Cheryl Healton

Cheryl Healton
Founding Dean of School of Global Public Health
Professor of Public Health Policy and Management
Professional overview
For the last ten years, Dean Healton has devoted herself to building GPH’s academic, service, and research programs. The School has been accredited by CEPH, increased the size of its student body and research funding, recruited top faculty, added doctoral-level programs, and made diversity, equity and inclusion a priority.
Previously, as the founding President and CEO of Legacy, a leading organization dedicated to tobacco control, Dean Healton guided the national youth tobacco prevention campaign, which has been credited with reducing youth smoking prevalence to record lows, and launched programs for smoking cessation, public education, technical assistance, and a broad range of grant making.
Prior to joining Legacy, Dean Healton held numerous roles at Columbia University including Associate Dean of its Medical School, Assistant Vice President for the Health Sciences and Chairman of Sociomedical Sciences, and Associate Dean of the Mailman School of Public Health. She is an Emeritus Professor of Columbia University.
Dean Healton has authored over 120 peer-reviewed articles and has been awarded multiple grants in AIDS, tobacco control and higher education. She was the founding chair of the Public Health Practice Council of the Association of Schools of Public Health. As an active member of the public health community she has given presentations around the world and is a frequent contributor to national and local coverage of public health issues.
She holds a DrPH from Columbia University's School of Public Health (with distinction) and a Master’s in Public Administration from the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at NYU.
MPA, Health Policy and Planning, New York University, New York, NYDrPH, Sociomedical Sciences (with distinction), Columbia University, New York, NY
Areas of research and study
Public Health LawPublic Health PolicyTobacco Control