News & Articles

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Stay up-to-date on the latest from the Department of Global & Environmental Health. We invite you to check this page regularly for the latest on faculty updates, research, presentations and conferences, and other exciting news in the world of global and environmental public health.

Spring 2024

GEH May 2024 Newsletter

We are thrilled to share with you the May 2024 newsletter featuring Department news and projects from this past semester!

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New Fix for an Old Problem

The GPH Environmental Impact Analysis (EVIA) lab at NYU, spearheaded by Dr. Jack Caravanos, a leading expert in environmental impact analysis identifies and mitigates the widespread contamination caused by lead-covered communications cables to safeguard public health and the environment Dr. Caravanos and his team strive to raise awareness and enact solutions to protect communities worldwide through interdisciplinary research and advocacy.        
April 17, 2024 

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Local Solutions for Global Challenges

In this paper, Global Health Dual-Degree student, Liz Carr and MPH Alumni, Emily Zambiazzi, holistically discuss the complexity of the climate and food crises due to the impacts of colonial history, politics, economy, and culture. 
April 03, 2024 

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Urban Health Equity: J Term in London

With over half the world’s population now residing in urban areas, NYU London served as an ideal classroom recently for GPH students taking Jo Ivey Boufford’s J Term course on urban health and health equity. Their global campus experience was an opportunity to apply their knowledge and tools in collaboration with local stakeholders.
March 06, 2024 

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New Strategies in Nairobi: Behavioral Communication Strategies for Global Epidemics

It’s one thing to learn global public health at a top school like NYU GPH by sharing a classroom with its world-class faculty. It’s yet another to experience it among those whom we intend to serve. That’s why a group of MPH students, UN professionals, and health system managers spent the day in a Nairobi slum while they were engaged in a week of intense coursework and strategy development.
February 07, 2024 

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Fall 2023

GEH December Newsletter

We are thrilled to introduce the department’s first official newsletter, a platform to share faculty- and student-related news and important updates in global and environmental health.
December 15, 2023

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Centering Community-based Knowledge in Food Security Response and Climate Resilience in Southern Madagascar

The AGPHI Climate-Related Food Security team published a review in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (linked).
– December 1, 2023

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Transformative Insights at the 19th International Conference on Urban Health

At the 19th Annual International Conference on Urban Health, William N. Rom Climate Change and Health Fellows delved into the intersection of urban health, equity, and climate change. Read their write-up below!
– December 1, 2023

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The ISEE Lab celebrates the acceptance of six abstracts at the APHA Annual Conference -  a record for the highest number of presentations ever secured by the lab. You can check out the abstracts here.
–December 1, 2023

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Lessons in Global Health Leadership with Dr. Michael Merson

In this episode of the I AM GPH podcast, Dr. Michael Merson shares his remarkable life trajectory in the field of global health, from his early beginnings to his influential roles at the World Health Organization and in academia.

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ISEE Lab 2022 – 2023 Annual Report

The ISEE Lab is announce its inaugural annual report for the academic year 2022 – 2023 showcasing the remarkable accomplishments of our MPH and Doctoral students.

ISEE Annual Report 2022 – 2023

Exploring Geospatial Science and Health Equity

In episode 129 of the I AM GPH podcast, we dive into the world of geospatial science and its impact on public health with Dr. Prince Michael Amegbor. Discover how geography is crucial in understanding environmental and social determinants of health and health-care-seeking behavior.

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Spring 2023

The Science of Mother Earth: Geospatial Science & Climate Change

Dr. Prince Michael Amegbor introduces an innovative geospatial approach to reveal the complexities of climate change and help us understand its wider impacts.
April 26, 2023

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Culminating the Climate Fellowship Experience

GPH William N. Rom Climate Fellows summarize the work they completed in partnership with the HIV and Health team at the United Nations Development Program.
– April 26, 2023

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Ripple Effects of an “Accident”

Train derailments are consistently making the media headlines and Dr. Jack Caravanos tells us that we as public health professionals all have our part to play in recovering and protecting community health.
–April 12, 2023

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BCSE in Nairobi, Kenya

The BCSE course takes GPH students and public health professional to Nairobi to develop immediately implementable strategies to address public health challenges around the world.
–April 12, 2023

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Global Health Student Highlights

This month's spotlight features three GEH students: Kristen Amick, Julie Hart, and Amy Winn. Click below to read more!
– February 8, 2023

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Global Public Health Goes to Global Climate Summit

William N. Rom Climate Fellows recount their travels to Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt to join the conversation and strategize ways to take action at the 27th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference.
January 23, 2023

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