When do students complete the applied practice requirement?
Students can begin their applied practice hours once they have completed 21-23 credit hours of program coursework and the required coursework. Students can complete the APE in the Summer or Fall of their final full year. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the APE hours only in the Summer of their Final full year.
How many hours are required for applied practice?
Students are required to complete a minimum of 180 hours of direct applied practice experience for the degree requirement. However, overall many projects may require a greater time commitment and we encourage students to complete as many hours as appropriate or needed in order to enhance their experiential training. We encourage organizations to be clear about the number of hours expected of the student before approval forms/learning contracts are signed.
Does GPH place students in their applied practice experience site?
No, GPH does not formally place students with their internship site. Rather, the Office of Public Health Practice provides a variety of resources to students so that they can identify an experience that meets their individual learning objectives.
What resources are available to students to identify APEs?
The program provides a variety of applied practice resources and opportunities to students. All resources are outlined online.
Can APE hours be completed abroad?
Absolutely. We encourage students to travel abroad for their applied practice. Students may undertake applied practice experience hours abroad so long as they do not conflict with other class schedules. Normally, this will be between mid-May and end-August.
Can I complete my applied practice experience at my current place of employment?
Yes, provided that the internship project is independent of your regular responsibilities and your direct supervisor does not serve as your internship preceptor.
How does the program prepare students undertaking the Practice courses - APE/ILE Seminars or Thesis I/Thesis II - to have a successful experience?
Students work closely with their faculty advisor and the Office of Public Health Practice to devise and establish applied practice experience goals. Students also have exposure to a variety of practice-based learning activities and workshops on such topics as professional development, resume writing and interviewing skills, and team dynamics.
What protocol do I need to be aware of if my applied practice experience will involve research with human subjects with my agency?
Per the NYU University Committee on Activities Involving Human Subjects (UCHAIS), students must take/have taken the CITI tutorial or UCHAIS exam. If a student wishes to undertake research, he/she is advised to work on a project that has an established Principal Investigator. Students will be asked to ensure that the agency has its own IRB approval for the research. Agency preceptor should ensure that the students’ participation in the research adheres to the IRB approval.
How do I get approval for my applied practice experience?
Once a placement is secured, complete the Practice Learning Contract (PLC) and upload it, with supporting documents, to the Practice Office Online Portal.
Allow 4-5 business days for approval. Additional review time may be required for the increased volume of submissions closer to deadlines.
How do I obtain more information about the applied practice experience and courses?
Please visit our website to learn about the applied practice experience. Students can also contact the NYU GPH Office of Public Health Practice at gph.practice@nyu.edu for more information.