Here's an overview of key resources that can promote excellence in the instructor-student relationship:
Contact the GPH Office of Student Affairs at for any questions and support!
NYU Connect
NYU Connect provides a holistic approach to ensuring student success. Faculty, advisors, students, and student services can find and share information in one place, allowing us to coordinate resources and support across the university so our students thrive during their time at NYU.
NYU Connect is the go-to gateway for...
Students to find answers without having to know who to ask by surfacing the people, resources, and information available to them, automatically.
Administrators to automate, simplify, and improve strategic communication and business processes.
Advisors and student support staff to schedule meetings with students.
Faculty to give timely feedback on student performance, automatically routed to those who can support the student.
All to track and celebrate students’ success.
How NYU Connect Can Help You Support Your Students
Send Kudos to students who should be recognized for their classroom performance, assignments, or extra-curriculars.
Raise a Flag to inform a student’s network, including academic advisor(s), when a student needs support. Below are a list of the types of flags you can raise. Here you can see more informatioin about each of these flags as well as what information the student receives on their end:
Behavioral Concern
Excessive Absences
Financial Guidance Requested
General Concern
In Danger of Failing
Low Grade
Low Participation
Missed Exam
No Response from Student
Other Academic Concern
Receive follow-up communications from advisors and other support providers when a concern has been addressed to ensure your students receive the help they need.
NOTE | The NYU Connect Google Site lists a number of resources for faculty that use the platform; specifically a one-page tip sheet on How to Raise a Flag or Give Kudos in NYU Connect!
Academic Concerns
At various points in the semester, the demands of academic life can sometimes create distress for students. If you encounter a student with serious concerns about his or her academic work or other academic distress, please refer the student to the following resources:
➔ Program Advisors, GPH Office of Student Affairs
- work one-on-one with students to help them address any academic concerns or barriers to their holistic success
- Referrals to campus resources that promote their short- and long-term success
- Finding community and establishing holistic support systems that best support their individualized needs and identities
- Providing guidance to help navigate social, personal, and professional transitions and conversations
- Supporting students to develop study skills and strategies
- Fostering an encouraging and supportive environment to help clarify and reach their educational goals
➔ Tutors, GPH Tutoring Services
Dedicated to giving students the personalized attention they need to help achieve their academic goals in Biostatistics and Epidemiology and more to come.
➔ Writing Support, NYU Writing Center
Welcomes all student from across the NYU community to work collaboratively on their writing, from first to final drafts through an array of workshops, writing groups, and individualized writing conferences with faculty consultants, graduate student consultants, and undergraduate peer tutors.
➔ Research Support, NYU Library
Provides students with access and support with developing a plan for starting a systematic or other literature review, scoping research questions, searching subject databases, locating reports and data.
➔ Data Support, NYU Data Services
Provides workshops, consultations, and software support in Quantitative Analysis, Qualitative Analysis, Surveys, Finding Data, Data Management, Data Visualization, High Performance Computing (HPC).
➔ Student Accessibility, NYU Moses Center
Provides comprehensive services and programs for undergraduate and graduate students with hearing and visual impairments, mobility impairments, learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders, chronic illnesses, and psychological impairments. Moses CSA functions to determine qualified disability status and to assist students in obtaining appropriate accommodations and services.
➔ Career Coaching, NYU Wasserman Center
Provides career development services and programs for students online, on site at nyu gph and at nyu wasserman with resume & cover letter review, job search strategies, mock interviews, career exploration, in-depth career questions, on-campus job search questions, job or internship search, handshake questions, networking tips, interviewing tips and career fair prep.
➔ Wellness Support, NYU Wellness Exchange
Helps students address a their academic issues which are often accompanied by other underlying issues that could be improved, if addressed. They provide also Wellness Workshops (Procrastinations, Time Management, etc.) designed to help students develop new skills that enhance personal, academic, and social well-being.
➔ Incomplete Grade Request, GPH Academic Affairs
Under extraordinary circumstances (such as a medical emergency or family crisis), the temporary grade of “I” (Incomplete), may be recorded for a student who is unable to complete course requirements.
To receive an incomplete grade, the student should make a formal request using the Incomplete Grade Request form. The form serves as a contract between the student & course instructor and must be signed by both parties and submitted to the Director of Registration & Academic Services (Lisa Kroin at
The request will indicate:
- the reason for the incomplete,
- the work to be completed,
- and the final deadline by which the work is to be submitted, to be stipulated by the instructor.
NOTE | 150 days after the end of the semester in which the course was taken, the Incomplete will lapse to an “F”.
Guidance on Student Absences Due to Illness
Excuse short-term absences without requiring a doctor’s note. Our hope is to avoid having students spend effort, time, and (in some cases) money obtaining documentation associated with a doctor’s visit that may be not clinically necessary nor facilitate their recovery. (For this reason, the NYU Student Health Center does not routinely issue doctor’s notes.)
It is reasonable to expect students to notify you if they will not be participating in classes due to illness, but you should not ask students to divulge their private health-related information.
Up to one calendar week’s absence from class due to illness should be excused. You should direct a student experiencing a short-term illness towards any alternative forms of class participation or engagement that you have identified, e.g., reviewing notes or slides posted on NYU Brightspace, getting notes from other students, viewing class recordings (if available), or attending virtual office hours. Please keep in mind, however, that some recovery period may be necessary before the student is able to engage fully with these kinds of course resources.
NOTE | If a student in your class has missed several lectures, had repeated short-term absences, and is unresponsive to your emails; you should raise a flag on the student's NYU Connect Account- which will be automatically routed to their program advisor. How to Raise a Flag or Give Kudos in NYU Connect!
Religious Accommodations in the Classroom
NYU is committed to creating an inclusive environment for community members of all faiths. As part of this commitment, we continually seek ways to support students’ ability to practice their religions without adverse impact on their academic progress.
The existing University Calendar Policy on Religious Holidays affirms the University’s support for students who need reasonable accommodations when they are unable to attend class, meet an assignment deadline, or take a quiz or exam due to religious observance. NYU aims to create an environment where students feel supported and comfortable making requests that are, to many, of a deeply personal nature.
If students need academic accommodations due to religious observance, they are expected to:
- email their instructors – with as much advance notice as possible –
- and kindly explain their request including:
- the date(s) of conflicting religious observance,
- an explanation of obligations,
- the specific accommodation(s) they are requesting (e.g. extension on an assignment due date, an alternative test date, etc.).
- No note or approval is needed.
Exam Proctoring Support
In cases where religious observance necessitates a student missing a scheduled class exam, the Moses Center for Student Accessibility, in collaboration with the Center for Global Spiritual Life, can support with exam proctoring. Once a professor and student have agreed on a new exam date and time, the student should complete the Religious Accommodation- Test Reschedule Form
If any questions arise about applying the policy to specific circumstances or about specific religious traditions, you are encouraged to reach out to the Center for Global Spiritual Life at
Missing Student Protocol
If a student in your class has missed several lectures, had repeated short-term absences, and is unresponsive to your emails. It is important that you notify GPH student affairs/ the student's program advisor right away. Timely intervention can significantly impact student success and overall class dynamics.
To alert the student's program advisor; simply raise the appropriate flag on their NYU Connect. How to Raise a Flag or Give Kudos in NYU Connect!
NOTE | At any point, if a GPH staff member feels that a student is at risk of harming self or others, they should immediately call the Wellness Exchange (212-443-9999) for guidance. If the threat appears imminent, they should call 9-1-1 and then alert NYU Public Safety (212-998-2222) and the Wellness Exchange. If needed, include Title IX Office (
Bullying, Threatening & Other Disruptive Behavior
Note | In any of the following situations below, GPH Office of Student Affairs should also be notified
If the behavior does pose a threat:
- Student is targeted by bullying or other threatening or disruptive behavior and believes that the behavior places them in danger
- Disruptive behavior in the classroom poses a threat to a faculty member
➔ Please contact the NYU Department of Campus Safety or the New York City Police Department.
If the behavior does not pose a threat:
- the faculty member is authorized to ask the student to leave the classroom
- and, where deemed necessary, to call the NYU Department of Campus Safety to assist in the student's removal from the premises.
NYU Department of Campus Safety | (212) 998-2222
NYU Bias Response Line | (212) 998-2277 |
GPH Office of Student Affairs | Andrea Muraca, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
GPH Office of Student Affairs | Angelica Tirro, Director of Student Affairs
Sexual Misconduct
Members of the NYU faculty and staff have obligations under federal and state law that are designated to protect students and others who disclose incidents of sexual misconduct (as well as relationship violence, harassment, sexual exploitation, stalking, and other misconduct).
➔ If you become aware of possible sexual misconduct, such incidents should be reported to NYU's Title IX Coordinator
The Office of Equal Opportunity is available to students, faculty and staff with respect to any questions and concerns about sexual harassment, sexual violence, or other forms of discrimination on the basis of sex. New York University is committed to complying with Title IX and enforcing University policies prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex.
- Mary Signor, Executive Director | | (212) 998-2352
- FAQs for Faculty and Staff Regarding Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Complaints
- NYU Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence and Stalking Policy
Wellness Concerns
According the NYU’s Student Health Center — wellness issues are broadly defined as anything related to day-to-day challenges, but might also include medical issues, academic stress, depression, sexual assault, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, alcohol and other drug dependence, sexually transmitted infections, and eating disorders.
The GPH Office of Student Affairs assists students with a broad spectrum of wellness issues, as well as with leaves of absence, academic performance, school/life balance, housing issues, semester withdrawals, stress management, adjusting to college issues and personal conflicts.
- listen and to provide limited counseling to help students identify what may be troubling them and to develop strategies to cope.
- connects students with NYU’s Counseling and Wellness Services for more extensive individual counseling, and to provide information on low-cost referrals.
The Wellness Exchange is NYU's extensive network of health and mental health resources. If a student is in distress and needs immediate assistance, they should contact the Wellness Exchange Hotline, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students can email the Wellness Exchange or visit a counselor during walk-in hours (no appointment necessary).
➔ If you have questions at any time, or wish to consult about a student, do not hesitate to contact the Wellness Exchange at (212) 443-9999.
➔ If an immediate assessment of a student is necessary, please know that by calling the hotline, a counselor can be dispatched to your classroom to assist you.
➔ In addition, the Student Health Center has an excellent online resource (Helping Someone in Trouble) to assist faculty members in dealing with an NYU student who may be having mental health issues or is in crisis. You can also access this website by logging into NYUHome, and clicking on the "NYU Life" tab.
1. Be alert to signs that a student may be in distress or danger (decline in quality or timeliness of work; repeated unexplained absences or lateness; writings or comments that express despair, rage, or isolation; deterioration in physical appearance or personal hygiene; extreme negative moods, or signs of substance abuse such as alcohol odor or bloodshot eyes).
➔ Inform the GPH Office of Student Affairs. Student Affairs will email or phone the student. The objective is to assess the presenting issue(s) and then recommend next steps.
2. You can talk to the student privately if you notice signs of distress. Express your concern, point out specifically the signs you’ve observed, and ask what’s wrong. Be patient, supportive, and wary of quick dismissals (“It’s nothing, I’m fine.”). You do not have to take on the role of counselor. Usually, listening carefully should make clear whether a problem interferes with a student’s well-being and/or school performance.
➔ Suggest to a student that they make use of GPH Office of Student Affairs or NYU’s Wellness Exchange services on their own. It may help to point out that the Office of Student Affairs can facilitate the initial contact with the Wellness Exchange. You may also want to inform the student that Wellness Exchange services are confidential, free of charge, and do not require that students have health insurance.
GPH Office of Student Affairs | Andrea Muraca, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
GPH Office of Student Affairs | Angelica Tirro, Director of Student Affairs
- GPH Office of Student Affairs | General Alias
- Wellness Exchange | 726 Broadway, 4th floor |
- Hotline: (212) 443-9999 (available 24/7) - This number is also listed on the back of any NYU ID Card
Food Insecurity Concerns
College is a time during which individuals emerge into young adulthood with the opportunity to create their own habits. Dietary intake for students is determined by food access, availability and affordability and the food landscape around them. Students in need of emergency assistance
The NYU Courtesy Meals Program is a short-term, emergency resource for students facing an unexpected financial situation and are unable to afford meals or groceries. To request this service, they can simply visit any of the locations listed on the NYU Courtesy Meals webpage and ask to speak with someone about Courtesy Meals or email
More Food Insecurity Resources are shared on the NYU Student Affairs webpage here.
Immigration Concerns
International students in F-1 and J-1 status face added barriers in getting to the US, as well as strict requirements they must meet in order to study and work in the US.
They minimally must adhere to these legal requirements for the duration of their studies at NYU.
The NYU Office of Global Services (OGS) provides the most current and accurate information regarding U.S. government regulations governing immigration issues and visas. In liaison with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, NYU’s Office for Global Services (OGS) coordinates services for F-1 and J-1 international students (Newly Admitted Students, Current Students, Alumni) including information related to I-20s, visa applications, employment, and tax status.
CPT: Approved by the GPH Office of Practice (Dr. Faber)
OPT: Approved by GPH Student Affairs (Andrea Muraca)
Other students facing immigration concerns such as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Temporary Protected Status (TPS), Asylum and more.
The NYU Immigrant Immigrant Defense Initiative (IDI) serves the immigration-related legal needs of NYU students and employees, and their immediate family members. IDI provides free, confidential legal consultations and representation before immigration court and agencies.
IDI serves:
- NYU students at all schools and graduate levels
- NYU employees (including faculty, staff and contract-based employees)
- and the immediate family members of the above (parents, siblings and spouses)
If you have any questions, you can contact the NYU Immigrant Defense Initiative at or 212-998-6640.
NYU Office of Global Services | Cindy B, OGS International Student Advisor
NYU Office of Global Services | Jennifer Ready, Assistant Director, Inbound Advising
GPH Office of Student Affairs | Andrea Muraca, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
Office of Global Services (OGS) | 212-998-4720 |