH-GU 2198 Simulations in Biostatistics (3)
Semester: Summer
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2995 or 5995 and GPH-GU 2182
GPH-GU 2317 Social Epidemiology (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisite: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106
GPH-GU 3225 Statistical Inference (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2995 or 5995
GPH-GU 2182 Statistical Programming in R (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2255 Substance Use and Public Health (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106
GPH-GU 2387 Survey Design, Analysis, and Reporting (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2995 or 5995, and GPH-GU 2106 or 5106
GPH-GU 2347/3347 Tackling Global Health Disparities through Implementation Science Research (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106
GPH-GU 2248 Teams & Strategy in Public Health Management (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2960/3960 Theories in Public Health Practice, Policy & Research (3)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites for MPH students: GPH-GU 2140 or 5140 and GPH-GU 2361
GPH-GU 2686 Thesis I: Practice & Integrative Learning Experiences (2)
Semester: Fall
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2140 or 5140, GPH-GU 2106 or 5106, GPH-GU 2995 or 5995, GPH-GU 2353
GPH-GU 2687 Thesis II: Practice & Integrative Learning Experiences (2)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2686
GPH-GU 2105 Thinking Critically and Ethically in Public Health (1.5)
Semester: varies
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 1008 Topics in Bioethics: Controversies & Politics (4)
Semester: varies
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2500 Topics in Public Health: The Geopolitics of Pandemics (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
GPH-GU 2270 Translating Research into Practice: Adapting and Implementing Evidence-Based Public Health Interventions (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2415 or 5415 and GPH-GU 2349 or 5349
Online course: GPH-GU 5271 (3)
GPH-GU 2329 Using Evidence to Inform Decision-Making: Interventions and Health Equity (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106 or GPH-GU 2361 or 5361
GPH-GU 2272 Value-Based Healthcare (3)
Semester: Spring
Prerequisites: none
* students who matriculated prior to Fall 2024 took GPH-GU 2120 Foundations of Global Health instead of this course.
Undergraduate Courses
Core GPH Courses
UGPH-GU 20 Biostatistics for Public Health (4)
UGPH-GU 20 Biostatistics for Public Health (4)
Prerequisites: UGPH-GU 10
Semesters: Fall and Spring
UGPH-GU 50 Environmental Health in a Global World (4)
UGPH-GU 50 Environmental Health in a Global World (4)
UGPH-GU 50 Environmental Health in a Global World (4)
Prerequisites: UGPH-GU 10
Semesters: Fall and Spring
UGPH-GU 30 Epidemiology for Global Health (4)
UGPH-GU 30 Epidemiology for Global Health (4)
Prerequisites: UGPH-GU 10
Semesters: Fall and Spring
UGPH-GU 10 Health and Society in a Global Context (4)
UGPH-GU 10 Health and Society in a Global Context (4)
UGPH-GU 10 Health and Society in a Global Context (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Fall and Spring
UGPH-GU 40 Health Policy in a Global World (4)
Prerequisites: UGPH-GU 10
Semesters: Fall and Spring
UGPH-GU 60 Undergraduate Experiential Learning in Global Public Health (4) - team-based
Prerequisites: UGPH-GU 10, 20, and 30
Semesters: Fall and Spring
UGPH-GU 60 Undergraduate Experiential Learning in Global Public Health (4) - individual-based
Prerequisites: UGPH-GU 10, 20, and 30
Semesters: Fall and Spring
GPH Electives
UGPH-GU 35 Behavioral Risk-Taking in the Global Context (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Spring
UGPH-GU 26 Ethics and Clinical Practice (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Fall
UGPH-GU 28 Ethics and Identity: Disability, Gender, and Race (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Spring
UGPH-GU 32 Ethics and the Internet: Social Media and Big Data (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Spring
UGPH-GU 36 Ethics and Technology (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Fall
UGPH-GU 95 The Ethics of Reproduction (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Fall and Spring
UGPH-GU 42: Human Rights: Philosophical and Practical Issues (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Fall
UGPH-GU 15 Introduction to Bioethics (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Fall, Spring
UGPH-GU 22 Introduction to Neuroethics (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Spring
UGPH-GU 24 Life and Death (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Spring
UGPH-GU 52 Medical Ethics (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Fall and Spring
UGPH-GU 44 Nutrition and Health During Reproduction, Childhood and Adolescence (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Spring
UGPH-GU 65 Public Health Approaches to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) (4)
Prerequisites: UGPH-GU 30
Semesters: Spring
UGPH-GU 80 Public Health Entrepreneurial Ventures (4)
Prerequisites: UGPH-GU 30 and 40
Semesters: Fall
UGPH-GU 25 Public Health Ethics (4)
Prerequisites: none
Semesters: Spring