Quick Links:
Key Skills
Professional Development
Labs & Initiatives
Degree Requirements and Course Sequences
Global Health Planning Checklist (for students who matriculated in 2024)
Global Health Planning Checklist (for students who matriculated prior to 2024)
Program Note: As of Fall 2023, we are no longer offering Spring admission into the program.
Key Skills
When you graduate with the Global Health concentration, you’ll be prepared to take on leadership roles in public health settings around the globe. You’ll stand out to employers with a skillset that has both breadth and depth, including the following competencies.
- Describe the major players in global health governance and institutions that conduct health/public health policy research and analysis
- Perform strategic assessment and evaluation to analyze factors shaping individual and institutional behaviors and measure their impact
- Identify relevant sources for quantitative and qualitative data to analyze the global burden of disease
- Analyze causes, risk factors, interventions, and bottlenecks for the global burden of disease in different contexts
- Identify cost-effective interventions, strategies, and platforms to accelerate context specific progress towards the health related SDGs
- Advocate for cost-effective policies and strategies to accelerate progress towards the health related SDGs
- Develop investment cases for maximum health returns on investment of intervention policies, implementation and financing strategies.
Professional Development
You will benefit from countless opportunities to build skills to prepare you for successful careers in global public health. There are many professional development opportunities available to you at NYU GPH, including internships, fellowships, employment, volunteer opportunities, professional association membership, and more.
Join One of Our Labs & Initiatives
The Department of Global and Environmental Health is home to a diverse set of dynamic centers, labs, and initiatives. By actively participating in our labs, you can gain access to invaluable mentorship and collaborative experiences with esteemed faculty members and peers.
- Degree Requirements
- Full-time Course Sequence
- Spring Start Course Sequence
- Part-time Course Sequence
All students in the Global Health concentration take the following core courses (18 credits)
(Note: online students take the 5000-level version of the classes below)
GPH-GU 2030 Introduction to Global Health (2) [F, S]
GPH-GU 2106 Epidemiology (3) [F, S]
GPH-GU 2140 Global Issues in Social & Behavioral Health (3) [F, S]
GPH-GU 2110 Health Care Policy (2) [F, S, Su]
GPH-GU 2112 Public Health Policy and Management (2) [F, S, Su]
GPH-GU 2153 Global Environmental Health (3) [F, S, Su]
GPH-GU 2995 Biostatistics for Public Health (3) [F, S, Su]
GPH-GU 5171 Global Health Informatics Workshop (0) [F]
GPH-GU 5170 Introduction to Public Health (0) [F, S]
All students in the Global Health concentration take the following courses (9 credits) (Note: online students take the 5000-level version of the classes below):
GPH-GU 2136 Fundamentals of Global Health and Development (3) [S]
GPH-GU 2220 Applying Systems Thinking to Global Health Practice (3)* [S]
GPH-GU 2380 Data-Driven Decision-Making in Global Public Health (3) [F]
All students in the Global Health concentration select 5 courses (15 credits) from the following list of of public health electives.
GPH-GU 2154 Adolescent Health and Development (3)
GPH-GU 1230 Advanced Introduction to Public Health Ethics (3)
GPH-GU 2218/5218 Assessing Community Health Needs & Resources (3)
GPH-GU 5325/9325 Behavioral Communication Strategies for Global Epidemics (3)
GPH-GU 2265 Climate Change and Global Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 2229/5229 Commercial Determinants of Health: A focus on tobacco, alcohol, and industrial food (3)
GPH-GU 2415/5415 Community-Based Health Interventions (3)
HPAM-GP 2852 Comparative Analysis of Health Systems (3) **
GPH-GU 3260 Complex Systems, Disasters, and the Social Ecology of Health (3)
PADM-GP 4101 Conflict Management and Negotiation (1.5) **
GPH-GU 2242 Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (3)
GPH-GU 5320 Data Utilization in Public Health Practice (3)
PADM-GP 4119 Data Visualization and Storytelling (1.5) **
PADM-GP 2204 Development Assistance, Accountability and Aid Effectiveness (3)
GPH-GU 5232/9232 Disease Elimination and Eradication Strategies for Infectious Diseases in LMICs (3)
GPH-GU 2135 Dissemination and Implementation Science in Health Care and Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 5150 Emergency Preparedness for Healthcare Organizations (3)
GPH-GU 2440 Emerging Disease and Bioterrorism (3)
GPH-GU 2280 Environmental Health Assessments and Interventions (3)
GPH-GU 2211 Environmental Justice and Global Public Health (3)
PADM-GP 2171 Evaluating Programs and Policies (3) **
GPH-GU 2217 Food Policy for Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 2130/9130 Global Health Diplomacy (3)
GPH-GU 5210 Global Health Disaster Preparedness & Response (3)
GPH-GU 2342/5342 Global Issues in Public Health Nutrition
GPH-GU 2230 Global Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology & Control (3)
GPH-GU 5312 Global Perspectives in Reproductive Health & Human Rights
GPH-GU 2285/9285 Global Women's Health Programs: Analyzing the Evidence to Improve Women's Lives (3)
GPH-GU 2319 Grant Writing to Fund Public Health Research (3)
GPH-GU 2250 Health and Human Rights (3)
GPH-GU 2405/5405 Health Communications: Changing Norms in Theory and Practice (3)
GPH-GU 2282 Health Economics (3)
HPAM-GP 4830 Health Economics: Principles (1.5) **
GPH-GU 2324 Infectious Disease Epidemiology (3)
GPH-GU 2145 Introduction to Public Health Systems: Management & Policy Issues (3)
GPH-GU 2115/5115 Introduction to the Principles of Nutrition in Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 2224/9224 Introduction to Urban Health (3)
GPH-GU 1210 Justice in Health & Healthcare (3)
GPH-GU 2357 LGBTQ Health Disparities (3)
GPH-GU 5270 Management of Public Health Disasters (3)
GPH-GU 2344 Maternal and Child Nutrition in Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 5420 Monitoring & Management of Public Health Programs for Equity (3)
PADM-GP 2430 Multi-Sector Partnerships: A Comparative Perspective (3) **
GPH-GU 3120 Navigating the Landscape of Global Health: Understanding Challenges and Solutions (3)
GPH-GU 2289 Non-Profit Management in Low-Income Settings (3)
GPH-GU 2275/5275 Nutrition Epidemiology for Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 5288 Perspectives in Migrant Health & Human Rights (3)
PADM-GP 4213 Policy Advocacy Strategy & Evaluation (1.5) **
PADM-GP 2211 Program Development and Management for International Organizations (3) **
GPH-GU 2349/5349 Program Planning and Evaluation (3)
PADM-GP 4110 Project Management (1.5) **
GPH-GU 2326 Public Health Communication for Impact (3)
GPH-GU 2296 Public Health Innovation & Entrepreneurship (3)
GPH-GU 2213/5213 Public Health Nutrition (3)
GPH-GU 2160 Qualitative and Field Methods (3)
GPH-GU 2361/5361 Research Methods in Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 5410 Results-Focused Strengthening of Health Systems in LMIC Countries (3)
GPH-GU 2317 Social Epidemiology (3)
GPH-GU 2255 Substance Use and Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 2347 Tackling Global Health Disparities through Implementation Science Research (3)
GPH-GU 2270/5271 Translating Research into Practice: Adapting and Implementing Evidence-Based Public Health Interventions (3)
* prior to Spring 2024, this course was called Accelerating Progress Towards Health-Related SDGs (3)
** this is a Wagner course; to request enrollment, please follow the instructions on this page.
Year 1
(Note: online students take the 5000-level version of the classes below)
Fall semester (11 credits)
GPH-GU 2106 Epidemiology (3)
GPH-GU 2030 Introduction to Global Health (2)
GPH-GU 2380 Data-Driven Decision Making in Global Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 2140 Global Issues in Social & Behavioral Health (3)
GPH-GU 5171 Global Health Informatics Workshop (0)
GPH-GU 5170 Introduction to Public Health (0)
Spring semester (12 credits)
GPH-GU 2995 Biostatistics for Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 2220 Applying Systems Thinking to Global Health Practice (3)*
GPH-GU 2153 Global Environmental Health (3)
GPH-GU 2136 Fundamentals of Global Health and Development (3)
Fieldwork hours for the Applied Practice requirement
Year 2
Fall semester (12 credits)
GPH-GU 2359 Applied Practice Experience Seminar (2)**
GPH-GU 2110 Health Care Policy (2)
GPH-GU 2112 Public Health Management & Leadership (2)
Elective (3)
Elective (3)
Spring semester (11 credits)
GPH-GU 2360 Integrative Learning Experience Seminar (2)**
Elective (3)
Elective (3)
Elective (3)
* prior to Spring 2024, this course was called Accelerating Progress Towards Health-Related SDGs (3)
** these courses meet for 7 weeks each and may be taken in the same semester
Please note that as of Fall 2023, GPH is no longer offering a Spring start program for Global Health. Below is information for currently enrolled students; online students take the 5000-level version of the classes below.
Year 1:
(Note: )
Spring semester (12 credits)
GPH-GU 5106 Epidemiology (3)
GPH-GU 5121 Foundations of Global Health (3)
GPH-GU 2220 Applying Systems Thinking to Global Health Practice (3)*
GPH-GU 5140 Global Issues in Social & Behavioral Health (3)
Fall semester (12 credits)
GPH-GU 2995 Biostatistics for Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 2380 Data-Driven Decision Making in Global Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 2190 Essentials of Public Health Biology (3)
Elective (3)
GPH-GU 5171 Global Health Informatics Workshop (0)
GPH-GU 5175 Readings in the History & Philosophy of Public Health I (0)
Year 2:
Spring semester (11 credits)
GPH-GU 2359 Applied Practice Experience Seminar (2)
GPH-GU 2110 Health Care Policy (1.5)
GPH-GU 2112 Public Health Management & Leadership (1.5)
GPH-GU 2153 Global Environmental Health (3)
Elective (3)
GPH-GU 5180 Readings in the History & Philosophy of Public Health II (0)
GPH-GU 5185 Readings in the History & Philosophy of Public Health III (0)
Fall semester (11 credits)
GPH-GU 2360 Integrative Learning Experience Seminar (2)
Elective (3)
Elective (3)
Elective (3)
* prior to Spring 2024, this course was called Accelerating Progress Towards Health-Related SDGs (3)
Year 1:
(Note: online students take the 5000-level version of the classes below)
Fall semester (5 credits)
GPH-GU 2106 Epidemiology (3)
GPH-GU 2030 Introduction to Global Health (2)
GPH-GU 5171 Global Health Informatics Workshop (0)
GPH-GU 5170 Introduction to Public Health (0)
Spring semester (6 credits)
GPH-GU 2153 Global Environmental Health (3)
GPH-GU 2136 Fundamentals of Global Health and Development (3)
Year 2:
Fall semester (6 credits)
GPH-GU 2380 Data Driven Decision Making in Global Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 2140 Global Issues in Social & Behavioral Health (3)
Spring semester (7 credits)
GPH-GU 2110 Health Care Policy (2)
GPH-GU 2112 Public Health Management & Leadership (2)
GPH-GU 2220 Applying Systems Thinking to Global Health Practice (3)*
Year 3:
Fall semester (6 credits)
Elective (3)
Elective (3)
Spring semester (6 credits)
GPH-GU 2995 Biostatistics for Public Health (3)
Elective (3)
Fieldwork hours for the Applied Practice requirement
Year 4:
Fall semester (5 credits)
GPH-GU 2359 Applied Practice Experience Seminar (2)**
Elective (3)
Spring semester (5 credits)
GPH-GU 2360 Integrative Learning Experience Seminar (2)**
Elective (3)
* prior to Spring 2024, this course was called Accelerating Progress Towards Health-Related SDGs (3)
** these courses meet for 7 weeks each and may be taken in the same semester
Culminating Experience: Applied Practice & Integrative Learning Experience
Students in the Global Health concentration are required to complete 180 hours of supervised, relevant public health practice in the form of an internship. The qualifying practice experience may be related to students' current employment.
In addition, students are required to complete the following two courses as part of their applied practice experience:
GPH-GU 2359 Applied Practice Experience Seminar (2)
Supervised field experience providing an opportunity to apply public health skills in community health settings. Locations may include government agencies, hospitals, professional associations, voluntary health agencies, businesses, industries, and international agencies. Placement selection may focus on special topics such as infectious or chronic disease prevention, substance abuse, family planning, and food, environment, and health systems.
GPH-GU 2360 Integrative Learning Experience Seminar (2)
The final course in the Global Health concentration is designed to ensure that the student has acquired all of the competencies promised by the program. Evidence of mastery can take the form of exercises, exams, papers, and reports.
Global Health Course Checklist
The Global Health checklist (matric 2017 or later) outlines the requirements for the concentration, as well as which core and concentration courses have pre-requisites. Use this tool as you move along in the program to help keep track of the courses you’ve taken, as well as what’s up next.
Global Health Requirements Checklist
Global Health Requirements Checklist (for students who matriculated in the Spring team)
Online Global Health Requirements Checklist
Online Global Health Requirements Checklist (for students who were admitted in the Spring term)
For students who matriculated prior to Fall 2018: