The Department of Global & Environmental Health hosts a variety of events throughout the academic year. Some of these opportunities include faculty seminars, guest speakers, and other high-level events including webinars and discussion panels with experts from a variety of global health fields. We invite you to explore our page regularly and stay tuned for upcoming events that may be of interest to you!
Featured Past Events
WNR Climate Change & Health Fellowship Presentation: Understanding the Connection Between Climate Change & Public Health
William N. Rom Climate Change Fellows Liz Carr and Marisa Guerrero marked Earth Day with their culminating presentations on how climate change erodes public health infrastructure and interacts with the HIV.
April 22, 2024
Copper, Gold, and Lead – A Triad of Environmental Health Challenges in LMICs
Dr. Jack Caravanos discusses how communities are often faced with the untenable choice of health or wealth. Lead, Copper, and Gold are valuable commodities and essential ingredients in thousands of products. With commodity costs increasing, pressure to increase the recovery of recycled metals, including the recovery of Copper from eWaste, Lead from used automotive batteries, and Gold from alluvial deposits, has created enormous economic incentives.
Faculty Seminar Series
April 17, 2024
Access to Health Services, Information, & Research Participation. Why is it ALWAYS Challenging?
Dr. Moaz Abdelwadoud discusses effective coverage as the primary goal across access to health services, health information, and participation in health research, as it remains a significant challenge for researchers, clinical providers, and policymakers. Exploring the attitudes, willingness, and preferences towards participating in genomics research by African Americans in West Baltimore.
Faculty Seminar Series
March 27, 2024
Mental Health Challenges & Research Opportunities in Uganda: Community & Clinical Contexts
Dr. Joseph Kirabira discusses the existing mental health landscape in low-resource settings and explores the opportunities for countries to build long-lasting, culturally appropriate, and cost-effective interventions that address mental health issues in key populations.
Guest Speaker
March 12, 2024
Cities as Drivers of Global Health & Healthy Aging
Today, over half of the world’s population lives in cities. Using examples from cities across the globe, Dr. Jo Ivey Boufford will discuss how cities can create conditions for promoting good health and how they are critical drivers in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Faculty Seminar Series
February 21, 2024
Towards the Future for Mental Health in the Western Pacific
In 2023 the Western Pacific Regional Office of the World Health Organization advanced a new framework to promote mental health in the region. Dr. Brian Hall’s presentation will highlight examples of community based and participatory mixed methods studies conducted with Filipino and Indonesian migrant domestic workers, African migrants, and Chinese young adults, including the first known implementation science trial of the WHO scalable Intervention Step-by-Step in Asia.
Guest Speaker
February 14, 2024
Evaluating the Impact of Universal Health Coverage & Global Health Security on Childhood Immunizations During COVID-19
Dr. Yesim Tozan's seminar explores her group's quantitative research, evaluating how Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Global Health Security (GHS) contribute to safeguarding health services during crises.
Faculty Seminar Series
January 24, 2024
Navigating Public Health Challenges in Conflict Zones
Join Dr. Michael Merson, Interim Chair of the Department of Global & Environmental Health, and three WHO experts as they discuss the role of public health institutions in addressing the concurrent humanitarian crises in the Middle East and Africa.
December 19, 2023
Transforming Health Outcomes for Sickle Cell Disease Patients Across Continents
Dr. Emmanuel Peprah has cultivated a portfolio of funded research endeavors aimed at alleviating the burden of infectious and non-communicable diseases. His approach revolves around the promotion of evidence-based interventions (EBIs) in both clinical practice and community settings.
Faculty Seminar Series
November 17, 2023
Tackling the Burden of Hypertension in Africa by Leveraging Established Systems at the Primary Care Level
Dr. Dike Ojji presentation focuses on how multicomponent and multilevel interventions at patient, provider, and system levels are necessary for bridging these gaps in care. The Hypertension Treatment in Nigeria Programme and the Managing Hypertension in Persons Living with HIV: an Integrated Model (MAP-IT) study, present some of the best examples of how these gaps can be bridged by leveraging already established systems at the primary care level to implement evidence-based interventions in the continent of Africa.
Guest Speaker
November 15th, 2023
A Conversation with Peter Piot
Dr. Peter Piot, world renowned microbiologist and global health expert, discusses his pioneering work in the field of infectious diseases and his experiences in leading the global initiatives to combat and prevent Ebola and HIV/AIDS. In a discussion with Dr. Jo Ivey Boufford, Dr. Piot provides insights on the important intersection between research, program development, policy and politics in preparing for future pandemics and creating a more resilient and equitable global health system.
Guest Speaker
November 13, 2023
Anti-Prejudice Engineering in Health Settings
Dr. Wilson Wang's presentation looks at the impact of prejudice and power (racism) on health outcomes of black and brown communities. Dr. Wang's personal and thought-provoking encourages self-reflection and finishes with a discussion of strategies to combat racism in medical and public health settings.
Faculty Seminar Series
October 18, 2023
Public Health Connectors
Dr. Chris Dickey shares the development of GPH's unique study-away courses that connect field professionals with our MPH students to develop context-specific, data-driven programs for immediate implementation. Since its 2015 launch, the course has run 25 times in New York, Accra, Kathmandu, Beirut, Abu Dhabi, Istanbul, Nairobi, Asunción, and online, with a total participant count of over 1,200 individuals from around the world.
Faculty Seminar Series
September 20, 2023
Lessons Learned: Pandemic Prevention, Vaccine Practices & Countering Disinformation
Anna Harvey, Celine Gounder, and Mike Merson discuss the lessons learned and not learned from COVID-19 in research, development and implementation as well as ways to improve pandemic response and how to counter disinformation.
May 3, 2023
Early-life Exposure to Air Pollutants & Childhood Health Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa
Dr. Prince Michael Amegbor is a health geographer working within the overarching theme of environmental and social determinants of health and health-care-seeking behavior. His research uses big data and a multi-methods approach to unravel environmental and socio-spatial health inequalities in sub-Saharan Africa and other geographic regions.
Faculty Seminar Series
April 6, 2023
Implementation Science for Better Results for Women & Children
Dr. ASM Shahabuddin (Shahab) is a Health Specialist at the Primary Health Care and Health Systems Strengthening (PHC-HSS) Unit of UNICEF HQ in New York where he supports and coordinates implementation research initiatives for immunization and maternal, newborn and child health programs in resource poor settings. In this presentation Dr. Shahab discusses UNICEF's approach to implementation research, and shares key lessons learned and experiences throughout his career.
Guest Speaker
March 27, 2023