Below is some important information, dates and deadlines that you should be aware of for the coming semester. We have broken the information down into three categories: Academic Affairs; Technology Enhancement, and Student Affairs. Please read through it carefully:
Teaching assignments may be found on the schedules below:
The Spring 2025 academic calendar may be found here. Please note the following important updates and plan your syllabus accordingly:
- there are no classes held on Monday, January 20th due to Martin Luther King Day;
- the first day of Fall classes is Tuesday, January 21st;
- the deadline for students to add or drop a half-semester class meeting in the first half of the semester Monday, January 27th;
- the deadline for students to add or drop a full-semester class is Monday, February 3rd;
- there are no classes held on Monday, February 17th due to President's Day;
- classes will meet according to a Monday schedule on Tuesday, February 18th due to Legislative Monday*;
- the deadline for students to add or drop a half-semester class meeting in the second half of the semester Monday, March 18th;
- there are no classes held on Monday, March 24th - Friday, March 28th due to Spring Break;
- the last day of classes is Tuesday, May 6th;
- no classes or exams may be held on Reading Day which is Wednesday, May 7th;
- Final exams will be held on Thursday, May 8th - Wednesday, May 14th;
- Thursday, May 15th is Commencement
* Legislative Days are used to make up for any lost days due to holidays or when the semester begins or ends. If you teach on a Monday, your class will meet on Tuesday, February 18th; if you teach on a Tuesday, your class will NOT meet this week.
Course Assistant information, including eligibility, guidelines, payment, and contact information may on this document; please note that the policy and process for requesting CAs and TAs has been updated, so please read through it carefully. Please note that only doctoral students are eligible for TA positions. For questions, please reach out to
Syllabus materials, including the most recent GPH syllabus template, guidelines to syllabus preparation and checklist, may be found on the our Teaching Resources page. Please make sure all components of your syllabus are included. Making sure your syllabus is accurate will prevent having to do revisions!
Syllabus submission deadline: Kindly send your final syllabus to Sydney Veneboer ( no later than Thursday, January 16th.
Midterm and Final Course Feedback (a.k.a course evaluations) are completed online, and both students and faculty will be notified before each evaluation period opens. Evaluations serve a critical role as we strive for continuous quality improvement in teaching and in student performance. They are anonymous and results of the evaluations will be viewable to the respective instructor. The program directors, chairs, and Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs will review the final evaluations to assure that high quality courses are being delivered. Midterm evaluations provide an opportunity for adjustments based on student feedback. The final evaluations also serve as a record of teaching effectiveness. Courses that are fewer than 12 weeks in length only receive a final evaluation.
Grade Rosters are required at two points during the semester. Midterm grade rosters are requested for all full-term courses during the 7th week of the semester and ask that faculty report on the progress of students thus far in the semester. Final grade rosters will open after the last session of the course. Final grades are due no later than 72 hours of the scheduled final exam. However, if it's not possible to submit grades by then, you must let your students know when they should expect their grades. Keep in mind that some students are graduating, so it's important that you adhere to the deadline of submitting your grades no later than 72 hours after the scheduled final exam.
Resources to support and enhance teaching instructor excellence. This was put together by our Student Affairs team and we strongly recommend looking it through it as it has a lot of helpful information
NYU’s policy on religious holidays may be found here.
Public Safety is available 24/7 in case of an emergency at 212-998-2222.
New faculty and adjuncts: Getting started: Before you can activate your class in Brightspace, you will need your NYU Net ID and N# (University ID), which will be emailed, along with instructions on how to set your NYU email account, as soon as you are loaded into the system. If you will be teaching in person or using any NYU facilities this semester, you'll need to obtain your NYU ID card. Please follow the instructions here. Books may be ordered either through the NYU Bookstore, by creating an account on their website or you may also ask your students to order the materials from an online book supplier.
Here’s what you can do to get ready:
1. Find your Course - All Spring 2025 course shells have already been created for you. If you are teaching this Spring, you will find your course shell under My Courses at
2. Make sure your course site is active, You can see your current site's active/inactive status on the homepage, along with instructions on how to make it active (visible to students). Read more in NYU Brightspace: Activate and deactivate a course offering.
3. Get Training:
- Sign up for a consultation or workshop from the NYU Digital Studio Consultation Services.
- Enroll in a self-paced training
- Email us at with specific questions or issues you are having.
IMPORTANT UPDATE - Classroom Technology for In-person Instruction:
- For most general assignment classrooms, you will need to bring and use a personal laptop to connect to the Zoom Box (processor), flat panel or projector, to display content such as a power point presentation and/or launch a zoom session.
- Detailed information can be found here.
- Please do not use the installed AV equipment in classrooms. This equipment is disabled and not functional.
- You can find your classroom here to see what type of equipment your room will have.
Learn to use the new classroom tech for presentations and recording:
Bookmark this page for instructional tips and video tutorials, and save this PDF which offers step-by-step instructions you can download or print for teaching in NYU Zoom classrooms.
Feel free to reach out to the Technology Enhanced Education team with any concerns or questions (
Our Office of Student Affairs (OSA) has put together a wealth of valuable information on the OSA section of the Brightspace Resources for GPH Faculty site.
For further Assistance: If you need assistance for a student needing additional resources please contact If you need assistance from the technology enhanced education team please reach out to For questions regarding course policies, procedures, etc., please contact