Quick Links
Graduate Advising
You should see Program Advisors as resources available to you in any circumstances – it is our aim to be sure that graduate students in the NYU School of Global Public Health are supported and connected to the many resources available at NYU and GPH, that their questions are answered and that their pathway to success is as smooth as possible.
As Program Advisors, we provide you with practical information about course selection, requirements, class enrollment, registration clearance and support you also for non-academic matters. You should consider us as “go to” people who are there to assist you with any questions.
Program Advisors connect you with appropriate campus resource offices and/or faculty to provide additional support as needed.
We monitor progress toward your educational goals and degree completion.
Your Role as Student
- You take ownership of your academic experience by learning your degree requirements including prerequisites, electives, and course sequencing.
- You actively seek out professional development opportunities by engaging with faculty, on-campus career resources and alumni.
- Familiarize yourself with student services and academic resources at NYU and the School of Global Public Health.
- You learn and adhere to GPH institutional policies and procedures and deadlines that govern graduate study ranging from drop/add dates and withdrawal deadlines to academic and student conduct policies.
Below are the Program Advisors from the Student Affairs Office for specific concentration/programs:
Andrea Muraca, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
- Email: andrea.muraca@nyu.edu
- Phone: 212-992-7289
- Office: 708 Broadway, 3rd floor
Point of Contact for Student Affairs/Personal Matters:
- Bioethics
- PhD
- DrPH
Angelica Tirro, Director of Student Affairs
- Email: angelica.tirro@nyu.edu
- Phone: 212-992-6120
- Office: 708 Broadway, 3rd floor
- Epidemiology | MPH
- Epidemiology | MS
- Social & Behavioral Sciences | MPH
Miguel Silva, Assistant Director of Student Affairs
- Email: miguel.silva@nyu.edu
- Phone: 212-992-5569
- Office: 708 Broadway, 3rd floor
- Biostatistics | MPH & MS
- Community Health Science & Practice | in-person and online MPH
Alicia Ocasio, Program Manager of Student Affairs
- Email: ao58@nyu.edu
- Phone: 212-992-6130
- Office: 708 Broadway, 3rd floor
- Public Health Nutrition | in-person and online MPH
- PH Policy | MPH
- PH Management | MPH
Erica Garnes, Program Administrator of Student Affairs
- Email: esg8749@nyu.edu
- Phone: 212-992-5583
- Office: 708 Broadway, 3rd floor
- Global Health | in-person & online MPH
- Global Health Dual-Degree | MPH
- Environmental Public Health Sciences | MPH
- Advanced Certificate in Public Health
Department-Specific Program Advising
Below are the Department Program Advisors for specific department/program:
Kiera Bloch, Program Administrator, Global & Environmental Public Health
- Email: kiera.bloch@nyu.edu
- Phone: 212-992-6331
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) | MPH
Amber Celedonio, Program Manager, NYU Center for Bioethics
- Email: amc1125@nyu.edu
- Phone: 212-992-6140
Bioethics | MA
Office of Doctoral Studies
- Email: gph.doctoral@nyu.edu
- Doctorate of Philosophy in Public Health (PhD)
- Doctor of Public Health (DrPH)
Drop-In Hour for Graduate Students
The Office of Student Affairs offers drop-in hours Monday through Friday, twice a day and they are an opportunity to engage with our team whenever you have a quick question or your assigned advisor is busy. Stop by and say hello, no appointment needed!
Spring 2025 Schedule
1pm - 2pm | 3pm - 4pm | 12pm - 1pm | 11am - 12pm | 11am - 12pm |
2pm - 3pm | 1pm - 2pm | |||
3pm - 4pm | 2pm - 3pm |
Undergraduate Students
Global Public Health Majors
Undergraduate students completing one of our thirteen combined majors through your home school, in collaboration with GPH, should plan to utilize your advisors from both schools:
- Your Home School Advisor for questions related to departmental and school requirements
- Your GPH Major Advisor for questions about global public health requirements such as the experiential learning requirement, GPH course sequencing, study away, etc.
Please email GPH Undergraduate Advising with questions about your minor: gph.undergrad@nyu.edu
College of Arts and Science
Global Public Health/Anthropology
Concentration Course Planning SheetGlobal Public Health/History
Concentration Course Planning SheetGlobal Public Health/Sociology
Concentration Course Planning SheetGlobal Public Health/Sciences
Global Liberal Studies
Rory Meyers College of Nursing
Silver School of Social Work
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development
Global Public Health/Applied Psychology
Concentration Course Planning SheetGlobal Public Health/Communicative Sciences Disorder
Concentration Course Planning SheetGlobal Public Health/Food Studies
Concentration Course Planning SheetGlobal Public Health/Media, Culture, and Communication
Concentration Course Planning SheetGlobal Public Health/Nutrition & Dietetics
Concentration Course Planning Sheet
Public Health Minors
Undergraduate students completing our minor may have questions regarding minor courses that best fit your interests and to how best to sequence them. Feel free to reach-out to your advisor with these questions.
Minor Advisor: Kristin Cutler (kristin.cutler@nyu.edu)
Gallatin and Global Liberal Studies BA-MPH Dual Degree
With the many course options available to you, creating a comprehensive program of study is an exciting process for our Gallatin and Global Liberal Studies BA-MPH dual degree students.
Gallatin: Students may email a GPH advisor at gph.studentaffairs@nyu.edu. When reaching out to the Student Affairs office please include your name n# and which MPH concentration you are interested in. (For questions about Gallatin courses, email Gallatin Sophmore Class Advisor Cameron Williams at cw1375@nyu.edu)
Global Liberal Studies: Students may email a GPH Advisor at gph.studentaffairs@nyu.edu. When reaching out to the Student Affairs office please include your name n# and which MPH concentration you are interested in. (For questions about GLS courses, email GLS Advisor, Jonathon White at jonathon.white@nyu.edu)
Drop-In Hour for Undergraduate Students
The Office of Student Affairs offers drop-in hours Monday through Friday, twice a day and they are an opportunity to engage with our team whenever you have a quick question or your assigned advisor is busy. Stop by and say hello, no appointment needed!
Spring 2025 Schedule
11am - 12pm | 12pm - 1pm | 12pm - 1pm |
| 11am - 12pm |
1pm - 2pm | 1pm - 2pm |
Faculty Mentorship for Graduate Students (MS and MPH)
☛ Log in to NYU Albert
☛ Select Academics on your student page
☛ Your Faculty Mentor and Program Advisor together with your Department Chair/Program Director will be listed there (In some cases the Department Chair/Program Director is also your Faculty Mentor)
Faculty at the School of Global Public Health are very active in varying aspects of public health. Accordingly, this mentoring relationship promises to provide you with opportunities for rich conversation and discussion regarding a wide range of topics - including your future goals.
Your mentor will be already aware that you are assigned to them, so we encourage you to reach out to them and introduce yourself.
Look to your mentor as someone who has life experience that may illuminate for you some strategies to grow and succeed as a public health practitioner and researcher. You are strongly encouraged to meet with your Faculty Mentor at least twice per semester.
The benefits of this relationship are broad and may include for you aspects of personal growth, unique learning opportunities, and expanded networks. Successful mentor/mentee relationships often continue long after the formal commitment ends.
Fall 2024 Tutoring Schedule
Tutoring will be available for the subjects listed below Monday, September 9th through Thursday, December 12th.
➪ Biostatistics
Tutors are available to assist GPH graduate students who are currently enrolled in:
- GPH-GU 2995/5995 Biostatistics
- GPH-GU 2353/3353 Regression I: Linear Regression and Modeling
➪ Epidemiology
Tutors are available to assist GPH graduate students who are currently enrolled in:
- GPH-GU 2106/5106 Epidemiology
- GPH-GU 2450 Intermediate Epidemiology
Writing Support
1- Student Support Center at the School of Professional Students (SPS)
The GPH Office of Student & Alumni Affairs collaborates with NYU’s School of Professional Studies to provide writing support and Peer tutoring to GPH students. Current graduate and doctoral students can receive free one-on-one writing support from qualified Peer Tutors. Writing tutors provide assistance with:
- Composing papers
- Proofreading
- Editing
- Help with grammar
Book an Appointment for Writing Support with SPS
Other ways to book:
Watch this video tutorial for a quick demo
- Log in to the NYU Connect system via NYU Home, and search for the option: SPS Academic Support.
- Select the location and type of appointment you want, click on the "schedule" option,
- Select your desired specifics, and book an appointment.
Need Assistance? Contact the SPS Student Support Center
11 West 42nd Street, 10th Floor, Room #1009
Phone: (212) 992-3208
2 - Writing Center at NYU's Expository Writing Program
Making an Appointment: all Writing Center sessions are 40-45 minutes long. Try to schedule your appointment in advance of the due date for your paper so that you will have ample time to revise after the session.
Schedule an Appointment Online: Washington Square Campus here | Brooklyn Campus here. If you haven’t used the Writing Center before, you will be prompted to register. Then you will be able to log in and make your appointment. You may schedule one appointment per week, up to ten days ahead of time, using our online system. Undergraduate NYU students will have priority, they also reserve sessions each week for graduate students. Please call 212-998-8866 if you have questions.
Walk-in Appointments (Washington Square campus only): All NYU students are eligible for walk-in sessions at the Washington Square campus, even those who have had an appointment earlier in the week. All students who want additional time beyond one session per week should use walk-in sessions. To get a walk-in session, come to the Writing Center and put your name on the waiting list. When a cancellation or no-show occurs, a session becomes available. The waiting list operates on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Washington Square Campus: 411 Lafayette, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10003 | Telephone: 212 998-8866 | Email: writingcenter@nyu.edu | Hours: Monday to Thursday, 10 AM to 8 PM; Friday, 11 AM to 4 PM.
Brooklyn Campus: 5 MetroTech Center, Room 104 | Telephone: 646 997-3299 | Email: expos-brooklyn@nyu.edu | Hours: Monday to Thursday, 10 AM to 6 PM; Friday, 10 AM to 4 PM.
Prepare for the appointment: to get the most out of your appointment (How to Prepare for Your Session & What You Can Expect) visit this page.
Research Support
NYU Library
Whenever conducting research to write a paper, it is important to document all sources. Citations give credibility and authority by showing proof of your research. Citing resources will also avoid plagiarism, by crediting those who provided the research used to create a paper.
The 12-story NYU Bobst Library is the flagship of a 10-library system that provides students with access to the world’s scholarship and serves at the center of the University community’s intellectual life.
As a GPH student you receive help and support with your research for:
- Scoping research questions
- Searching subject databases
- Locating reports, data, or other “gray” literature
- Developing a plan for starting a systematic or other literature review
Hope Lappen is your Life Sciences Librarian from the Department of Science Reference Services, Bobst Library associated with the NYU School of Global Public Health.
Hope provides reference and research services for Public Health students.
Subject Specialist in:
- Public Health
- Environmental Studies
- Life Sciences
- Biology
- Genomics
Students may contact Hope Lappen at hl70@nyu.edu to set up an appointment.
Appointments can be done in-person at Bobst Library or virtually (via Zoom). Instruction sessions for groups can also be arranged.
See below for library resources:
- NYU Library Home Page | Main site from which to link to all NYU journals, articles, databases & books, as well as library services and support
- Guide to Public Health Library Resources | Find public health-related databases, articles, and data at NYU libraries and beyond
- Citing Sources and Citation Management | Find information on how to cite in different styles and links to tools to help you manage your references and cite your sources in papers
- Ask a Question | Contact librarians through email or chat to get answers to specific questions (like: how do I find the full-text of this paper?)
- Library Workshops | View and search all upcoming library workshops on data, software, citation management, and more
- Borrow books and media from NYU Libraries using your NYU ID card, or New School, Cooper Union, or New York School of Interior Design (NYSID) ID card. See Borrowing FAQ’s for more details.
For more information regarding all the services provided by NYU Libraries, visit the comprehensive NYU Elmer Holmes Bobst Library website, call 212 998 2500 or visit 70 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012.
Conference Fund - NYU Student Government Assembly (SGA)
Presenting an academic project, a creative exhibit, and/or a performance at a conference can be a valuable experience that enriches a student’s understanding of a discipline and subsequent professions. The purpose of these grants is to encourage and assist student presentations at academic conferences related to his/her goals by off-setting the cost of registration, travel, and lodging.
There is a limit of one travel award per academic year. The award is not guaranteed, and requests are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. All grant recipients will be asked to present at a colloquium held at the end of each academic year.
Details about applying for the conference fund are available here.
Data Services
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Quantitative Analysis
- Qualitative Analysis
- Surveys
- Finding Data
- Data Management
- Data Visualization
- High Performance Computing (HPC)
See below for library resources:
- Data Service Areas | Find more information on the service areas listed above, including help getting started, recommended software, and training resources
- Data Services Lab in Bobst Library | The lab has 20 computer workstations offering software supporting data research available to NYU students, faculty, and staff
- Software Available in the Lab
- Reserve a Workstation
- Upcoming Data Services Classes | View a calendar of upcoming workshops (or use the list view to search). You can also request a class, if you have a group that’s interested
- Consultations & Help | Make an appointment with a data services consultant or find information about walk-in help
Data Workshops
Note: workshops are added about every two weeks. If you don’t see a workshop or a spot that works for you, check back in a week or so.
➪ Quantitative/Statistical Analysis
- What Statistical Software to Use? - A side-by-side overview of quantitative statistical software packages | LINK
- Introduction to SPSS - An introduction that covers importing, creating and editing datasets in SPSS | LINK
- Data Wrangling in SPSS - Merging, reshaping, and aggregating datasets used in preparing data for analysis | LINK
- Introduction to Stata - Importing, creating and editing data sets and other basics in Stata| LINK
- Data Wrangling in Stata - Manipulating and restructuring data in one or more related data sets and working with loops | LINK
- Introduction to SAS - Importing, creating and editing data sets, and an overview of common statistical procedures | LINK
- Introduction to R - Working with datasets in R, visualizing them, and implementing common statistical procedures | LINK
- Data Wrangling in R - Cleaning and managing data in R, and working with strings, dates, and writing functions | LINK
- Creating Graphics in R - Making charts with base R functions and using the popular ggplot2 package | LINK
- Introduction to MATLAB - An introduction to the MATLAB interface, language, and environment | LINK
- MATLAB: Beyond Basics - A class for experienced MATLAB users that introduces more efficient and optimized coding strategies | LINK
- Introduction to JMP - Create and edit data sets and learn to compute and recode variables in JMP | LINK
- Introduction to Python - A hands-on workshop focused on getting started with writing Python code in order to web-scrape data | LINK
➪ Data Visualization
- Data Visualization with Tableau - An introduction of basic principles of data visualization with Tableau | LINK
- Customizing Tableau Data Visualizations - An expansion of introductory Tableau principles that covers advanced techniques | LINK
- Data Visualization Clinic - A discussion-based session to learn about best practices, tips, and inspirations for creating versatile visualizations | LINK
➪ Data Management
- Python for Harvesting Data on the Web - Obtain data and load it into a suitable "container" for analysis, often via an API, parse API-generated data and manipulate it | LINK
- Data Cleaning and Management Using Python - Parse data in Python, store it in helpful formats, perform transformations typical for mixed string-and-numeric formats | LINK
- Data Cleaning Using Open Refine - Learn an open-source tool for fast clean up of tabular data in preparation for analysis | LINK
- Managing a Personal Research Archive - A workshop designed to help researchers manage their digital research files | LINK
- Introduction to Git and GitHub - Explore concepts of distributed version control and learn basic Git concepts and GitHub workflows | LINK
- Research Management Using the Open Science Framework - Managing, annotating, organizing, archiving, and publishing research data using the Open Science Framework | LINK
- Writing a Data Management Plan for Grant Applications - Learn essential elements of writing a successful data management plan for federal funding agencies such as the NEH, NSF, NIH, NASA, and others | LINK
- Extracting Text Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) - Extract and organize textual and tabular data using the OCR softwares Tesseract and ABBYY FineReader | LINK
- Reproducible Workflows in R - Discover Packrat, R Markdown, and the integration of git with R to enable reproducible research workflows | LINK
- Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks - An introduction to managing and publishing research projects using Jupyter Notebooks | LINK- Finding Data
- Principles of Finding Data - An interactive workshop that encourages inductive reasoning to find data sources | LINK
- Understanding Social Sciences Methods - An overview to the social research methods that are important to discovering and analyzing data in the social sciences | LINK
- Accessing U.S. Census Data - Strategies and resources for finding U.S. Census data and related data products at NYU and beyond | LINK
➪ Qualitative Analysis
- What Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) Software to Use? - A side-by-side overview of software platforms for qualitative data analysis | LINK
- Introduction to Atlas.ti - Start a QDA project from uploading text, classify and code transcripts, and produce analyses | LINK
- Introduction to NVivo - Start a QDA project, classify and code transcripts, and produce analyses with NVivo | LINK
- Introduction to Dedoose - A hands-on overview of qualitative research with Dedoose | LINK
- Network Diagrams in Gephi - An introductory workshop that uses Gephi software to visualize network patterns with text-based research | LINK
- Text as Data in the Humanities - Gather text corpora, clean data, and understand computational software tools for humanities-based analysis | LINK
- Social Media Scraping for Qualitative Research - Learn small-scale web scraping of social media for qualitative analysis by using Ncapture and NVivo | LINK
➪ Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- GIS/Mapping Tools and Services - Learn the definition of GIS, different GIS applications available at NYU, and GIS data sources | LINK
- Introduction to ArcGIS (ArcMap) - Become familiar with ESRI's desktop software and basic GIS concepts | LINK
- Introduction to StoryMaps (ArcGIS Online) - Develop proficiency with ESRI Online products and create narrative StoryMaps | LINK
- Introduction to ArcGIS (ArcMap) - Become familiar with ESRI's desktop software and basic GIS concepts | LINK
- Introduction to QGIS - Discover open-source desktop software (QGIS) for analysis and visualization | LINK
- Data Cleaning for GIS - Develop essential strategies for cleaning data in preparation for visualization and analysis with GIS software | LINK
➪ High Performance Computing
- High Performance Computing at NYU - An overview of High Performance Computing concepts and services | LINK
- Introduction to Unix/Linux and the shell - A hands-on introduction to using the Linux command line interface | LINK
- Using Slurm on Prince cluster - Discover the Slurm Workload Manager on NYU HPC cluster Prince | LINK
- Big Data Tutorial 1: MapReduce - An overview of Hadoop and the various components that are involved in the Hadoop ecosystem | LINK
- Big Data Tutorial 2: Using Hive - A basic understanding of Apache Hive and its usage in the Hadoop ecosystem | LINK
- Big Data Tutorial 3: Intro to Spark - A hands-on session on how to use Apache Spark and step-by-step instructions on how to run Spark jobs | LINK
➪ Survey
- Survey Design with Qualtrics - An introduction to creation, collection, distribution, and analysis of online surveys using Qualtrics | LINK
- Advanced Survey Design with Qualtrics - Implement sophisticated survey logic, embed data, and construct loops to take full advantage of Qualtrics | LINK
The Data Service is located on the 5th Floor, Research Commons of NYU Elmer Holmes Bobst Library at 70 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012. If you have a question, you can email Data Service at data.services@nyu.edu or Get help via the Request Form.
Learn a new Language - Speaking Freely
Speaking Freely offers free sessions in many different languages, including Arabic, Cantonese, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish. When planning your Speaking Freely schedule, please keep in mind that languages may vary each semester.
Speaking Freely is a fun way to gain an introduction to a language, and also improve your language skills if you already have the basics. The sessions emphasize conversational knowledge, learning practical words and phrases you might use when traveling or studying abroad, as well as vocabulary related to various aspects of art, history, and culture.
At least two levels of coaching are offered for most of the languages, and a third is offered in some languages, depending on instructor availability.
- Level 1 is a basic introduction for those who have no experience in the language.
- Level 2 is slightly more advanced, and meant for those who have completed Level 1 or those who have a little experience in the language.
- Level 3 is meant for those who are fairly proficient, and have studied the language for a couple of years or more in high school or college.
Please see the schedule for meeting times and locations.
Consult the FAQs here.
Henry and Moses Center for Students with Disabilities
- Academic Accommodations
- Housing Accommodations
- Exam Accommodations
- Assistive Technology
- Study Away
- Student Portal Tutorials
- Forms
- FAQs
- Contact Info
- NYU Connections ASD Program
Services provided are designed to encourage independence and self-advocacy, backed by a comprehensive system of support. For more information on available accommodations, as well as a link to the online student portal, visit the Moses Center webpage. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to:
- Moses Center Main Office: 726 Broadway 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10003
- Phone: 212-998-4980
- Exam Center: 726 Broadway 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003
- Phone: 212-998-4981