NYU GPH strives to provide a welcoming, diverse and inclusive campus as an essential part of a community of academic excellence. NYU GPH students reflect the diversity of the world.
NYU has a range of inclusive centers and initiatives, programming, and resources for our diverse community that provide and sustain a safe and affirming environment.
Heritage Calendar
The following is a list of notable month-long observances, recurrent months that are celebrated at NYU and GPH:.
- September 15 - October 15 – Latinx Heritage Month
- October 11 – National Coming Out Day
- October – Pride Month
- November – Native American/Indigenous Peoples Heritage Month
- November 20 – National Transgender Day of Remembrance
- November - International Education Week
- December – Faith and Spirituality
- February – African Heritage Month
- March – Women's History Month
- April – Asian-American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month
- April 2nd Week – Ally Week
☛ Check also our Specific Career Resources Guides in our Career Development Page under Career Resources.
These guides will help you plan the next step in your career journey during and after graduate school, by addressing the needs of underrepresented student populations in the internships and job search process.
Quick Links
GPH Student Affairs
The GPH Office of Student Affairs plays a major role in the planning and execution of a number of key events celebrating diversity and inclusion on campus.
The programs and activities are planned by and for our diverse student population. The goal is to present events that inform students about diversity issues relevant to their experiences in life and on campus, and to involve them in the process of discovery and celebration.
If you are interested in participating in the organization of one of our events or you would like to suggest one, feel free to email us at gph.studentaffairs@nyu.edu.
You are also welcome to connect with the GPH Student Governing Council or one of our several Student Clubs and suggest your idea.
Center for Multicultural Education and Programs (CMEP)
The Center for Multicultural Education and Programs fosters dialogue and produces campus-wide programming that explores issues of identity, diversity, and social justice while cultivating allyship and advocacy to create and promote positive change.
NYU CMEP provides a wide variety of programming and educational initiatives focused on community building, education and training, leadership development, and student achievement. Below is a sample of CMEP’s offerings.
- Cultural Graduations
- FOCUS Mentorship Program
- Graduate Students of Color Dinners
- Nia Awards
- Pursuing Justice Series
- Students of Color Leadership Retreat (SOCLR)
Learn more about CMEP programs and events.
Get in touch with CMEP:
- Address: 60 Washington Sq S, Ste 806, New York, New York 10012
- Phone: (212) 998-4343
- Email: cmep@nyu.edu
- Facebook & Instagram
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Student Center (LGBTQ+)
The LGBTQ+ Center provides support services, resources, programs, advocacy, training, education, and consultation to the University community around areas of sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression.
The NYU LGBTQ+ Center creates a welcoming environment for students, faculty, staff, and alumni to develop their understanding of and engage with LGBTQ+ communities through programs, events, learning and development, support, consultation, and resource sharing.
The LGBTQ+ Center offers educational and community-focused programs and events throughout the year for NYU students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
- First Year Queers and Allies (FYQA)
- Lavender Graduation
- NYC Pride March with NYU
- NY(Drag)U
- OUT | Breath
- Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPOC) Gatherings
- Queer Grad Socials
- Queer Leadership Retreat
- Queering Faith
- Quench (Queer + Lunch) Series
- Trans Awareness Week
- Trans Day of Visibility in Higher Education Symposium
Learn more about LGBTQ+ programs and events.
Get in touch with the LGBTQ+ Center:
- Address: 60 Washington Sq S, Ste 602, New York, New York 10012
- Phone: (212) 998-4424
- Email: lgbtq@nyu.edu
- Facebook & Instagram
➪ Pronouns and Name Pronunciation
Students now have the opportunity to add their pronouns, as well as the pronunciation of their names, into Albert. Students can have this information displayed to faculty, advisors, and administrators in Albert, NYU Classes, as well as other NYU systems. Students can also opt out of having their pronouns viewed by their instructors, in case they feel more comfortable sharing their pronouns outside of the classroom. To set up your pronoun visit this page.
➪ Gender Identity in Albert
Students can indicate and edit their gender identity in their Albert Student Center. Students who would like to modify their gender identity on Albert or learn more should visit this page.
The Trans@NYU is dedicated to providing up-to-date policies, services, and resources for transgender, gender non-conforming, nonbinary, and gender-questioning students, faculty, staff, and alumni at NYU.
Check out the current NYU All-Gender Restroom List.
Consult also the Health and Wellness Resources for NYU's Trans Communities.
Get in touch with the Trans@NYU:
- Address: 60 Washington Sq S, Ste 602, New York, New York 10012
- Phone: (212) 998-4424
- Email: lgbtq@nyu.edu
➪ Pronouns and Name Pronunciation
Students now have the opportunity to add their pronouns, as well as the pronunciation of their names, into Albert. Students can have this information displayed to faculty, advisors, and administrators in Albert, NYU Classes, as well as other NYU systems. Students can also opt out of having their pronouns viewed by their instructors, in case they feel more comfortable sharing their pronouns outside of the classroom. To set up your pronoun visit this page.
➪ Gender Identity in Albert
Students can indicate and edit their gender identity in their Albert Student Center. Students who would like to modify their gender identity on Albert or learn more should visit this page.
Identity Groups and Networks
At NYU, students, faculty, staff, and alumni have a wide range of identity-based groups and networks with which they can engage. Browse all your opportunities below.
At NYU, students, faculty, staff, and alumni have a wide range of identity-based groups and networks with which they can engage:
- Cultural Groups and Organizations
- Religious and Faith-Based Groups and Organizations
- LGBTQ+ Student Groups and Organizations
All NYU students have access to NYU OrgSync, simply use your NetID and password to log-in and search for identity groups.
Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)
The Office of Equal Opportunity is responsible for advancing and monitoring the University's equal opportunity and affirmative action policies, procedures, and programs. OEO collaborates with the NYU community in promoting diversity, cultural sensitivity, and equal opportunity in academic excellence, scholarship, teaching, and service.
- Bias Response Line | provides a mechanism through which members of our community can share or report experiences and concerns of bias, discrimination, or harassing behavior that may occur within our community.
- Title IX Compliance | prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs. It protects victims of sexual or gender-based bullying and harassment and survivors of gender-based violence.
Contact the OEO:
- Address: 726 Broadway 726, New York, NY 10003
- Email: equal.opportunity@nyu.edu
- Phone: 212-998-2370