Join the GPH Public Health Alumni Network

Join the NYU GPH Public Health Alumni Network

As a public health alumni of New York University, the School of Global Public Health wants to welcome you to our GPH Public Health Alumni Network community!

The GPH Public Health Alumni Network is a professional network of alumni from graduates from NYU’s Public Health and Bioethics programs. The goal of the Network is to foster community among NYU alumni through annual events and strengthen the professional network by highlighting public health career opportunities around the world.
We invite you to ‘opt-in’ to the network - to do so please complete this form.
2. If you are working in the field of public health, would you allow us to tell your story in a GPH Dean’s newsletter?
3. Would you like to receive quarterly updates from the GPH Office of Alumni Affairs?
4. Would you like to receive updates about alumni events, including the NYU alumni week?
5. Do you attend annual public health association meetings/conferences such as APHA, ASPPH or CUGH?
6. Please indicate the activities you would be interested in participating in as a member of the GPH Alumni Network: