Emmanuel Peprah

Emmanuel Peprah
Associate Professor of Global and Environmental Health
Professional overview
Dr. Emmanuel Peprah’s research interests lie at the confluence of understanding what, why, and how some evidence-based interventions work in some populations and not others. The programattic focus of his research is understanding the contextual factors that influence the burden of co-morbidity in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH), with a particular focus on cardiovascular disease risk factors and mental health. As the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) continues to increase, there is an opportunity to integrate NCD management into HIV care with implemention strategies that leverage the global infrasturcture designed to improve care delivery for PLWH. Dr. Peprah has built collaborations with multidisciplinary teams of investigators, both nationally and internationally, to address the high burden of comorbidity in PLWH globally. He is also the founder of the Baakoye Foundation, a nonprofit philanthropic organization dedicated to serving people in sub-Saharan Africa, and co-founder of the Washington Leaders Index (WLI), which aims to empower the next generation of emerging leaders through active, innovative, and inclusive leadership programs. Both nonprofit organizations serve the needs of children and people globally within the domains of education and health.
Before joining GPH, Dr. Peprah was a senior program official at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), where he worked with senior leadership to oversee strategic planning, initiative development, and implementation of research priorities in the areas of translational research, implementation science, and global health. He led and managed HIV/AIDS programs and a $10 million portfolio as part of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine Program. He was instrumental in launching the Human, Heredity, and Health in Africa (H3Africa) Initiative, a multimillion trans-NIH program, and served on its executive board. Dr. Peprah has received several awards for strategic planning, management, and implementation of large-scale NIH programs.
BS, Biology, Texas A&M University, Commerce, TXPhD, Molecular Biology & Biomedical Science, Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN
Honors and awards
NIH Director’s Award for Leadership H3Africa Stage II Team: For exceptional leadership and dedication in implementing Stage II of the Human Heredity and Health in Africa program (2018)NHLBI’s Director's for Outstanding Service (2018)NHLBI’s Director's for Outstanding Service Partnership/Collaboration Award for bringing multiple disciplines together to understand HIV-related co-morbidities and prepare for the challenges presented by the complex conditions of the new HIV era (2018)NHLBI’s Director's for Outstanding Translational Science Award for demonstrating exemplary leadership and service in advancing translation research (2017)Federal Service Career Promotion (2016)NHLBI’s Director's for Outstanding Translational Science Award as part of the Center for Translational Research and Implementation Science (CTRIS) Leadership Team for demonstrating exemplary leadership and service in advancing CTRIS’s translation (2016)NHLBI’s Director's for Breath of Fresh Air (Innovation) award for exemplary work evaluating NHLBI’s support for multi-project research grants and proposing creative and innovative enhancements to the NHLBI’s program project grants (PPG) (2016)NHLBI’s Director's for Learning Environment Award for fostering a learning environment through effective administration, knowledge sharing, and thoughtful implementation of the NHLBI R35 Program (2016)NHLBI’s Director's for Partnership/Collaboration in recognition of outstanding collaborative efforts in developing a conceptual framework for the NHLBI R35 program to provide greater funding stability and flexibility to investigators (2015)NIH Director's Common Fund Leadership Award for the NIH Common Fund Early Independence Award Program (2013)NIH Director's Award as a member of the Common Fund Global Health Leadership Team for outstanding service in the coordination of the Common Fund Global Health Initiatives (2012)Certificate of Appreciation for Invited Presenter, NIH Seminar Series, STEM Careers (2012)Certificate of Appreciation for Invited Presenter, Washington Mathematics Science Technology Public Charter High School, Washington, DC (2012)Leadership Award, Postdoctoral Fellows Research Symposium Committee, Emory University, Atlanta, GA (2008)
Areas of research and study
Dissemination and Implementation of Evidence-based ProgramsHIV/AIDSImplementation scienceInter-organizational NetworksTranslational science
An implementation trial to mAnage siCkle CELl disEase through incReased AdopTion of hydroxyurEa in Nigeria (ACCELERATE): Study protocol
Peprah, E., Gyamfi, J., Patena, J., Kayalioglu, H., Hameed, T., Ogedegbe, G., Do, H., Ojji, D., Adenikinju, D., Oba, T. A., Nwegbu, M., Isa, H., Shedul, G., Sopekan, A. Y., & Nnodu, O. E. (n.d.).Publication year
2025Journal title
PloS oneVolume
1AbstractBackground Despite the proven efficacy of evidence-based healthcare interventions in reducing adverse outcomes and mortality associated with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), a vast majority of affected individuals in Africa remain deprived of such care. Hydroxyurea (HU) utilization among SCD patients in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) stands at less than 1%, while in Nigeria, approximately 13% of patients benefit from HU therapy. To enhance HU utilization, targeted implementation strategies addressing provider-level barriers are imperative. Existing evidence underscores the significance of addressing barriers such as inadequate healthcare worker training to improve HU adoption. The ACCELERATE study aims to evaluate the adoption of HU among providers through the Screen, Initiate, and Maintain (SIM) intervention, facilitated by healthcare worker training, clinical reminders, and task-sharing strategies, thereby enhancing patient-level SCD management in Nigeria. Methods This study will implement the SIM intervention, encompassing patient screening, initiation of HU treatment, and maintenance of dosage, which will be implemented via the TAsk-Strengthening Strategy for Hemoglobinopathies (TASSH TCP), derived from our team’s TAsk-Strengthening Strategy for Hypertension control (TASSH) trials. Employing a sequential exploratory mixed-methods approach within the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, and Sustainment (EPIS) framework, this study will assess SIM adoption by providers in Nigeria. The primary outcome is the rate of SIM adoption at clinical sites at 12 months, with secondary outcomes including sustainability/maintenance of SIM intervention and implementation fidelity. Discussion This study’s findings will offer crucial insights into effective SCD management strategies, leveraging existing SCD clinical networks and resources in Nigeria to enhance HU adoption among providers in a scalable and sustainable manner. Additionally, the study will inform best practices for implementing HU therapy in resource-constrained settings, benefiting healthcare providers, policymakers, and stakeholders invested in improving SCD care delivery.Acceptability, barriers and facilitators of using dried blood spots-point-of-care testing for sickle cell disease in Africa: an implementation science protocol for a multinational qualitative study
Failed generating bibliography.AbstractPublication year
2024Journal title
BMJ openVolume
11AbstractBackground Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a prevalent inherited blood disorder. Globally, approximately 515 000 babies are born with SCD annually, with 75% of these births occurring in Africa. Integrating newborn screening (NBS) for SCD into primary healthcare structures, such as immunisation programmes, holds significant promise, with dried blood spots (DBS)-point-of-care technologies (POCT) like HaemoTypeSC offering cost-effective screening solutions. However, scaling up DBS-POCT for NBS of SCD in Africa remains challenging. Objective This study aims to explore individual, organisational and external factors that may influence the reliability, feasibility, acceptability, adoption and sustainability of using DBS-POCT with HaemoTypeSC for NBS of SCD at primary healthcare centres in African countries. Method This qualitative study will be conducted in seven African countries that are part of the SickleInAfrica consortium sites. The study design is informed by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) and the Implementation Outcome Model. Participants will be mothers whose babies have been diagnosed with SCD, healthcare professionals and policy-makers. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions will be used for data collection. Data analysis will be through thematic analysis. Ethics and dissemination Research ethics approvals have been obtained from the seven countries. Written informed consent will be obtained from all participants. The study results will be disseminated in peer-reviewed scientific journals, scientific conferences, reports to national ministries of public health and webinars.Assessment of musical interventions and its effect on blood pressure among United States populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Meda, S., Gyamfi, J., Patel, K., Islam, F., Vieira, D., Nyame, S., Ruan, C., Boradia, K., Chhetri, H., Thunga, S., Adenikinju, D., Amesimeku, E., Diawara, A., Opeyemi, J., Ojo, T., Chirinos, C., Williams, O., Ogedegbe, O., & Peprah, E. (n.d.).Publication year
2024Journal title
Frontiers in Cardiovascular MedicineVolume
11AbstractBackground: Hypertension (HTN) currently affects over 120 million Americans, in the United States (US). Thus, the implementation of evidence-based interventions (EBI) for blood pressure (BP) reduction is pivotal in minimizing this burden. We sought to evaluate evidence from published literature on the effectiveness of musical interventions for BP reduction within the US. Methods: A systematic review of studies that utilize music interventions to manage BP was conducted in October of 2022. An extensive search of several databases utilizing MeSH terms and relevant keywords was conducted for articles published through October 2022. An updated search was conducted in October 2023 to identify additional studies. Results: 2,381 studies were screened for title/abstract relevancy. 1,885 studies were deemed irrelevant, and 495 studies were examined for full-text review; of which 384 were excluded due to being non-US-based. Overall, 25 studies were found where BP was the primary outcome and discussed musical interventions within the US. Of the 25 studies, 72% reported a significant decrease in BP after the administration of a musical intervention and only 28% reported the race and ethnicity of participants. Conclusion: There are limited studies that examine the effect of music interventions on BP reduction in the US, as a primary outcome. However, based on the evidence, musical interventions are effective for BP reduction. Moreover, the studies that were conducted in the US include a low percentage of high-risk racial and ethnic minority populations. Future EBI should target this underserved/high-burden group to improve disparity gaps within BP reduction via non-pharmacological means. Systematic Review Registration: Open Science Framework, doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/4G3EB.Burden of disease scenarios by state in the USA, 2022–50: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
Failed generating bibliography.AbstractPublication year
2024Journal title
The LancetVolume
2341-2370AbstractBackground: The capacity to anticipate future health issues is important for both policy makers and practitioners in the USA, as such insights can facilitate effective planning, investment, and implementation strategies. Forecasting trends in disease and injury burden is not only crucial for policy makers but also garners substantial interest from the general populace and leads to a better-informed public. Through the integration of new data sources, the refinement of methodologies, and the inclusion of additional causes, we have improved our previous forecasting efforts within the scope of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) to produce forecasts at the state and national levels for the USA under various possible scenarios. Methods: We developed a comprehensive framework for forecasting life expectancy, healthy life expectancy (HALE), cause-specific mortality, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) due to 359 causes of disease and injury burden from 2022 to 2050 for the USA and all 50 states and Washington, DC. Using the GBD 2021 Future Health Scenarios modelling framework, we forecasted drivers of disease, demographic drivers, risk factors, temperature and particulate matter, mortality and years of life lost (YLL), population, and non-fatal burden. In addition to a reference scenario (representing the most probable future trajectory), we explored various future scenarios and their potential impacts over the next several decades on human health. These alternative scenarios comprised four risk elimination scenarios (including safer environment, improved behavioural and metabolic risks, improved childhood nutrition and vaccination, and a combined scenario) and three USA-specific scenarios based on risk exposure or attributable burden in the best-performing US states (improved high adult BMI and high fasting plasma glucose [FPG], improved smoking, and improved drug use [encompassing opioids, cocaine, amphetamine, and others]). Findings: Life expectancy in the USA is projected to increase from 78·3 years (95% uncertainty interval 78·1–78·5) in 2022 to 79·9 years (79·5–80·2) in 2035, and to 80·4 years (79·8–81·0) in 2050 for all sexes combined. This increase is forecasted to be modest compared with that in other countries around the world, resulting in the USA declining in global rank over the 2022–50 forecasted period among the 204 countries and territories in GBD, from 49th to 66th. There is projected to be a decline in female life expectancy in West Virginia between 1990 and 2050, and little change in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Additionally, after 2023, we projected almost no change in female life expectancy in many states, notably in Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Iowa, Maine, and Wisconsin. Female HALE is projected to decline between 1990 and 2050 in 20 states and to remain unchanged in three others. Drug use disorders and low back pain are projected to be the leading Level 3 causes of age-standardised DALYs in 2050. The age-standardised DALY rate due to drug use disorders is projected to increase considerably between 2022 and 2050 (19·5% [6·9–34·1]). Our combined risk elimination scenario shows that the USA could gain 3·8 additional years (3·6–4·0) of life expectancy and 4·1 additional years (3·9–4·3) of HALE in 2050 versus the reference scenario. Using our USA-specific scenarios, we forecasted that the USA could gain 0·4 additional years (0·3–0·6) of life expectancy and 0·6 additional years (0·5–0·8) of HALE in 2050 under the improved drug use scenario relative to the reference scenario. Life expectancy and HALE are likewise projected to be 0·4–0·5 years higher in 2050 under the improved adult BMI and FPG and improved smoking scenarios compared with the reference scenario. However, the increases in these scenarios would not substantially improve the USA's global ranking in 2050 (from 66th of 204 in life expectancy in the reference scenario to 63rd–64th in each of the three USA-specific scenarios), indicating that the USA's best-performing states are still lagging behind other countries in their rank throughout the forecasted period. Regardless, an estimated 12·4 million (11·3–13·5) deaths could be averted between 2022 and 2050 if the USA were to follow the combined scenario trajectory rather than the reference scenario. There would also be 1·4 million (0·7–2·2) fewer deaths over the 28-year forecasted period with improved adult BMI and FPG, 2·1 million (1·3–2·9) fewer deaths with improved exposure to smoking, and 1·2 million (0·9–1·5) fewer deaths with lower rates of drug use deaths. Interpretation: Our findings highlight the alarming trajectory of health challenges in the USA, which, if left unaddressed, could lead to a reversal of the health progress made over the past three decades for some US states and a decline in global health standing for all states. The evidence from our alternative scenarios along with other published studies suggests that through collaborative, evidence-based strategies, there are opportunities to change the trajectory of health outcomes in the USA, such as by investing in scientific innovation, health-care access, preventive health care, risk exposure reduction, and education. Our forecasts clearly show that the time to act is now, as the future of the country's health and wellbeing—as well as its prosperity and leadership position in science and innovation—are at stake. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Exploring the associations of tobacco smoking and serum cotinine levels with selected inflammatory markers in adults with HIV in South Africa
Peer, N., Nguyen, K. A., Peprah, E., Xu, H., Matsha, T. E., Chegou, N. N., & Kengne, A. P. (n.d.).Publication year
2024Journal title
Scientific reportsVolume
1AbstractThis study examined the associations between tobacco smoking and serum cotinine levels, an objective biochemical measure of tobacco smoke exposure, with markers of inflammation, i.e., interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), interleukin 10 (IL-10), interleukin 2 (IL-2) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in people living with HIV (PLWH).These specific markers were selected because of their hypothesised associations with smoking, PLWH and their outcomes. In a random sample of ≥ 18-year-old PLWH receiving care at 17 public healthcare facilities across the Western Cape Province in South Africa, data collection included self-reported smoking history, and serum levels of cotinine and selected inflammatory markers. The inflammatory marker data were log transformed because of the skewedness of their distribution. Linear regression models (1) adjusted for age and gender, and (2) fully adjusted for age, gender, current alcohol use, body mass index and CD4 counts were used to examine the associations between smoking tobacco or serum cotinine and inflammatory markers. Level of significance was p < 0.05. Among 749 PLWH who were mainly women (79%), the mean age was 38.5 (8.9) years and similar when stratified by smoking status. Serum cotinine levels exhibited a striking discrepancy, with a median of 154 ng/mL among current smokers, in stark contrast to the consistent median values of 10 ng/mL observed among past and never smokers. In regression models adjusted for age and gender, current smoking and frequent smoking were associated with lower IL-2 but higher TNF-α. Log-cotinine exhibited associations with IFN-γ, IL-10, and TNF-α, while cotinine levels ≥ 10 ng/mL compared to < 10 ng/mL were associated with higher IFN-γ and TNF-α. In fully adjusted models, log-cotinine and cotinine levels ≥ 10 ng/mL displayed significant associations with higher IFN-γ and lower IL-2. This study underscores the importance of investigating the interplay between smoking tobacco or serum cotinine levels with pro-inflammatory cytokines in PLWH. It signals the need for comprehensive research to unravel the potential synergistic impacts of smoking tobacco and HIV infection on chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation, shedding light on critical avenues for intervention and management strategies.Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
Failed generating bibliography.AbstractPublication year
2024Journal title
The LancetVolume
1989-2056AbstractBackground: Estimates of demographic metrics are crucial to assess levels and trends of population health outcomes. The profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on populations worldwide has underscored the need for timely estimates to understand this unprecedented event within the context of long-term population health trends. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2021 provides new demographic estimates for 204 countries and territories and 811 additional subnational locations from 1950 to 2021, with a particular emphasis on changes in mortality and life expectancy that occurred during the 2020–21 COVID-19 pandemic period. Methods: 22 223 data sources from vital registration, sample registration, surveys, censuses, and other sources were used to estimate mortality, with a subset of these sources used exclusively to estimate excess mortality due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2026 data sources were used for population estimation. Additional sources were used to estimate migration; the effects of the HIV epidemic; and demographic discontinuities due to conflicts, famines, natural disasters, and pandemics, which are used as inputs for estimating mortality and population. Spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression (ST-GPR) was used to generate under-5 mortality rates, which synthesised 30 763 location-years of vital registration and sample registration data, 1365 surveys and censuses, and 80 other sources. ST-GPR was also used to estimate adult mortality (between ages 15 and 59 years) based on information from 31 642 location-years of vital registration and sample registration data, 355 surveys and censuses, and 24 other sources. Estimates of child and adult mortality rates were then used to generate life tables with a relational model life table system. For countries with large HIV epidemics, life tables were adjusted using independent estimates of HIV-specific mortality generated via an epidemiological analysis of HIV prevalence surveys, antenatal clinic serosurveillance, and other data sources. Excess mortality due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 was determined by subtracting observed all-cause mortality (adjusted for late registration and mortality anomalies) from the mortality expected in the absence of the pandemic. Expected mortality was calculated based on historical trends using an ensemble of models. In location-years where all-cause mortality data were unavailable, we estimated excess mortality rates using a regression model with covariates pertaining to the pandemic. Population size was computed using a Bayesian hierarchical cohort component model. Life expectancy was calculated using age-specific mortality rates and standard demographic methods. Uncertainty intervals (UIs) were calculated for every metric using the 25th and 975th ordered values from a 1000-draw posterior distribution. Findings: Global all-cause mortality followed two distinct patterns over the study period: age-standardised mortality rates declined between 1950 and 2019 (a 62·8% [95% UI 60·5–65·1] decline), and increased during the COVID-19 pandemic period (2020–21; 5·1% [0·9–9·6] increase). In contrast with the overall reverse in mortality trends during the pandemic period, child mortality continued to decline, with 4·66 million (3·98–5·50) global deaths in children younger than 5 years in 2021 compared with 5·21 million (4·50–6·01) in 2019. An estimated 131 million (126–137) people died globally from all causes in 2020 and 2021 combined, of which 15·9 million (14·7–17·2) were due to the COVID-19 pandemic (measured by excess mortality, which includes deaths directly due to SARS-CoV-2 infection and those indirectly due to other social, economic, or behavioural changes associated with the pandemic). Excess mortality rates exceeded 150 deaths per 100 000 population during at least one year of the pandemic in 80 countries and territories, whereas 20 nations had a negative excess mortality rate in 2020 or 2021, indicating that all-cause mortality in these countries was lower during the pandemic than expected based on historical trends. Between 1950 and 2021, global life expectancy at birth increased by 22·7 years (20·8–24·8), from 49·0 years (46·7–51·3) to 71·7 years (70·9–72·5). Global life expectancy at birth declined by 1·6 years (1·0–2·2) between 2019 and 2021, reversing historical trends. An increase in life expectancy was only observed in 32 (15·7%) of 204 countries and territories between 2019 and 2021. The global population reached 7·89 billion (7·67–8·13) people in 2021, by which time 56 of 204 countries and territories had peaked and subsequently populations have declined. The largest proportion of population growth between 2020 and 2021 was in sub-Saharan Africa (39·5% [28·4–52·7]) and south Asia (26·3% [9·0–44·7]). From 2000 to 2021, the ratio of the population aged 65 years and older to the population aged younger than 15 years increased in 188 (92·2%) of 204 nations. Interpretation: Global adult mortality rates markedly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, reversing past decreasing trends, while child mortality rates continued to decline, albeit more slowly than in earlier years. Although COVID-19 had a substantial impact on many demographic indicators during the first 2 years of the pandemic, overall global health progress over the 72 years evaluated has been profound, with considerable improvements in mortality and life expectancy. Additionally, we observed a deceleration of global population growth since 2017, despite steady or increasing growth in lower-income countries, combined with a continued global shift of population age structures towards older ages. These demographic changes will likely present future challenges to health systems, economies, and societies. The comprehensive demographic estimates reported here will enable researchers, policy makers, health practitioners, and other key stakeholders to better understand and address the profound changes that have occurred in the global health landscape following the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, and longer-term trends beyond the pandemic. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
Failed generating bibliography.AbstractPublication year
2024Journal title
The LancetVolume
2162-2203AbstractBackground: Understanding the health consequences associated with exposure to risk factors is necessary to inform public health policy and practice. To systematically quantify the contributions of risk factor exposures to specific health outcomes, the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2021 aims to provide comprehensive estimates of exposure levels, relative health risks, and attributable burden of disease for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, from 1990 to 2021. Methods: The GBD 2021 risk factor analysis used data from 54 561 total distinct sources to produce epidemiological estimates for 88 risk factors and their associated health outcomes for a total of 631 risk–outcome pairs. Pairs were included on the basis of data-driven determination of a risk–outcome association. Age-sex-location-year-specific estimates were generated at global, regional, and national levels. Our approach followed the comparative risk assessment framework predicated on a causal web of hierarchically organised, potentially combinative, modifiable risks. Relative risks (RRs) of a given outcome occurring as a function of risk factor exposure were estimated separately for each risk–outcome pair, and summary exposure values (SEVs), representing risk-weighted exposure prevalence, and theoretical minimum risk exposure levels (TMRELs) were estimated for each risk factor. These estimates were used to calculate the population attributable fraction (PAF; ie, the proportional change in health risk that would occur if exposure to a risk factor were reduced to the TMREL). The product of PAFs and disease burden associated with a given outcome, measured in disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), yielded measures of attributable burden (ie, the proportion of total disease burden attributable to a particular risk factor or combination of risk factors). Adjustments for mediation were applied to account for relationships involving risk factors that act indirectly on outcomes via intermediate risks. Attributable burden estimates were stratified by Socio-demographic Index (SDI) quintile and presented as counts, age-standardised rates, and rankings. To complement estimates of RR and attributable burden, newly developed burden of proof risk function (BPRF) methods were applied to yield supplementary, conservative interpretations of risk–outcome associations based on the consistency of underlying evidence, accounting for unexplained heterogeneity between input data from different studies. Estimates reported represent the mean value across 500 draws from the estimate's distribution, with 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) calculated as the 2·5th and 97·5th percentile values across the draws. Findings: Among the specific risk factors analysed for this study, particulate matter air pollution was the leading contributor to the global disease burden in 2021, contributing 8·0% (95% UI 6·7–9·4) of total DALYs, followed by high systolic blood pressure (SBP; 7·8% [6·4–9·2]), smoking (5·7% [4·7–6·8]), low birthweight and short gestation (5·6% [4·8–6·3]), and high fasting plasma glucose (FPG; 5·4% [4·8–6·0]). For younger demographics (ie, those aged 0–4 years and 5–14 years), risks such as low birthweight and short gestation and unsafe water, sanitation, and handwashing (WaSH) were among the leading risk factors, while for older age groups, metabolic risks such as high SBP, high body-mass index (BMI), high FPG, and high LDL cholesterol had a greater impact. From 2000 to 2021, there was an observable shift in global health challenges, marked by a decline in the number of all-age DALYs broadly attributable to behavioural risks (decrease of 20·7% [13·9–27·7]) and environmental and occupational risks (decrease of 22·0% [15·5–28·8]), coupled with a 49·4% (42·3–56·9) increase in DALYs attributable to metabolic risks, all reflecting ageing populations and changing lifestyles on a global scale. Age-standardised global DALY rates attributable to high BMI and high FPG rose considerably (15·7% [9·9–21·7] for high BMI and 7·9% [3·3–12·9] for high FPG) over this period, with exposure to these risks increasing annually at rates of 1·8% (1·6–1·9) for high BMI and 1·3% (1·1–1·5) for high FPG. By contrast, the global risk-attributable burden and exposure to many other risk factors declined, notably for risks such as child growth failure and unsafe water source, with age-standardised attributable DALYs decreasing by 71·5% (64·4–78·8) for child growth failure and 66·3% (60·2–72·0) for unsafe water source. We separated risk factors into three groups according to trajectory over time: those with a decreasing attributable burden, due largely to declining risk exposure (eg, diet high in trans-fat and household air pollution) but also to proportionally smaller child and youth populations (eg, child and maternal malnutrition); those for which the burden increased moderately in spite of declining risk exposure, due largely to population ageing (eg, smoking); and those for which the burden increased considerably due to both increasing risk exposure and population ageing (eg, ambient particulate matter air pollution, high BMI, high FPG, and high SBP). Interpretation: Substantial progress has been made in reducing the global disease burden attributable to a range of risk factors, particularly those related to maternal and child health, WaSH, and household air pollution. Maintaining efforts to minimise the impact of these risk factors, especially in low SDI locations, is necessary to sustain progress. Successes in moderating the smoking-related burden by reducing risk exposure highlight the need to advance policies that reduce exposure to other leading risk factors such as ambient particulate matter air pollution and high SBP. Troubling increases in high FPG, high BMI, and other risk factors related to obesity and metabolic syndrome indicate an urgent need to identify and implement interventions. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
Failed generating bibliography.AbstractPublication year
2024Journal title
The LancetVolume
2100-2132AbstractBackground: Regular, detailed reporting on population health by underlying cause of death is fundamental for public health decision making. Cause-specific estimates of mortality and the subsequent effects on life expectancy worldwide are valuable metrics to gauge progress in reducing mortality rates. These estimates are particularly important following large-scale mortality spikes, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. When systematically analysed, mortality rates and life expectancy allow comparisons of the consequences of causes of death globally and over time, providing a nuanced understanding of the effect of these causes on global populations. Methods: The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2021 cause-of-death analysis estimated mortality and years of life lost (YLLs) from 288 causes of death by age-sex-location-year in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations for each year from 1990 until 2021. The analysis used 56 604 data sources, including data from vital registration and verbal autopsy as well as surveys, censuses, surveillance systems, and cancer registries, among others. As with previous GBD rounds, cause-specific death rates for most causes were estimated using the Cause of Death Ensemble model—a modelling tool developed for GBD to assess the out-of-sample predictive validity of different statistical models and covariate permutations and combine those results to produce cause-specific mortality estimates—with alternative strategies adapted to model causes with insufficient data, substantial changes in reporting over the study period, or unusual epidemiology. YLLs were computed as the product of the number of deaths for each cause-age-sex-location-year and the standard life expectancy at each age. As part of the modelling process, uncertainty intervals (UIs) were generated using the 2·5th and 97·5th percentiles from a 1000-draw distribution for each metric. We decomposed life expectancy by cause of death, location, and year to show cause-specific effects on life expectancy from 1990 to 2021. We also used the coefficient of variation and the fraction of population affected by 90% of deaths to highlight concentrations of mortality. Findings are reported in counts and age-standardised rates. Methodological improvements for cause-of-death estimates in GBD 2021 include the expansion of under-5-years age group to include four new age groups, enhanced methods to account for stochastic variation of sparse data, and the inclusion of COVID-19 and other pandemic-related mortality—which includes excess mortality associated with the pandemic, excluding COVID-19, lower respiratory infections, measles, malaria, and pertussis. For this analysis, 199 new country-years of vital registration cause-of-death data, 5 country-years of surveillance data, 21 country-years of verbal autopsy data, and 94 country-years of other data types were added to those used in previous GBD rounds. Findings: The leading causes of age-standardised deaths globally were the same in 2019 as they were in 1990; in descending order, these were, ischaemic heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lower respiratory infections. In 2021, however, COVID-19 replaced stroke as the second-leading age-standardised cause of death, with 94·0 deaths (95% UI 89·2–100·0) per 100 000 population. The COVID-19 pandemic shifted the rankings of the leading five causes, lowering stroke to the third-leading and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to the fourth-leading position. In 2021, the highest age-standardised death rates from COVID-19 occurred in sub-Saharan Africa (271·0 deaths [250·1–290·7] per 100 000 population) and Latin America and the Caribbean (195·4 deaths [182·1–211·4] per 100 000 population). The lowest age-standardised death rates from COVID-19 were in the high-income super-region (48·1 deaths [47·4–48·8] per 100 000 population) and southeast Asia, east Asia, and Oceania (23·2 deaths [16·3–37·2] per 100 000 population). Globally, life expectancy steadily improved between 1990 and 2019 for 18 of the 22 investigated causes. Decomposition of global and regional life expectancy showed the positive effect that reductions in deaths from enteric infections, lower respiratory infections, stroke, and neonatal deaths, among others have contributed to improved survival over the study period. However, a net reduction of 1·6 years occurred in global life expectancy between 2019 and 2021, primarily due to increased death rates from COVID-19 and other pandemic-related mortality. Life expectancy was highly variable between super-regions over the study period, with southeast Asia, east Asia, and Oceania gaining 8·3 years (6·7–9·9) overall, while having the smallest reduction in life expectancy due to COVID-19 (0·4 years). The largest reduction in life expectancy due to COVID-19 occurred in Latin America and the Caribbean (3·6 years). Additionally, 53 of the 288 causes of death were highly concentrated in locations with less than 50% of the global population as of 2021, and these causes of death became progressively more concentrated since 1990, when only 44 causes showed this pattern. The concentration phenomenon is discussed heuristically with respect to enteric and lower respiratory infections, malaria, HIV/AIDS, neonatal disorders, tuberculosis, and measles. Interpretation: Long-standing gains in life expectancy and reductions in many of the leading causes of death have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the adverse effects of which were spread unevenly among populations. Despite the pandemic, there has been continued progress in combatting several notable causes of death, leading to improved global life expectancy over the study period. Each of the seven GBD super-regions showed an overall improvement from 1990 and 2021, obscuring the negative effect in the years of the pandemic. Additionally, our findings regarding regional variation in causes of death driving increases in life expectancy hold clear policy utility. Analyses of shifting mortality trends reveal that several causes, once widespread globally, are now increasingly concentrated geographically. These changes in mortality concentration, alongside further investigation of changing risks, interventions, and relevant policy, present an important opportunity to deepen our understanding of mortality-reduction strategies. Examining patterns in mortality concentration might reveal areas where successful public health interventions have been implemented. Translating these successes to locations where certain causes of death remain entrenched can inform policies that work to improve life expectancy for people everywhere. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
Failed generating bibliography.AbstractPublication year
2024Journal title
The LancetVolume
2133-2161AbstractBackground: Detailed, comprehensive, and timely reporting on population health by underlying causes of disability and premature death is crucial to understanding and responding to complex patterns of disease and injury burden over time and across age groups, sexes, and locations. The availability of disease burden estimates can promote evidence-based interventions that enable public health researchers, policy makers, and other professionals to implement strategies that can mitigate diseases. It can also facilitate more rigorous monitoring of progress towards national and international health targets, such as the Sustainable Development Goals. For three decades, the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) has filled that need. A global network of collaborators contributed to the production of GBD 2021 by providing, reviewing, and analysing all available data. GBD estimates are updated routinely with additional data and refined analytical methods. GBD 2021 presents, for the first time, estimates of health loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The GBD 2021 disease and injury burden analysis estimated years lived with disability (YLDs), years of life lost (YLLs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries using 100 983 data sources. Data were extracted from vital registration systems, verbal autopsies, censuses, household surveys, disease-specific registries, health service contact data, and other sources. YLDs were calculated by multiplying cause-age-sex-location-year-specific prevalence of sequelae by their respective disability weights, for each disease and injury. YLLs were calculated by multiplying cause-age-sex-location-year-specific deaths by the standard life expectancy at the age that death occurred. DALYs were calculated by summing YLDs and YLLs. HALE estimates were produced using YLDs per capita and age-specific mortality rates by location, age, sex, year, and cause. 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) were generated for all final estimates as the 2·5th and 97·5th percentiles values of 500 draws. Uncertainty was propagated at each step of the estimation process. Counts and age-standardised rates were calculated globally, for seven super-regions, 21 regions, 204 countries and territories (including 21 countries with subnational locations), and 811 subnational locations, from 1990 to 2021. Here we report data for 2010 to 2021 to highlight trends in disease burden over the past decade and through the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings: Global DALYs increased from 2·63 billion (95% UI 2·44–2·85) in 2010 to 2·88 billion (2·64–3·15) in 2021 for all causes combined. Much of this increase in the number of DALYs was due to population growth and ageing, as indicated by a decrease in global age-standardised all-cause DALY rates of 14·2% (95% UI 10·7–17·3) between 2010 and 2019. Notably, however, this decrease in rates reversed during the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, with increases in global age-standardised all-cause DALY rates since 2019 of 4·1% (1·8–6·3) in 2020 and 7·2% (4·7–10·0) in 2021. In 2021, COVID-19 was the leading cause of DALYs globally (212·0 million [198·0–234·5] DALYs), followed by ischaemic heart disease (188·3 million [176·7–198·3]), neonatal disorders (186·3 million [162·3–214·9]), and stroke (160·4 million [148·0–171·7]). However, notable health gains were seen among other leading communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional (CMNN) diseases. Globally between 2010 and 2021, the age-standardised DALY rates for HIV/AIDS decreased by 47·8% (43·3–51·7) and for diarrhoeal diseases decreased by 47·0% (39·9–52·9). Non-communicable diseases contributed 1·73 billion (95% UI 1·54–1·94) DALYs in 2021, with a decrease in age-standardised DALY rates since 2010 of 6·4% (95% UI 3·5–9·5). Between 2010 and 2021, among the 25 leading Level 3 causes, age-standardised DALY rates increased most substantially for anxiety disorders (16·7% [14·0–19·8]), depressive disorders (16·4% [11·9–21·3]), and diabetes (14·0% [10·0–17·4]). Age-standardised DALY rates due to injuries decreased globally by 24·0% (20·7–27·2) between 2010 and 2021, although improvements were not uniform across locations, ages, and sexes. Globally, HALE at birth improved slightly, from 61·3 years (58·6–63·6) in 2010 to 62·2 years (59·4–64·7) in 2021. However, despite this overall increase, HALE decreased by 2·2% (1·6–2·9) between 2019 and 2021. Interpretation: Putting the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of causes of health loss is crucial to understanding its impact and ensuring that health funding and policy address needs at both local and global levels through cost-effective and evidence-based interventions. A global epidemiological transition remains underway. Our findings suggest that prioritising non-communicable disease prevention and treatment policies, as well as strengthening health systems, continues to be crucially important. The progress on reducing the burden of CMNN diseases must not stall; although global trends are improving, the burden of CMNN diseases remains unacceptably high. Evidence-based interventions will help save the lives of young children and mothers and improve the overall health and economic conditions of societies across the world. Governments and multilateral organisations should prioritise pandemic preparedness planning alongside efforts to reduce the burden of diseases and injuries that will strain resources in the coming decades. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Global, regional, and national burden of HIV/AIDS, 1990–2021, and forecasts to 2050, for 204 countries and territories: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
Carter, A., Zhang, M., Tram, K. H., Walters, M. K., Jahagirdar, D., Brewer, E. D., Novotney, A., Lasher, D., Mpolya, E. A., Vongpradith, A., Ma, J., Verma, M., Frank, T. D., He, J., Byrne, S., Lin, C., Dominguez, R. M. V., Pease, S. A., Comfort, H., … Kyu, H. (n.d.).Publication year
2024Journal title
The Lancet HIVVolume
e807-e822AbstractBackground: As set out in Sustainable Development Goal 3.3, the target date for ending the HIV epidemic as a public health threat is 2030. Therefore, there is a crucial need to evaluate current epidemiological trends and monitor global progress towards HIV incidence and mortality reduction goals. In this analysis, we assess the current burden of HIV in 204 countries and territories and forecast HIV incidence, prevalence, and mortality up to 2050 to allow countries to plan for a sustained response with an increasing number of people living with HIV globally. Methods: We used the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2021 analytical framework to compute age-sex-specific HIV mortality, incidence, and prevalence estimates for 204 countries and territories (1990–2021). We aimed to analyse all available data sources, including data on the provision of HIV programmes reported to UNAIDS, published literature on mortality among people on antiretroviral therapy (ART) identified by a systematic review, household surveys, sentinel surveillance antenatal care clinic data, vital registration data, and country-level case report data. We calibrated a mechanistic simulation of HIV infection and natural history to available data to estimate HIV burden from 1990 to 2021 and generated forecasts to 2050 through projection of all simulation inputs into the future. Historical outcomes (1990–2021) were simulated at the 1000-draw level to support propagation of uncertainty and reporting of uncertainty intervals (UIs). Our approach to forecasting utilised the transmission rate as the basis for projection, along with new rate-of-change projections of ART coverage. Additionally, we introduced two new metrics to our reporting: prevalence of unsuppressed viraemia (PUV), which represents the proportion of the population without a suppressed level of HIV (viral load <1000 copies per mL), and period lifetime probability of HIV acquisition, which quantifies the hypothetical probability of acquiring HIV for a synthetic cohort, a simulated population that is aged from birth to death through the set of age-specific incidence rates of a given time period. Findings: Global new HIV infections decreased by 21·9% (95% UI 13·1–28·8) between 2010 and 2021, from 2·11 million (2·02–2·25) in 2010 to 1·65 million (1·48–1·82) in 2021. HIV-related deaths decreased by 39·7% (33·7–44·5), from 1·19 million (1·07–1·37) in 2010 to 718 000 (669 000–785 000) in 2021. The largest declines in both HIV incidence and mortality were in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia. However, super-regions including central Europe, eastern Europe, and central Asia, and north Africa and the Middle East experienced increasing HIV incidence and mortality rates. The number of people living with HIV reached 40·0 million (38·0–42·4) in 2021, an increase from 29·5 million (28·1–31·0) in 2010. The lifetime probability of HIV acquisition remains highest in the sub-Saharan Africa super-region, where it declined from its 1995 peak of 21·8% (20·1–24·2) to 8·7% (7·5–10·7) in 2021. Four of the seven GBD super-regions had a lifetime probability of less than 1% in 2021. In 2021, sub-Saharan Africa had the highest PUV of 999·9 (857·4–1154·2) per 100 000 population, but this was a 64·5% (58·8–69·4) reduction in PUV from 2003 to 2021. In the same period, PUV increased in central Europe, eastern Europe, and central Asia by 116·1% (8·0–218·2). Our forecasts predict a continued global decline in HIV incidence and mortality, with the number of people living with HIV peaking at 44·4 million (40·7–49·8) by 2039, followed by a gradual decrease. In 2025, we projected 1·43 million (1·29–1·59) new HIV infections and 615 000 (567 000–680 000) HIV-related deaths, suggesting that the interim 2025 targets for reducing these figures are unlikely to be achieved. Furthermore, our forecasted results indicate that few countries will meet the 2030 target for reducing HIV incidence and HIV-related deaths by 90% from 2010 levels. Interpretation: Our forecasts indicate that continuation of current levels of HIV control are not likely to attain ambitious incidence and mortality reduction targets by 2030, and more than 40 million people globally will continue to require lifelong ART for decades into the future. The global community will need to show sustained and substantive efforts to make the progress needed to reach and sustain the end of AIDS as a public threat. Funding: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.How College Students Used Information From Institutions of Higher Education in the United States During COVID-19: Web-Based Cross-Sectional Survey Study
Peprah, E., Amesimeku, E., Angulo, B., Chhetri, H., Fordjuoh, J., Ruan, C., Wang, C., Patena, J., Vieira, D., Ryan, N., Iloegbu, C., Gyamfi, J., & Odumegwu, J. (n.d.).Publication year
2024Journal title
JMIR Formative ResearchVolume
8AbstractBackground: The start of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the implementation of nonpharmaceutical interventions by US institutions of higher education at an unprecedented level. During the backdrop of an emerging pandemic, younger adults (eg, college students) had an overall lower risk for severe outcomes for SARS-CoV-2, making this population a potential source of transmission for age groups with high susceptibility and negative health outcomes. We examine how college students’ level of concern for COVID-19 was influenced by different sources of information, their living status, income level, and other demographic identifiers and its association with prevention behavior change. Objective: We sought to examine the level of concern, defined as the extent to which the participant would take corrective action to mitigate contracting or spreading the virus (to family or friends) by using personal protective equipment such as a face mask, practicing social distancing, and following other public health recommendations, among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional, web-based survey was conducted in 2021 among 185 college students aged 18-41 years, with most living in New York City and the United States (n=134, 72.4%). Out of 185 college students, 94 provided their zip codes, with 51 of those college students indicating they lived in New York City areas. The participants completed the survey via a QR code. Study participants who did not complete the full survey or were not college students in any US college or university were excluded. Analyses were conducted using R (version 4.2.2; R Foundation for Statistical Computing). Results: Of 185 respondents participated in the study, 25 (13.5.%) used emails from their schools, 51 (27.6%) used mainstream media, and 109 (58.9%) used social media and other sources to obtain information about COVID-19. Of the 109 participants who learned about the pandemic from social media, 91 (83.5%) were concerned; however, only 63% (32/51) and 60% (15/25) of the participants who sourced information from mainstream media and their schools’ email, respectively, were concerned. Further, the participants who received information from social media and other sources were about 3 times more likely to be concerned about COVID-19 than participants who received information from the university via email (P=.036; OR=3.07, 95% CI: 1.06-8.83).. Conclusions: College students who received information from social media and other sources were more likely to be concerned about COVID-19 than students who received information from their school via emails.JAHA at Scientific Sessions 2023: Moving Toward Social Justice in Cardiovascular Health in the United States
Baker-Smith, C. M., Waddy, S. P., Hassani, S., Mujahid, M., Okwuosa, T., Peprah, E., & Boden-Albala, B. (n.d.).Publication year
2024Journal title
Journal of the American Heart AssociationVolume
22AbstractAttention to social justice is essential to improving cardiovascular health outcomes. In the absence of social justice, equitable cardiovascular health is impossible. This viewpoint provides a brief synopsis of the 2023 Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA)–sponsored session titled “Moving Towards Social Justice in Cardiovascular Health.” We define social justice and summarize the burden of cardiovascular disease inequity in the United States. We also highlight strategies for achieving social justice, including addressing workforce diversity, integrating social determinants into cardiovascular research, designing cardiovascular interventions to close the equity gap, and improving inclusivity in cardiovascular disease trials.Pharmacogenomics of Drugs Used in β-Thalassemia and Sickle-Cell Disease: From Basic Research to Clinical Applications
Gambari, R., Waziri, A. D., Goonasekera, H., & Peprah, E. (n.d.).Publication year
2024Journal title
International journal of molecular sciencesVolume
8AbstractIn this short review we have presented and discussed studies on pharmacogenomics (also termed pharmacogenetics) of the drugs employed in the treatment of β-thalassemia or Sickle-cell disease (SCD). This field of investigation is relevant, since it is expected to help clinicians select the appropriate drug and the correct dosage for each patient. We first discussed the search for DNA polymorphisms associated with a high expression of γ-globin genes and identified this using GWAS studies and CRISPR-based gene editing approaches. We then presented validated DNA polymorphisms associated with a high HbF production (including, but not limited to the HBG2 XmnI polymorphism and those related to the BCL11A, MYB, KLF-1, and LYAR genes). The expression of microRNAs involved in the regulation of γ-globin genes was also presented in the context of pharmacomiRNomics. Then, the pharmacogenomics of validated fetal hemoglobin inducers (hydroxyurea, butyrate and butyrate analogues, thalidomide, and sirolimus), of iron chelators, and of analgesics in the pain management of SCD patients were considered. Finally, we discuss current clinical trials, as well as international research networks focusing on clinical issues related to pharmacogenomics in hematological diseases.The burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors by state in the USA, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
Failed generating bibliography.AbstractPublication year
2024Journal title
The LancetVolume
2314-2340AbstractBackground: The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2021 provides a comprehensive assessment of health and risk factor trends at global, regional, national, and subnational levels. This study aims to examine the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors in the USA and highlight the disparities in health outcomes across different states. Methods: GBD 2021 analysed trends in mortality, morbidity, and disability for 371 diseases and injuries and 88 risk factors in the USA between 1990 and 2021. We used several metrics to report sources of health and health loss related to specific diseases, injuries, and risk factors. GBD 2021 methods accounted for differences in data sources and biases. The analysis of levels and trends for causes and risk factors within the same computational framework enabled comparisons across states, years, age groups, and sex. GBD 2021 estimated years lived with disability (YLDs) and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs; the sum of years of life lost to premature mortality and YLDs) for 371 diseases and injuries, years of life lost (YLLs) and mortality for 288 causes of death, and life expectancy and healthy life expectancy (HALE). We provided estimates for 88 risk factors in relation to 155 health outcomes for 631 risk–outcome pairs and produced risk-specific estimates of summary exposure value, relative health risk, population attributable fraction, and risk-attributable burden measured in DALYs and deaths. Estimates were produced by sex (male and female), age (25 age groups from birth to ≥95 years), and year (annually between 1990 and 2021). 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) were generated for all final estimates as the 2·5th and 97·5th percentiles values of 500 draws (ie, 500 random samples from the estimate's distribution). Uncertainty was propagated at each step of the estimation process. Findings: We found disparities in health outcomes and risk factors across US states. Our analysis of GBD 2021 highlighted the relative decline in life expectancy and HALE compared with other countries, as well as the impact of COVID-19 during the first 2 years of the pandemic. We found a decline in the USA's ranking of life expectancy from 1990 to 2021: in 1990, the USA ranked 35th of 204 countries and territories for males and 19th for females, but dropped to 46th for males and 47th for females in 2021. When comparing life expectancy in the best-performing and worst-performing US states against all 203 other countries and territories (excluding the USA as a whole), Hawaii (the best-ranked state in 1990 and 2021) dropped from sixth-highest life expectancy in the world for males and fourth for females in 1990 to 28th for males and 22nd for females in 2021. The worst-ranked state in 2021 ranked 107th for males (Mississippi) and 99th for females (West Virginia). 14 US states lost life expectancy over the study period, with West Virginia experiencing the greatest loss (2·7 years between 1990 and 2021). HALE ranking declines were even greater; in 1990, the USA was ranked 42nd for males and 32nd for females but dropped to 69th for males and 76th for females in 2021. When comparing HALE in the best-performing and worst-performing US states against all 203 other countries and territories, Hawaii ranked 14th highest HALE for males and fifth for females in 1990, dropping to 39th for males and 34th for females in 2021. In 2021, West Virginia—the lowest-ranked state that year—ranked 141st for males and 137th for females. Nationally, age-standardised mortality rates declined between 1990 and 2021 for many leading causes of death, most notably for ischaemic heart disease (56·1% [95% UI 55·1–57·2] decline), lung cancer (41·9% [39·7–44·6]), and breast cancer (40·9% [38·7–43·7]). Over the same period, age-standardised mortality rates increased for other causes, particularly drug use disorders (878·0% [770·1–1015·5]), chronic kidney disease (158·3% [149·6–167·9]), and falls (89·7% [79·8–95·8]). We found substantial variation in mortality rates between states, with Hawaii having the lowest age-standardised mortality rate (433·2 per 100 000 [380·6–493·4]) in 2021 and Mississippi having the highest (867·5 per 100 000 [772·6–975·7]). Hawaii had the lowest age-standardised mortality rates throughout the study period, whereas Washington, DC, experienced the most improvement (a 40·7% decline [33·2–47·3]). Only six countries had age-standardised rates of YLDs higher than the USA in 2021: Afghanistan, Lesotho, Liberia, Mozambique, South Africa, and the Central African Republic, largely because the impact of musculoskeletal disorders, mental disorders, and substance use disorders on age-standardised disability rates in the USA is so large. At the state level, eight US states had higher age-standardised YLD rates than any country in the world: West Virginia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Ohio, Tennessee, and Arizona. Low back pain was the leading cause of YLDs in the USA in 1990 and 2021, although the age-standardised rate declined by 7·9% (1·8–13·0) from 1990. Depressive disorders (56·0% increase [48·2–64·3]) and drug use disorders (287·6% [247·9–329·8]) were the second-leading and third-leading causes of age-standardised YLDs in 2021. For females, mental health disorders had the highest age-standardised YLD rate, with an increase of 59·8% (50·6–68·5) between 1990 and 2021. Hawaii had the lowest age-standardised rates of YLDs for all sexes combined (12 085·3 per 100 000 [9090·8–15 557·1]), whereas West Virginia had the highest (14 832·9 per 100 000 [11 226·9–18 882·5]). At the national level, the leading GBD Level 2 risk factors for death for all sexes combined in 2021 were high systolic blood pressure, high fasting plasma glucose, and tobacco use. From 1990 to 2021, the age-standardised mortality rates attributable to high systolic blood pressure decreased by 47·8% (43·4–52·5) and for tobacco use by 5·1% (48·3%–54·1%), but rates increased for high fasting plasma glucose by 9·3% (0·4–18·7). The burden attributable to risk factors varied by age and sex. For example, for ages 15–49 years, the leading risk factors for death were drug use, high alcohol use, and dietary risks. By comparison, for ages 50–69 years, tobacco was the leading risk factor for death, followed by dietary risks and high BMI. Interpretation: GBD 2021 provides valuable information for policy makers, health-care professionals, and researchers in the USA at the national and state levels to prioritise interventions, allocate resources effectively, and assess the effects of health policies and programmes. By addressing socioeconomic determinants, risk behaviours, environmental influences, and health disparities among minority populations, the USA can work towards improving health outcomes so that people can live longer and healthier lives. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.An Evolving HIV Epidemic in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region: A Scoping Review
Karbasi, A., Fordjuoh, J., Abbas, M., Iloegbu, C., Patena, J., Adenikinju, D., Vieira, D., Gyamfi, J., & Peprah, E. (n.d.).Publication year
2023Journal title
International journal of environmental research and public healthVolume
5AbstractHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is severely understudied despite the region’s increase in new HIV infections since 2010. A key population that is particularly affected, due to the lack of adequate knowledge and proper interventional implementation, includes people who inject drugs (PWID). Furthermore, the paucity of HIV data (prevalence and trends) worsens an already critical situation in this region. A scoping review was conducted to address the scarcity of information and to synthesize the available data on HIV prevalence rates within the key population of PWID throughout the MENA region. Information was sourced from major public health databases and world health reports. Of the 1864 articles screened, 40 studies discussed the various factors contributing to the under-reporting of HIV data in the MENA region among PWID. High and overlapping risk behaviors were cited as the most prevalent reason why HIV trends were incomprehensible and hard to characterize among PWID, followed by lack of service utilization, lack of intervention-based programs, cultural norms, lack of advanced HIV surveillance systems, and protracted humanitarian emergencies. Overall, the lack of reported information limits any adequate response to the growing and unknown HIV trends throughout the region.Analysis of the 2007–2018 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS): Examining Neurological Complications among Children with Sickle Cell Disease in the United States
Peprah, E., Gyamfi, J., Lee, J. T., Islam, F., Opeyemi, J., Tampubolon, S., Ojo, T., Qiao, W., Mai, A., Wang, C., Vieira, D., Meda, S., Adenikinju, D., Osei-Tutu, N., Ryan, N., & Ogedegbe, G. (n.d.).Publication year
2023Journal title
International journal of environmental research and public healthVolume
12AbstractThis study compared neurological complications among a national sample of United States children with or without sickle cell disease (SCD) and evaluated health status, healthcare and special education utilization patterns, barriers to care, and association of SCD status and demographics/socioeconomic status (SES) on comorbidities and healthcare utilization. Data was acquired from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Sample Child Core questionnaire 2007–2018 dataset that included 133,542 children. An affirmation from the guardian of the child determined the presence of SCD. Regression analysis was used to compare the associations between SCD and demographics/SES on neurological conditions at p < 0.05. Furthermore, adjusted odds ratios (AORs) were estimated for having various neurological conditions. Of the 133,481 children included in the NHIS, the mean age was 8.5 years (SD: 0.02) and 215 had SCD. Of the children with SCD, the sample composition included male (n = 110), and Black (n = 82%). The SCD sample had higher odds of having neuro-developmental conditions (p < 0.1). Families of Black children (55% weighted) reported household incomes < 100% of federal poverty level. Black children were more likely to experience longer wait times to see the doctor (AOR, 0.3; CI 0.1–1.1). Compared to children without SCD, those with SCD had a greater chance of seeing a medical specialist within 12 months (AOR 2.3; CI 1.5–3.7). This representative sample of US children with SCD shows higher odds of developing neurological complications, increased healthcare and special education services utilization, with Black children experiencing a disproportionate burden. This creates the urgency to address the health burden for children with SCD by implementing interventions in healthcare and increasing education assistance programs to combat neurocognitive impairments, especially among Black children.Characterisation of medical conditions of children with sickle cell disease in the USA: findings from the 2007-2018 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
Gyamfi, J., Tampubolon, S., Lee, J. T., Islam, F., Ojo, T., Opeyemi, J., Qiao, W., Mai, A., Wang, C., Vieira, D., Ryan, N., Osei-Tutu, N. H., Adenikinju, D., Meda, S., Ogedegbe, G., & Peprah, E. (n.d.).Publication year
2023Journal title
BMJ openVolume
2AbstractObjectives We used the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data set to examine the prevalence of comorbid medical conditions; explore barriers to accessing healthcare and special educational services; and assess the associations between sickle cell disease (SCD) status and demographics/socioeconomic status (SES), and social determinants of health (SDoH) on comorbidities among children in the USA. Design Cross-sectional. Setting NHIS Sample Child Core questionnaire 2007-2018 data set. Participants 133 481 children; presence of SCD was determined by an affirmative response from the adult or guardian of the child. Main outcome measures Multivariate logistic regression was used to compare the associations between SCD status, SES and SDoH for various medical conditions for all races and separately for black children at p<0.05. Results 133 481 children (mean age 8.5 years, SD: 0.02), 215 had SCD and ∼82% (weighted) of the children with SCD are black. Children with SCD were more likely to suffer from comorbid conditions, that is, anaemia (adjusted OR: 27.1, p<0.001). Furthermore, children with SCD had at least two or more emergency room (ER) visits (p<0.001) and were more likely to have seen a doctor 1-15 times per year (p<0.05) compared with children without SCD. Household income (p<0.001) and maternal education were lower for children with SCD compared with children without SCD (52.4% vs 63.5% (p<0.05)). SCD children with a maternal parent who has < / > High School degree were less likely to have no ER visits or 4-5 ER visits, and more likely to have 2-3 ER visits within 12 months. Conclusion Children with SCD experienced significant comorbid conditions and have high healthcare usage, with black children being disproportionately affected. Moreover, maternal education status and poverty level illustrates how impactful SES can be on healthcare seeking behaviour for the SCD population. SDoH have significant implications for managing paediatric patients with SCD in clinical settings.Evidence-based interventions to reduce maternal malnutrition in low and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Shenoy, S., Sharma, P., Rao, A., Aparna, N., Adenikinju, D., Iloegbu, C., Pateña, J., Vieira, D., Gyamfi, J., & Peprah, E. (n.d.).Publication year
2023Journal title
Frontiers in Health ServicesVolume
3AbstractIntroduction: Despite remarkable strides in global efforts to reduce maternal mortality, low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) continue to grapple with a disproportionate burden of maternal mortality, with malnutrition emerging as a significant contributing factor to this enduring challenge. Shockingly, malnourished women face a mortality risk that is twice as high as their well-nourished counterparts, and a staggering 95% of maternal deaths in 2020 occurred within LMICs. The critical importance of addressing maternal malnutrition in resource-constrained settings cannot be overstated, as compelling research studies have demonstrated that such efforts could potentially save thousands of lives. However, the landscape is marred by a scarcity of evidence-based interventions (EBIs) specifically tailored for pregnant individuals aimed at combatting maternal malnutrition and reducing mortality rates. It is against this backdrop that our study endeavors to dissect the feasibility, adoption, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness of EBIs designed to combat maternal malnutrition. Methods: Our comprehensive search encompassed eight prominent databases covering the period from 2003 to 2022 in LMICs. We began our study with a comprehensive search across multiple databases, yielding a total of 149 studies. From this initial pool, we eliminated duplicate entries and the remaining studies underwent a thorough screening process resulting in the identification of 63 full-text articles that aligned with our predefined inclusion criteria. Results: The meticulous full-text review left us with a core selection of six articles that shed light on interventions primarily centered around supplementation. They underscored a critical issue -the limited understanding of effective implementation in these countries, primarily attributed to inadequate monitoring and evaluation of interventions and insufficient training of healthcare professionals. Moreover, our findings emphasize the pivotal role of contextual factors, such as cultural nuances, public trust in healthcare, the prevalence of misinformation, and concerns regarding potential adverse effects of interventions, which profoundly influence the successful implementation of these programs. Discussion: While the EBIs have shown promise in reducing maternal malnutrition, their true potential for feasibility, adoption, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability hinges on their integration into comprehensive programs addressing broader issues like food insecurity and the prevention of both communicable and non-communicable diseases.Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risks, 1990-2022
Failed generating bibliography.Publication year
2023Journal title
Journal of the American College of CardiologyVolume
2350-2473Implementation of non-insulin-dependent diabetes self-management education (DSME) in LMICs: a systematic review of cost, adoption, acceptability, and fidelity in resource-constrained settings
Fitzpatrick, R., Pant, S., Li, J., Ritterman, R., Adenikinju, D., Iloegbu, C., Pateña, J., Vieira, D., Gyamfi, J., & Peprah, E. (n.d.).Publication year
2023Journal title
Frontiers in Health ServicesVolume
3AbstractBackground: Type II diabetes (T2D), is a serious health issue accounting for 10.7% of mortality globally. 80% of cases worldwide are found in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), with rapidly increasing prevalence. Diabetes-self management education (DSME) is a cost-effective program that provides at-risk individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to adopt lifestyle changes that will improve their health and well-being. This systematic review examined the application of DSME in LMICs and identified the corresponding implementation results (cost, fidelity, acceptance, and adoption) associated with successful implementation in low-resource settings. Methods and analysis: The available research on T2D and the use of DSME in LMIC were systematically searched for using six electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Web of Science, Google Scholar, PAIS, and EBSCO Discovery) between the months of October and November of 2022. The articles that met the search criteria were subsequently imported into EndNote and Covidence for analysis. The Cochrane RoB methodology for randomized trials was used to evaluate the risk of bias (RoB) in the included studies. A narrative synthesis was used to summarize the results. Results: A total of 773 studies were imported for screening, after 203 duplicates were removed, 570 remained. Abstract and title screenings resulted in the exclusion of 487 articles, leaving 83 for full-text review. Following a full-text review, 76 articles were excluded and seven were found to be relevant to our search. The most common reasons for exclusion were study design (n = 23), lack of results (n = 14), and wrong patient population (n = 12). Conclusion: Our systemic review found that DSME can be an acceptable and cost-effective solution in LMIC. While we intended to analyze cost, adoption, acceptability, and fidelity, our investigation revealed a gap in the literature on those areas, with most studies focusing on acceptability and cost and no studies identifying fidelity or adoption. To further evaluate the efficacy of DSME and enhance health outcomes for T2D in LMICs, more research is needed on its application. Systematic Review Registration: osf.io/7482t.Implementation outcomes and strategies for delivering evidence-based hypertension interventions in lower-middle-income countries: Evidence from a multi-country consortium for hypertension control
Gyamfi, J., Iwelunmor, J., Patel, S., Irazola, V., Aifah, A., Rakhra, A., Butler, M., Vedanthan, R., Hoang, G. N., Nyambura, M., Nguyen, H., Nguyen, C., Asante, K. P., Nyame, S., Adjei, K., Amoah, J., Apusiga, K., Adjei, K. G. A., Ramierz-Zea, M., … Ogedegbe, G. (n.d.).Publication year
2023Journal title
PloS oneVolume
5AbstractGuidance on contextually tailored implementation strategies for the prevention, treatment, and control of hypertension is limited in lower-middle income countries (Lower-MIC). To address this limitation, we compiled implementation strategies and accompanying outcomes of evidence-based hypertension interventions currently being implemented in five Lower-MIC. The Global Research on Implementation and Translation Science (GRIT) Coordinating Center (CC) (GRIT-CC) engaged its global network sites at Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, and Vietnam. Purposively sampled implementation science experts completed an electronic survey assessing implementation outcomes, in addition to implementation strategies used in their ongoing hypertension interventions from among 73 strategies within the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC). Experts rated the strategies based on highest priority to their interventions. We analyzed the data by sorting implementation strategies utilized by sites into one of the nine domains in ERIC and summarized the data using frequencies, proportions, and means. Seventeen implementation experts (52.9% men) participated in the exercise. Of Proctor's implementation outcomes identified across sites, all outcomes except for appropriateness were broadly assessed by three or more countries. Overall, 59 out of 73 (81%) strategies were being utilized in the five countries. The highest priority implementation strategies utilized across all five countries focused on evaluative and iterative strategies (e.g., identification of context specific barriers and facilitators) to delivery of patient- and community-level interventions, while the lowest priority was use of financial and infrastructure change strategies. More capacity building strategies (developing stakeholder interrelationships, training and educating stakeholders, and supporting clinicians) were incorporated into interventions implemented in India and Vietnam than Ghana, Kenya, and Guatemala. Although robust implementation strategies are being used in Lower -MICs, there is minimum use of financial and infrastructure change strategies. Our study contributes to the growing literature that demonstrates the use of Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) implementation strategies to deliver evidence-based hypertension interventions in Lower-MICs and will inform future cross-country data harmonization activities in resource-constrained settings.Scaling-up Evidence-based Interventions for Communities of Color With Marked Health Disparities <i>Lessons Learned From COVID-19 Can Be Applied to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality and Achieve Health Equity</i>
Gyamfi, J., & Peprah, E. (n.d.).Publication year
2023Journal title
Medical careVolume
417-420Systematic review of end stage renal disease in Pakistan: Identifying implementation research outcomes
Alrashed, H., Miele, J., Prasad, J., Adenikinju, D., Iloegbu, C., Patena, J., Vieira, D., Gyamfi, J., & Peprah, E. (n.d.).Publication year
2023Journal title
PloS oneVolume
12AbstractAim and objectives The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review analysis to identify and evaluate the available literature on implementation science outcomes research in relation to End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in Pakistan. Methods A systematic database search of PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and Ovid was conducted through October 22nd 2022, without any restrictions on publication dates. A screening and data extraction tool, Covidence, was used to evaluate the literature against our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Furthermore, a Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) was used to evaluate the selected studies. Results We identified four studies that presented findings of implementation outcomes research which were related to appropriateness, feasibility, and acceptability. Appropriateness was examined using knowledge scores (p = 0.022) and medication adherence scores (p < 0.05) that showed statistical significance between the control and intervention groups. Acceptability was assessed through a cross sectional quantitative descriptive study that evaluated the reasons for refusal and acceptance of treatment in a cohort of patients suffering from ESRD. Feasibility was examined in one cross sectional, and one mixed methods study that aimed to evaluate and understand the impact of initiating dialysis treatment and the feasibility of maintaining it in low-income families that care for children or adults with ESRD. Conclusion The preliminary results of this review indicate a gap in the availability of implementation research studies about ESRD in Pakistan. The burden of ESRD, and the implementation methods by which it is treated is notable in Pakistan and requires evidence-based measures to be implemented to support the critical healthcare delivery platforms that provide treatment.Systematic review of end stage renal disease in Pakistan: Identifying implementation research outcomes
AlRashed, H., Miele, J., Prasad, J., Adenikinju, D., Iloegbu, C., Patena, J., Vieira, D., Gyamfi, J., & Peprah, E. (n.d.).Publication year
2023Journal title
PloS oneVolume
12AbstractAim and objectives The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review analysis to identify and evaluate the available literature on implementation science outcomes research in relation to End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in Pakistan. Methods A systematic database search of PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and Ovid was conducted through October 22nd 2022, without any restrictions on publication dates. A screening and data extraction tool, Covidence, was used to evaluate the literature against our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Furthermore, a Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) was used to evaluate the selected studies. Results We identified four studies that presented findings of implementation outcomes research which were related to appropriateness, feasibility, and acceptability. Appropriateness was examined using knowledge scores (p = 0.022) and medication adherence scores (p < 0.05) that showed statistical significance between the control and intervention groups. Acceptability was assessed through a cross sectional quantitative descriptive study that evaluated the reasons for refusal and acceptance of treatment in a cohort of patients suffering from ESRD. Feasibility was examined in one cross sectional, and one mixed methods study that aimed to evaluate and understand the impact of initiating dialysis treatment and the feasibility of maintaining it in low-income families that care for children or adults with ESRD. Conclusion The preliminary results of this review indicate a gap in the availability of implementation research studies about ESRD in Pakistan. The burden of ESRD, and the implementation methods by which it is treated is notable in Pakistan and requires evidence-based measures to be implemented to support the critical healthcare delivery platforms that provide treatment.Assessing descriptions of scalability for hypertension control interventions implemented in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review
Gyamfi, J., Vieira, D., Iwelunmor, J., Watkins, B. X., Williams, O., Peprah, E., Ogedegbe, G., & Allegrante, J. P. (n.d.).Publication year
2022Journal title
PloS oneVolume
7AbstractBACKGROUND: The prevalence of hypertension continues to rise in low- and middle-income- countries (LMICs) where scalable, evidence-based interventions (EBIs) that are designed to reduce morbidity and mortality attributed to hypertension have yet to be fully adopted or disseminated. We sought to evaluate evidence from published randomized controlled trials using EBIs for hypertension control implemented in LMICs, and identify the WHO/ExpandNet scale-up components that are relevant for consideration during "scale-up" implementation planning.METHODS: Systematic review of RCTs reporting EBIs for hypertension control implemented in LMICs that stated "scale-up" or a variation of scale-up; using the following data sources PubMed/Medline, Web of Science Biosis Citation Index (BCI), CINAHL, EMBASE, Global Health, Google Scholar, PsycINFO; the grey literature and clinicaltrials.gov from inception through June 2021 without any restrictions on publication date. Two reviewers independently assessed studies for inclusion, conducted data extraction using the WHO/ExpandNet Scale-up components as a guide and assessed the risk of bias using the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool. We provide intervention characteristics for each EBI, BP results, and other relevant scale-up descriptions.MAIN RESULTS: Thirty-one RCTs were identified and reviewed. Studies reported clinically significant differences in BP, with 23 studies reporting statistically significant mean differences in BP (p < .05) following implementation. Only six studies provided descriptions that captured all of the nine WHO/ExpandNet components. Multi-component interventions, including drug therapy and health education, provided the most benefit to participants. The studies were yet to be scaled and we observed limited reporting on translation of the interventions into existing institutional policy (n = 11), cost-effectiveness analyses (n = 2), and sustainability measurements (n = 3).CONCLUSION: This study highlights the limited data on intervention scalability for hypertension control in LMICs and demonstrates the need for better scale-up metrics and processes for this setting.TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registration PROSPERO (CRD42019117750).