Faculty Affairs Pages
Faculty Development
- Upcoming Development Workshops
- NYU Center for Faculty Advancement
- NYU Early Career Faculty Institute
- NYU Office of Sponsored Programs
Mission Statement
The Office of Faculty Affairs develops and celebrates outstanding and diverse faculty by creating a culture of faculty excellence that adheres to the highest standards of collegiality, respect, and integrity. We provide leadership, guidance, and oversight of university-wide strategies and programs to provide resources for faculty success.
Login to Interfolio (Requires NYU Login) to update documents for annual evaluations, promotion and tenure for all full-time faculty.
Office of Faculty Affairs Staff
Vice Dean of Faculty Affairs | Diana Silver | drs1@nyu.edu | 212-992-7668 |
Director, Faculty Affairs | Sharice Burroughs | smb649@nyu.edu | 212-992-6122 |
Administrative Coordinator, Faculty Affairs | Devyn Honbo | dch332@nyu.edu | 212-992-7275 |