Research Projects

Our award-winning faculty at the School of Global Public Health is tenaciously engaged in groundbreaking research around the world, serving as University-wide resources for large-scale, multi-school, multi-disciplinary and multi-site research projects. Below are just a few of our faculty’s recent scholarly undertakings.

Research Projects

Behavioral Communication Strategies for COVID-19 (BCSE: COVID-19) Course

NYU's Global & Environmental Public Health program led BCSE: COVID-19 courses, addressing COVID-19 management in conflict-affected countries like Yemen and Syria, engaging 190 participants from UN agencies, health systems, and NYU MPH students across Africa and the Middle East.

Evaluation of Intensified Dengue Control Measures with Interrupted Time Series Analysis in the Panadura Medical Officer of Health Division in Sri Lanka: A Case Study and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Principal investigator

Yesim Tozan
This 2019 study assessed intensified dengue control measures in Panadura, Sri Lanka. Results showed significant reductions in Breteau index and dengue incidence rates. The program proved cost-saving, especially with moderate to high hospitalization levels, indicating effective vector control reduces dengue burden and offers economic benefits to communities.

"Effectiveness of the Consult for Addiction Treatment and Care in Hospitals (CATCH)"

A model developed for engaging patients in opiod use disorder treatment: pragmatic trial in a large municipal hospital system.

A Cluster Randomized Trial of Malaria Camps in Rural Odisha

Principal investigator

Danielle C Ompad
An evaluation of the ‘malaria camp’ intervention in operation by the Odisha State Malaria Control Program (MCP) to see if it resulted in decreased malaria.

Aaye's Table

Aaya's Table intends to bring awareness to the gap between healthcare and home care with evidence-based lifestyle changes. The organization wants society to choose healthier options themselves by increasing their knowledge of healthy options. Students provide resources for better nutrition options to physician's offices.

Acute Care Hospital COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan

A project to create a guide for a plan of action for the increasing number of COVID cases in communities across New York City.

Amplifying provider impact on patient engagement with an EHR- integrated digital diabetes prevention program

Using innovative technology, the development of aninterface between a leading digital diabetes prevention program app and the EHR by leveraging automated clinician and patient-facing tools to promote patient engagement in the digital program while minimizing clinician burden.

An Analysis of the HIV Healthcare System

A study examining the challenges and service gaps evident in the Greek HIV continuum of care given the number of possible barriers on the system.

Anthrologica: NYU Training Courses

A series of training courses in partnership with research-based specialists in anthropology dedicated to learning more about vaccine development. The goal of the courses is for new social scientists to learn how to perform in humanitarian contexts and health emergencies.

Areas of Research and study

Arbo-Prevent Project

The Arbo-Prevent project, funded by the Swedish Research Council, aims to predict outbreaks of diseases like dengue fever. Led by researchers from Umea, Columbia, and NYU, including Dr. Yesim Tozan, it develops early warning systems for timely outbreak detection, improving preparedness and response efforts.

Baboon Parasitology and Coexistence

The development of conservation research and techniques to better understand baboon parasitology and coexistence. Students work on a project of their choosing exploring any gaps they may find in research.

Areas of Research and study

Barriers to treatment among Puerto Rican Men with HIV

A project focusing on the likeliness of outreach for Puerto Rican men who have been diagnosed with HIV. The study evaluates the barriers to continued engagement throughout treatment in New York City.

Behavioral Communication Strategies for Global Epidemics (BCSE) Course

The BCSE course in Nairobi gathered GPH students and public health professionals, including 54 participants from MPH students to UNICEF staff, for training on systems thinking, epidemiology, behavioral theory, and social change, preparing them to develop immediate solutions for global public health challenges.


The purpose of this project is to complete a study of the organization and performance of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). Data from interviews with managers, physicians, and nurses at six ACOs, along with data from records about ACO organization and performance, will be analyzed.

Professional organizations

BroadStreet Health COVID-19 Data Project

A community-centered software company utilizing local experts and data to create solutions to community health disparities.

Areas of Research and study

Building Community Capacity to Disseminate Pcori Information and Enhance Pcori Initiatives

Using a patient-centered approach, this community engagement project seeks to build the capacity of local Community-based Organizations (CBOs) to help patients and potential patients get more involved in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) screening and treatment initiatives, and create a guide that researchers can use to successfully partner with local CBOs and enhance patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) initiatives.

Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorder Alliance (CASDA)

The goal of CASDA is to create a comprehensive national strategy to address barriers to autism research and resources including gaps in funding and individual rights for families with autistic individuals. CASDA intends to work with governments and experts to make resources more available to communities nationwide.

Areas of Research and study

Center for Environment and Humanity, Kodaikanal International School

Principal investigator

Niyati Parekh
During a two-week internship at Kodaikanal International School in Tamil Nadu, India, eight GPH students aimed to comprehend local farming practices, evaluate farmer attitudes, and assess the impact of chemical farming by conducting field interviews on five farms in Kodaikanal: Kumbaraiyur, Pallangi, Pannaikadu, Pethuparai, and Poombarai.

Central American Healthcare Initiative

The implementation of innovative projects to improve access to healthcare throughout Central America. A webinar series was also developed centered on health innovation in Central America.

Areas of Research and study

Conflict and HIV in Ukraine: The Effect of Displacement on HIV-related Sex and Substance Use Risk Behaviors Among Ukrainian Young Adults

Principal investigator

Peter S NavarioFarzana Kapadia
This study examined substance use and sexual HIV risk behavior among displaced young adults from Kiev and Donetsk regions in pre-conflict, transitions, and camp settings. It identified factors such as trauma, sexual violence, access to health services, HIV prevalence in communities, and duration of displacement affecting HIV risk.

Cross-Continental Master of Public Health Program 2017-2018

NYU's Cross-Continental MPH program offers a unique global learning experience spanning three continents over a year. With diverse tracks and hands-on practicums, students gain insight into global health issues. For the 2017-2018 school year, participants traveled to Washington D.C., Florence, Italy, and Accra, Ghana.

Cross-Continental Master of Public Health Program 2018-2019

NYU's Cross-Continental MPH program offers a unique global learning experience spanning three continents over a year. With diverse tracks and hands-on practicums, students gain insight into global health issues. For the 2018-2019 school year, participants traveled to Washington D.C., Florence, Italy, and Accra, Ghana.

Cross-Continental Master of Public Health Program 2019-2020

NYU's Cross-Continental MPH program offers a unique global learning experience spanning three continents over a year. With diverse tracks and hands-on practicums, students gain insight into global health issues. For the 2019-2020 school year, participants traveled to Washington D.C.; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Madrid, Spain; and stayed in their homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Demographic and Health Disparities in Recovery From Hurricane Katrina: Katrina@10

Principal investigator

David Abramson

This is an NIH-funded center grant which capitalizes on joining together three longitudinal cohorts from researchers at Tulane University, Harvard University, and NYU to explore population recovery a decade after Hurricane Katrina.

DRIVE (Drug Use and Blood-Borne Infections in Vietnam): Combined Prevention and Care to End the HIV Epidemic Among People Who Inject Drugs in Haiphong, Vietnam

Principal investigator

Don Des Jarlais
This study in Haiphong, Vietnam, use extensive surveys to find HIV+ drug users, providing strong peer support to connect them with HIV care and achieve viral suppression.

Evaluating Malaria Camps in Rural India

Dr. Jane Carlton led NYU researchers on visits to Rourkela, India, assessing a village-based malaria intervention by the Odisha State Malaria Control Program. Odisha's challenges with forest malaria and limited healthcare access were exacerbated during the monsoon season, particularly in remote regions.

Evaluating Smoking Cessation Interventions for People With HIV in South Africa: Efficacy, Implementation, and Cost-Effectiveness

Principal investigator

Raymond S Niaura
This study uses the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) to optimize smoking cessation treatment within HIV clinical care by directly addressing patient barriers to quitting and clinical care obstacles.

Evaluating the Efficacy and Feasibility of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Demonstration Project Among Male Sex Workers (MSW) in Eastern Kenya

Principal investigator

Farzana Kapadia
An evaluation of the feasibility, acceptability and impact of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) delivery among male sex workers (MSW) in Malindi, Kenya.

Evaluation of Smoke-Free Housing Policy Impacts on Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Health Outcomes

A natural experiment examining the impact of the HUD policy on reducing ETS exposure and improving health outcomes. Smoking exposure among people living in public housing is significantly higher than those living in detached housing environments.

Feasibility of Vaccine Safety Surveillance and Observational Research

A study focusing primarily on vaccine surveillance in rural communities in Uganda and vaccine and drug utilization during pregnancy. The study also looks at the feasibility of conducting pharmacovigilance in rural Uganda. The study made assessments using the globally standardized Obstetric and Neonatal Health Outcomes.

Food Tank: The Think Tank For Food

Independent research organization focusing on advancements in sustainable and equitable food systems. Researchers format articles and conduct interviews to further provide research to the public. In addition to producing articles during their internship period, students also assist in the production of podcast episodes.

Full Circle Sports Nutrition LLC

A program working with high school athletes in which students assist in research and working to prepare for the annual teen program. Interns are responsible for researching and completing projects centered around care for athletes as well as planning their annual summer program for teens over the summer.

Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Health (GCNH) Internship

GPH student Cassi Niedziela interned at the Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Health, focusing on sexual and reproductive health rights and researching immunization rates in Ghana, advocating for resource allocation and information campaigns.

Global Focus on Cancer

Global Focus on Cancer is an initiative for evidence-based program development and implementation of cancer awareness and education at the local level.

Areas of Research and study

Global Institute for Disease Elimination (GLIDE)

GLIDE is a program making advancements in research and treatment for a number of diseases through innovation and awareness. The program is geared toward developing a global approach to fighting diseases like polio, malaria, river blindness, and lymphatic filariasis.

Areas of Research and study

GPH Capstone: Assessing Feasibility of Conducting RTS,S Vaccine Safety Surveillance

Principal investigator

Emily Goldmann
GPH Capstone teams led by Emily Goldmann and James Stark assessed RTS,S vaccine safety in Kenya and Ghana, partnering with local research institutes. They interviewed professionals, analyzed databases, and observed data collection processes, finding potential for electronic databases in monitoring vaccination safety.

GPH Capstone: Ethiopia School-Feeding Capstone Project

Principal investigator

Yesim Tozan
Dr. Yesim Tozan mentored an MPH Capstone team in Ethiopia, collaborating with the WFP to enhance the Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) Program. The team validates and improves the program's "theory of change" to boost its nutritional and health impact on school-aged children. They aim to identify and address bottlenecks in the existing program while enhancing its nutritional components.

GPH Capstone: Explore Barriers and Facilitators to Scaling Up PrEP for HIV Among Sexual Minority Men

Principal investigator

Danielle C Ompad
The Alliance for Public Health's Capstone team studied scaling up HIV PrEP among sexual minority men in Ukraine. Despite delays, they adapted their approach and conducted interviews in Kyiv, emphasizing the need to address HIV/AIDS in the region.

GPH Capstone: Studying Malnutrition and Food Delivery Systems in Eastern Senegal

Principal investigator

Jack CaravanosChris Dickey
Drs. Chris Dickey and Jack Caravanos joined the Capstone team in eastern Senegal to study malnutrition and food delivery systems with the World Food Programme. They also assessed toxic waste sites, highlighting urgent cleanup needs at a pesticide storage facility, posing challenges for the FAO.

GPH Captone Project at Opera San Francesco (OSF)

Six GPH students, with faculty, completed a Capstone Project at Opera San Francesco in Milan, Italy, addressing health and social challenges, particularly for migrants, aiming to improve access and advocate for policy initiatives, gaining insights into resilience and diversity, inspiring global health advocacy.

GPH Course: Behavioral Communication Strategies for Epidemics

Principal investigator

Chris Dickey
Dr. Chris Dickey taught a course on Behavioral Communication Strategies for Epidemics in Kathmandu, Nepal, in partnership with UNICEF C4D. The course engaged 22 UNICEF staff, 21 GPH students, and two Myanmar government representatives, focusing on outbreak prevention complexities and effective behavior change communications.

GPH Course: Behavioral Communication Strategies for Global Epidemics

During Spring Break, GPH students attended the fifth annual Behavioral Communication Strategies for Global Epidemics class in Beirut, Lebanon. Initiated during the 2014 Ebola outbreak in collaboration with UNICEF, the course allowed students to present innovative interventions with experts from UNICEF, WHO, and government ministries.

GPH Course: Disease Elimination and Eradication Strategies for Infectious Diseases in LMICs

Principal investigator

Chris Dickey
GPH and GLIDE collaborated on a hybrid course titled "Disease Elimination and Eradication Strategies for Infectious Diseases in LMICs," featuring online modules covering disease principles, ethics, case studies, and live sessions at NYU Abu Dhabi, fostering collaboration to develop proposals for eliminating infectious diseases in specific contexts.

GPH Course: Environmental Injustice: From Local to Global

During Spring Break, 13 students attended the Environmental Injustice course at NYU Buenos Aires, exploring environmental issues in Argentina firsthand through fieldwork and applied training, translating principles of environmental justice into lived experiences.

GPH Course: Global Food Policy for Public Health

After a four-week intensive unit online, the class on Global Food Policy for Public Health met for its fifth and final week at NYU Florence. A diverse array of students from global public health, bioethics, and food studies became immersed in experiential learning activities that brought to life a European perspective on the topics they studied.

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GPH Course: HIV/AIDS Public Health Promotion

Dr. Farzana Kapadia taught the HIV/AIDS Public Health Promotion course in London during the January 2018 Winter Intercession. Students learned from experts about strategies reducing new HIV diagnoses and heard about extensive HIV self-testing campaigns from a Public Health England manager.

GPH Course: Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response: A Global Perspective

Principal investigator

David Abramson
In Dr. David Abramson's J-term course in Israel, students explored innovation and history. Highlights included a Tel Aviv conference, visits to Jerusalem and Nazareth, observing an earthquake drill, touring an emergency hospital, and engaging with Gaza border residents. They learned about pandemic preparedness and ended with a class in a Roman amphitheater by the Mediterranean.

GPH Courses: 1) Protecting the World’s Health: Triumphs and Challenges and 2) Tackling Global Health Disparities through Implementation Science Research

Drs. Karen Yeates and Cheryl Healton taught courses on global health challenges, covering epidemics like tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, HPV, and tobacco use. Students heard from guest speakers addressing tobacco in Abu Dhabi, visited health facilities in Tanzania, which engaged in debates tackling topics such as free AIDS care and mandatory HPV vaccines.

GPH Emerging Leaders Program

Emerging Leaders Program Leads Brittany Edghill and Christopher Whitehead took a group of undergraduates from the GPH Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) on an exciting trip to the nation’s capital, Washington, DC. Their goal for the trip was to hone in on how the program's themes of Innovation and Storytelling, impact public health at the domestic and global level.

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Hawai'i Budget and Policy Center

A coalition of class action litigation to improve the health of low income households and increase economic and educational opportunities. Outreach also includes service projects that go beyond the law such as campaigns around the social determinants of health.

Areas of Research and study

HEAL International

Education and training for Community health facilitators when it comes to sexual health in the community. HEAL International also operates in Arizona providing resources for youth who have experienced sex trafficking.

Health Right International and Partners for Health & Development in Africa (PHDA)

Addressing mental health issues and adherence to ARV medications among clients at SWOP clinics in Nairobi. The organization also does extensive work in maternal health care for women by constructing maternity waiting rooms and providing more educational resources in the region.

HealthRight Global Network Retreat

Principal investigator

Peter S NavarioNiyati Parekh
Peter Navario & Niyati Parekh joined HealthRight Global Network's debut meeting to start a new NGO. Merging HealthRight & five local groups, they target health disparities in marginalized communities, emphasizing community-driven solutions. Integrating expertise across six areas in nine countries, they strengthen health systems, deliver services, & conduct research effectively.

HealthRight International: Providing Psychological Support to Children through Barnahus Centers

Principal investigator

Peter S Navario
With UNICEF's backing, HealthRight created Barnahus Centers in Ukraine, offering safe havens for children affected by the Russo-Ukrainian War, providing psychological support and essential services like crisis counseling, relocation aid, and relief provisions to internally displaced families and communities.

HealthRight Summer Internship Program Kenya Trip

The HealthRight Summer Internship Program offered undergraduate students a comprehensive immersion into global healthcare, featuring experiences in Kenya and collaboration on research and initiatives benefiting HealthRight's programs internationally, empowering interns with essential skills for driving positive change in underserved communities worldwide.

HEART Women & Girls

A program to ensure that Muslim women on college campuses have access to sexual health resources. HEART aims to ensure that muslim students have the language to confront sexual violence and the resources to move forward if it happens.

Heroin Cessation and HIV Risk: A Case-Control Study (NIH)

Principal investigator

Danielle C Ompad

The purpose of this case-control study is to characterize the prognostic indicators, including HIV infection, for the positive outcome of sustained heroin cessation among persons with a prior history of chronic heroin use within economically disadvantaged, predominantly racial/ethnic minority neighborhoods in New York City (NYC). With drug use as a major risk factor for HIV and a chronic relapsing condition, identifying factors that promote sustained cessation can be key to enhancing HIV prevention and treatment efforts.

Hurricane Disaster Management Plan during COVID-19 Pandemic

A disaster plan to prepare the public for emergency procedures in case of natural disaster during hurricane season while also in the midst of a pandemic.

Identifying Barriers and Opportunities to Essential Medical and Psychosocial Services Among Women Who Inject Drugs in Ukraine

Research focusing on the barriers to medical and psychosocial services for women. More specifically, looking at sexual and reproductive health services in Ukraine. Students and faculty worked to inform future grant applications and create models to increase access to services for WWID in Ukraine.

Areas of Research and study

Impact of Health Department Worker Safety Training on Health Impacts After Sandy (Columbia)(CDC)

Principal investigator

David Abramson

The objective of the research is to identify data gaps, build on existing approaches and methodologies, and increase knowledge about exposures to hazardous pollutants, chemicals and other related physical and mental health impacts during response and recovery activities following Hurricane Sandy.

Impact of Health Reform on Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Programs (Rhode Island Hospital)(NIH)

This study will examine how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 affected the nation's outpatient substance abuse treatment system - a health services sector with important effects on the public health. It will thus contribute to our understanding of the impact of the PPACA and related policy changes on health service delivery in substance abuse treatment programs. Such information will enable policy makers and stakeholders to determine the effect of the PPACA in improving the accessibility and quality of substance abuse treatment.

Impact of Neighborhoods and Networks on HIV Risk and Care Behaviors Among Black MSM in the Deep South

This project seeks to use real-time geospatial methods to investigate relationships between Global Positioning System (GPS)-defined activity space neighborhoods, social and sexual networks, and HIV prevention and care behaviors cross-sectionally and longitudinally among Black men who have sex with men (MSM) in the Jackson, Mississippi metropolitan statistical area (MSA) followed over a year.

Impact of Occupational Exposure to COVID-19 on the Physical and Mental Health of an Essential Workgroup: New York City Transit Workers

Principal investigator

Robyn GershonAlexis A Merdjanoff

Since early March 2020, Drs. Robyn Gershon, Alexis Merdjanoff, and Rachael Piltch-Loeb met with the leadership of the Transport Workers Union, Local 100 (TWU) to collaborate on research that was a first step toward determining risk factors for COVID-19 exposure in this essential workforce.

Implementing tobacco use treatment in HIV clinics in Vietnam

A program of translational, population-based, and policy-relevant research. The goal of the project is to optimize implementation of tobacco use treatment in health care delivery systems aw erll as accelerate implementation of tobacco control policies. Innovation was key to developing an approach to making treatment of nicotine addiction more accessible. 

Independent Drivers Guild NYC COVID-19 Driver Safety Training

NYU GPH partnered with the Independent Drivers Guild (IDG) to enhance rideshare safety amid COVID-19. Experts like Drs. Jack Caravanos and Andrew Goodman, along with MPH student Lucia Girande, developed online training and protocols tailored for drivers and passengers. With over 80,000 members, IDG oversees implementation and evaluation across New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

Integrated Community-Clinical linkage model to promote weight loss among South Asians with pre-diabetes

This project includes a series of tests intended to test the efficacy of an integrated EHR-CHW intervention among South Asians at risk for diabetes. The project took place over a five month time period documenting group sessions, action plans, and follow-up phone calls.

Ivory Coast Mothers and Children

GPH worked with Ivory Coast mothers and Children on their vaccine initiative in Braffoueby. The effort included vaccinating children, distributing prenatal vitamins and vitamin A to the community.

Keeping Pace: Dynamic Assessment of Environment and Exercise Using Personal Health Data

An agile research proposal from the Health Data Exploration Project, this project will use data from RunKeeper to understand how relationships between the built environment and exercise change over time.


The 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East and the League of Voluntary Hospitals and Homes are working together to strengthen worksite wellness activities to improve health outcomes for 1199SEIU members. 1) Two key activities are proposed to support the LMP Worksite Wellness Program: Technical assistance will be provided to support worksite wellness projects funded by the LMP. 2) A strategic plan will be developed to maximize the effectiveness of the LMP Worksite Wellness Program. Key questions and issues to be addressed include Dr.

Li Ka Shing Foundation Initiative for Global Mental Health and Wellness

Principal investigator

Lawrence H Yang
NYU School of Global Public Health (GPH) initiated the Li Ka Shing Foundation Initiative for Global Mental Health & Wellness, funded by a $500,000 gift, aiming to combat mental health stigma and promote evidence-based interventions worldwide by cultivating future leaders in knowledge, policy, research, and practice within the global public health framework.

Management of Flooding in Karachi, Pakistan

A team effort to create a disaster plan to aid in the creation of a cost effective sewage system and an evacuation plan for flooding and future natural disasters by collaborating with the NDMA. The plan was also created to work with the Orangi Pilot Project to address the threat to low income families during disasters.

Measuring Playground Utilization in New York City (New Yorkers for Parks)

Principal investigator

Diana R Silver

Playgrounds are assumed to be an important resource for physical activity. This study investigates seasonal utilization, user preferences, and perceptions of safety and upkeep of public playgrounds in New York City. A cross-sectional survey was conducted from May 2010 to January 2011 across 10 playgrounds in low/middle income neighborhoods in each of the five boroughs in New York City. A total of 1,396 adults accompanying children were surveyed. Outcomes included playground as main place of outdoor play, and perceptions of playground upkeep and safety.

Mental Health and PrEP Adherence among Male Sex Workers in Malindi, Kenya

Principal investigator

Farzana Kapadia
A study to describe the burden of mental health disorders, mental health service use & association between mental health symptom severity and PrEP adherence among male sex workers (MSW) in Malindi, Kenya.

Mental Health in PrEP Adherence Among Male Sex Workers in Malindi, Kenya

Principal investigator

Emily Goldmann
This project in Malindi, Kenya explores the relationship between mental health and PrEP adherence among male sex workers and identifies factors for integrating mental health into HIV services.


Nematodes cause the most common parasitic infections of humans, and the tissue-dwelling filarial worms produce the most severe pathology associated with these infections. Current control programs, however, which are universally based upon the mass distribution of a small arsenal of drugs are exceptionally vulnerable to failure in the event resistance develops. What is lacking is a method to kill or permanently sterilize the adult female parasites, making it critically important to support additional research leading to the discovery of novel drug targets.

MPH Students' Internship at UNICEF Working with Rohingya Refugees

MPH students Emily Holzman, Jessie Drescher, and Corbin Kappler interned with UNICEF's Cox’s Bazar field office in Bangladesh, aiding Rohingya refugees. In the 6-week program, they worked with experts, delving into UN operations and understanding Cox’s Bazar programs. Projects aimed to enhance UN coordination and community communication.

Mycetoma Reduction and Prevention in Sudan

A student project designing a patient support system for mycetoma patients. The project is supported by the SAMU-MSF and Mediforum Mediclinic Hospital, Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative, Mycetoma Research Center.


Principal investigator

Diana R Silver

Diana served as the project director for the evaluation, a twelve-year study of multi-million dollar study.

National Nutrition Policy and World Food Programme Interventions

The United Nations World Food Program led this initiative to find cost-effective options for better nutritional habits in Madagascar. The project included a bottleneck analysis of national nutrition policy and WFP nutrition programming.

Neighbourhood Old Age Homes (NOAH)

An effort to provide a better quality of life for social pensioners in South Africa. NOAH provides assistant living communities, health care and community facilities. Their initiative also addresses the mental stresses of the community by working to provide counseling and support services.

Neurology Mission

A neurology mission to evaluate neurological concerns of patients in the Napo Province. During the mission, physicians provide free medical resources alongside 500 volunteers.


Principal investigator

David Abramson

The Program on Population Recovery and Resiliency at NYU GPH will provide Rutgers University with research services related to their proposed contract with the State of New Jersey to conduct an assessment of populations affected by the October 2012 Superstorm Sandy.

Observing Individual Behaviors Outside of COVID-19 Hotspots

NYU GPH and Tandon researchers, led by Prof. Debra Laefer, began an NSF-funded study on COVID-19 transmission outside NYC hotspots. They collected local data near medical facilities, finding 75% of individuals touched surfaces post-hotspot visit, with 11% touching phones. The team shared their dataset openly to aid global COVID-19 research.

Omics-Based Predictive Modeling of Age-Dependent Outcome to Influenza Infection (NIH)

The focus of this project is to integrate multi-scale data collected over the course of influenza infections-including system-wide transcriptomics and meta- transcriptomics, immunological response and physiological markers, along with viral diversity-in order to perform network analyses and develop computational models that predict severe disease outcome.

One World Health

A series of sustainable efforts to provide more affordable healthcare services and facilities to improve the quality of life in those communities. The ultimate goal of One World Health is for those facilities to become self-sufficient within 18 to 24 months.

OneWorld Health Internship

In summer 2018, OneWorld Health, a nonprofit, hired two global health MPH students for an internship in Uganda. Sarah Bender and Felicity Duran developed hypertension protocols at Masindi-Kitara Medical Center. They joined a diverse team of 39 professionals and students, united by a passion for serving communities.

Optimizing the implementation of tobacco use treatment in the context of lung cancer screening

Working with the Lung Cancer Alliance, 18 heterogeneous lung cancer screening sites were observed to To estimate the cost and incremental cost-effectiveness of evidence based tobacco treatment components and creating effective models for smoking cessation treatment in lung cancer screening settings.

PAN Foundation

PAN Foundation works with federally and commercially insured people living with life-threatening chronic and rare diseases with out-of-pocket costs for prescribed medicines to come up with initiatives to improve the quality of life for patients.


Application of metagenomic techniques will allow us to determine patterns and changes in the population of microbes that play a key role in the pathogenesis and progression of emphysema in this population. The overall goals of this proposal are to determine the respiratory microbial flora (or microbiota) in HIV-I- and HIV- subjects and to establish its role in pathogenesis and progression of HIV-associated COPD using our ongoing cohorts. Specific aims of the proposal are: 1. To compare the microbial community structure in the respiratory tract in subjects with and without HIV infection. 2.

PCOS Challenge

A non-profit organization focused on improving the lives of women with PCOS by improving communication tools used with patients to learn about their treatment options and increase patient education in evidence based treatment options.

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Access and Uptake Among Marginalized Women Who Use Drugs in Paris, France

Principal investigator

Farzana Kapadia
A study to understand the intersections of race-, gender-, and immigration-based discrimination and PrEP uptake among women who use drugs in Paris, France.


Principal investigator

Farzana Kapadia

HealthRight International and the Center for Health, Identity, Behavior and Prevention Studies (CHIBPS) will evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infections in a population of male sex workers (MSW) in eastern Kenya. This project aims to be among the first to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability and impact of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) on HIV risk among male sex workers (MSW) in Malindi, Kenya.

Project 18 (P18) Neighborhood Study

This project seeks to investigate spatial mobility across neighborhoods as well as relationships between Global Positioning System (GPS)-defined activity space neighborhoods and HIV risk among young men who have sex with men (MSM) in the New York City metropolitan area, through the use of innovative methodological approaches including real-time geospatial methods and geo-located Twitter posts.

Project HEED (Help Educate to Eliminate Diabetes)

Project HEED provides workshops to help those looking for lifestyle changes to reduce the impact of diabetes in adults who are of Caribbean descent. The program utilizes community-based research methods in a peer-led environment.

Project IQ

A project focused on continuous quality improvement and scale-up methods to reduce heterosexual acquisition of HIV through volunteer medical male circumcision programming in East and South Africa. Another aim of this project is to optimize existing voluntary male medical circumcision clinics and scaling up sustainable models for maintaining early infant male circumcision coverage.

Project P-18 Viral

Principal investigator

Farzana Kapadia

This ancillary study of HPV and HSV-1 and -2 infection as part of the P18 Cohort Study of racially/ethnically and socioeconomically diverse YMSM seek to (1) to detect cases of oral and anal HPV infection through site-specific PCR testing and clinically significant HPV subtype through serotyping and to estimate HPV persistence and clearance rates; (2) to identify uptake and completion of HPV vaccination via a combination of self-reported vaccination history in addition to New York State HPV vaccine registry verification; (3) to determine the prevalence and

Project UPLIFT (Using Practice and Learning to Increase Favorable Thoughts)

A program that teaches skills to treat and prevent depression in English-speaking PWE via telephone. Activities included in the program were focus groups for Spanish-speaking adults with epilepsy. 

Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) Study

Led by Dr. Karen Yeates, the PURE study investigates non-communicable diseases and demographic shifts in 33 countries, including Tanzania. It collects extensive lifestyle data for collaborative NCD research at GPH, focusing on comparisons between native and immigrant populations.

Reducing Stigma and Improve Adherence in HIV+ Pregnant Women in Botswana

Principal investigator

Lawrence H Yang
Dr. Lawrence Yang led a NIMH and NIH Fogarty-funded project in Botswana to combat HIV stigma and enhance medication adherence. Partnering with the University of Botswana and the University of Pennsylvania, the initiative pioneered a contact-based stigma intervention by HIV/AIDS individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa, aligning with Fogarty's mission to improve treatment outcomes globally.

Researching Short- and Long-Term Dangers of Chemical Contaminants to Early Childhood Development

Dr. Leo Trasande, GPH Associate Professor, got an $8.9 million grant to research chemical contaminants' effects on infant development. Tracking nearly 1,000 pregnant mothers and offspring, the study examines early-life exposure's impact on growth and development up to age 9, a pivotal step in children’s health research at NYU Langone.

Roots of Health

An organization working to provide reproductive health services in the Philippines such as reproductive health classes and clinical services that focus on educating the next generation of women and girls on their bodies and resources to get help and stay protected.

SHOREline (Columbia) (Baton Rouge Area Foundation)

Principal investigator

David Abramson

The project has the following objectives:

1. Analyze the GCPI survey data and develop a journal article in collaboration with NCDP;

2. Provide overall strategic direction for the SHOREline youth development program, which includes the development of foundational documents, provision of guidance to the chapters and field coordinators, and development of a long-term sustainability plan;

3. Development and dissemination of a standardized didactic and project-based learning curriculum to participating SHOREline high schools;   


T.E.A.L (Tell Every Amazing Lady) about Ovarian Cancer is a national movement dedicated to informing more women about the signs to look for and treatment options for ovarian cancer.

Areas of Research and study


This collaborative research project will build capacity to support evaluation and referral of black men and women at risk for sleep apnea at the community level. It will examine whether a culturally and linguistically tailored peer-based sleep health intervention will increase adherence to recommended sleep apnea screening and treatment among blacks in barbershops, beauty salons and churches. Three hundred and ninety eight blacks will be enrolled in the study and followed for a year to evaluate intervention responses and examine environmental drivers of health disparities.


This collaborative research project will build capacity to support evaluation and referral of black men and women at risk for sleep apnea at the community level. It will examine whether a culturally and linguistically tailored peer-based sleep health intervention will increase adherence to recommended sleep apnea screening and treatment among blacks in barbershops, beauty salons and churches. Three hundred and ninety eight blacks will be enrolled in the study and followed for a year to evaluate intervention responses and examine environmental drivers of health disparities.

The Alliance for Eating Disorder Awareness Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Alliance for Eating Disorder Awareness provides community through safe spaces and support groups for individuals working through illness. Their postdoctoral fellowship puts students alongside a clinical team that treats uninsured patients.

Areas of Research and study

The Interfaith Public Health Network

IPHN partners with other organizations to draw attention to the issues surrounding the social determinants of health and mobilize faith communities to take action with barriers to health as a result of racism, income, employment and poverty to name a few.

The Restore Cup: Developing a Theory of Change

The study of an inexpensive medical device for women with obstetric fibula in Sub-Saharan South Africa. The NYU Global Health team is apart of the group conducting clinical trials for women who may be preparing for surgery or cannot access a successful surgery.

Areas of Research and study


Principal investigator

David Abramson

The study is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, examines intra-individual change in risk perception of the Zika virus among a panel of 200 women of child-bearing age as the science and the epidemiology evolve.

Themes of Residual Colonization in Migration and Health Research in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Fieldwork focusing on how residual colonization impacts migration and health research in South Africa today. A team asks questions that gets to the core of how migration impacts economic policy and institutions.

Areas of Research and study

Thrive London

An initiative from the Mayor of London in collaboration with Greater London Authority to improve mental health in the city. The initiative includes funding for youth organizations and student societies to improve the awareness and well-being of young people when it comes to their mental health.

Areas of Research and study

Uganda Tuberculosis Implementation Research Consortium

A program focusing on the predictors of evaluation in child contacts of TB patients.

Ukraine PrEP Use

Ukraine has the second highest HIV epidemic in Europe. Researchers are looking to assess the the use of PrEP in a pilot program led by The Alliance for Public Health in Ukraine. The project also aims to study the feasibility and costs of two PrEP program models for MSM in Ukraine.


Principal investigator

Diana R Silver

Traffic fatalities are the second largest contributor to years of life lost before age 75 and are the leading cause of death among youth aged 15-24 years. Alcohol involvement in these crashes has remained relatively steady despite overall declines in traffic fatality rates. Public policies (laws, regulations, penalties) concerning alcohol and car safety have contributed to these declines, but there is enormous variation in policies among states. To date, little scholarship has systematically investigated the impact of such a diverse regulatory environment on health outcomes.

Using Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) to Optimize a Cost-effective, Sustainable and Scalable Smoking Cessation Package for Smokers in HIV Clinical Care

Principal investigator

Raymond S Niaura
This proposal seeks to improve smoking cessation treatment for HIV patients in southern Africa by evaluating four interventions' effectiveness and feasibility for regional implementation.

Using SMS Data To Improve Ebola Models and Estimate the Impact of Ebola on Healthcare Seeking Behavior in Liberia

Awarded to Dr. Chunara (GIPH) and Dr. Karen Grepin (Wagner), in this project, this study will crowdsource information about Ebola incidence and related-health behaviors in Liberia using SMS.

Voices and Perspectives on Migrant Health in Milan, Italy

This qualitative research project focuses on migrant health in the Lombardi region of Italy. The project documented the perceptions of migrant patients and healthcare providers.


Principal investigator

David Abramson

Employing a multi-disciplinary team, this project will analyze data provided by the LSU WaTCH investigators using an ecological bio-behavioral stress model that explores the complex paths from exposure to dysfunction among Gulf Coast children exposed to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

The overall goals of this project are to: (1) understand the short- and longer-term impacts of the oil spill on children’s development and well-being; and (2) examine how parental and social forces, and alternative treatment models can mediate or modify the spill’s effects on children.

Wellness Tips for Alaskan Parents: Applying the CDC Clear Communication Index

Hosted by the Rede Group, a joint effort between the Alaska Public Health Division Obesity Prevention and Control Program to assess changes needed to make to marketing materials for parents of young children using the CDC Clear Communication Index.

WIC's Farmer's Market Initiative

This project aimed to develop a strategic approach to provide education around the utilization of WIC checks at farmers’ markets, with the goal of improving redemption rates throughout the season.

William N. Rom Climate Fellowship

As part of the William N. Rom Climate Fellowship of 2022 – 2023, two MPH Environmental Health students, Hyacinth Burrowes and Dia Beggs, traveled to Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt to attend the 27th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) of the Parties. There, they had the opportunity to observe and participate in conversations surrounding climate change and public health.

Women in Leadership

Students focus on the state of sexual reproductive health for women in Uganda. This includes creating educational sessions for women and girls at health centers and within education facilities. Students complete their own research and fieldwork as well on reproductive health and family planning.

Areas of Research and study

Zika Contraception Access Network

A program dedicated to providing contraception for women who want to delay pregnancy during Zika outbreak in Puerto Rico by increasing provider and staff education regarding contraceptive counseling by designing new educational tools.


Principal investigator

David Abramson

This study is funded by the Decision, Risk and Management Sciences/National Science Foundation. This research involves a series of representative national panel surveys to examine how various social, scientific, and policy cues influence the US public’s appreciation of the risk of the Zika virus over time, as well as the public’s receptivity to various clinical, environmental, and behavioral interventions.