Xu Quantitative Lab

Faculty Facilitator/Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Shu Xu

The Xu Quantitative lab led by Dr. Shu Xu focuses on the application and evaluation of innovative quantitative methods to social science and public health research. Our mission is to reinvent the public health paradigm by inspiring innovative scholarship, practice and leadership across boundaries.  The primary research track of this lab is (but not limited to) tobacco use and health behavior change using Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) data; and is centered on various aspects of latent growth models, missing data methods, causal inference models, and developing statistical methods for longitudinal data analysis. We work to understand and address the health effects of tobacco use; assess the effects of tobacco use patterns on various health outcomes; tobacco cessation and control strategies; effects of tobacco on various population groups; assess and evaluate the tobacco campaigns and policies.

For more information, please contact Dr. Shu Xu at sx5@nyu.edu.