Mark Jit
Department Chair of Global and Environmental Public Health; Honorary Professorship at the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong
Dr Jit is Professor and Head of the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology & Dynamics at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, where he also co-directs the Global Health Economics Centre. He received his BSc and PhD in Mathematics from University College London, specializing in mathematical biology, and a Master of Public Health degree from King’s College London.
Prince Michael Amegbor
Assistant Professor of Global Health
As a health geographer using big data and a multi-methods approach in his research on the environmental and social determinants of health, Dr. Prince Michael Amegbor specializes in visualizing the geospatial distribution of risks and burdens on health that are associated with environmental exposures.
Jo Ivey Boufford
Clinical Professor of Global Health
With experience in medicine, health policy, and public administration, Dr. Jo Ivey Boufford is an expert in urban health, healthy aging, disease prevention, and health promotion and disparities.
Jack Caravanos
Clinical Professor of Environmental Public Health
Dr. Jack Caravanos studies lead and toxic wastes to design safe and evidence-based solutions to environmental pollution.
Chris Dickey
Clinical Associate Professor of Global Health
Dr. Chris Dickey is an international development innovator and public health entrepreneur whose work seeks to develop sustainable public health models and to forge bonds between the academic community and practitioners in the field.
Michael H. Merson
Clinical Professor of Global and Environmental Public Health; Wolfgang Joklik Professor of Global Health at Duke University
Dr. Merson has authored over 180 articles, is the senior editor of the leading global health textbook “Global Health: Disease, Programs, Systems, and Policies” and co-author of The AIDS Pandemic: Searching for a Global Response on the history of the global response to AIDS.
Emmanuel Peprah
Director of Implementation Science for Global Health; Associate Professor of Global Health
Dr. Emmanuel Peprah’s research interests lie at the confluence of understanding what, why, and how some evidence-based interventions work in some populations and not others.
Yesim Tozan
Assistant Professor of Global Health
Dr. Yesim Tozan researches health decision science, priority setting, cost-effectiveness, and resource allocation in low- and middle-income countries, with an emphasis on dengue and malaria.
Thomas O'Connell
Visiting Associate Professor of Global Health
Thomas O’Connell is a Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Global and Environmental Health at NYU’s School of Global Public Health. As a nurse, development economist and global public health advocate, his interests include strengthening the governance, financing and management of public health systems to deliver universal, quality and sustainable health services to all who need them, when and where they need them.
Scott Rosenstein
Visiting Associate Professor of Global Health
Scott Rosenstein is a Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Global and Environmental Health at NYU GPH. His expertise lies in the geopolitics of pandemics, health diplomacy, and global health governance. As a Director and Senior Public Health Advisor at Eurasia Group, he has advised on pandemic preparedness and biosecurity. Scott has also worked with the Council on Foreign Relations and the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities initiative. He earned his BA from Amherst College and both an MPH and MA in International Relations from Yale University. His work has been featured in top publications and he has appeared on major news networks.
Brian J. Hall
Affiliated Faculty of Global Health; Professor of Global Health, NYU Shanghai; Director, Center for Global Health Equity
Dr. Hall’s research focuses on global mental health and led some of the first studies of the African community in Guangzhou China, exploring the influence of social networks on HIV and sexual health, mental health, and the influence of discrimination on wellbeing. He co-developed the WHO regional framework for mental health in the Western Pacific Region which was officially launched in 2023. Some of his current research includes a five-country study of barriers to mental health care for diverse migrant populations.
Omar El-Shahawy
Affiliated Faculty of Global Health; Assistant Professor, Population Health, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Dr. El-Shahawy's research focuses on alternative tobacco product use among vulnerable populations including people with substance use disorder. Some of the current research project he is leading include smoking harm reduction among people with substance use disorder and people living with HIV/AIDS, smoking cessation among vulnerable populations, and patient-physician shared decision making.
Carlos Chirinos
Clinical Professor, NYU Steinhardt; Associated Faculty of Global Health
Carlos Chirinos’ work explores innovation and creativity in emerging global music industries, looking at the role of music in public health, international development and social change. He has been a key consultant for radio and music projects in Europe, Africa and Japan, with funding from the World Bank, USAID, IDRC, the Wellcome Trust and Toyota Foundation. He was awarded the Director’s Teaching Prize at SOAS, University of London in 2009.
William N. Rom
Global Distinguished Professor of Environmental Health; Adjunct Professor of Environmental Public Health
Andrew Burgie
Adjunct Professor of Environmental Public Health
Bret Ericson
Adjunct Professor of Environmental Public Health
Lori Hoepner
Adjunct Professor of Environmental Public Health
Paromita Hore
Adjunct Professor of Environmental Public Health
Alexis A. Merdjanoff
Director of Environmental Public Health Program; Assistant Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Dr. Alexis Merdjanoff is a public health sociologist who explores how population health is affected by exposure to natural hazards, including hurricanes, floods, extreme heat and wildfires. She is particularly interested in how social inequalities shape the impact of hazards on health, recovery, and resilience for vulnerable populations.
Peter S. Navario
Clinical Associate Professor of Public Health Policy and Management; Chief Executive Officer of HealthRight International
Dr. Peter Navario has extensive field experience establishing, monitoring, and evaluating HIV/AIDS treatment programs and health system capacity building across sub-Saharan Africa. He was the chair of the Botswana Ministry of Health’s National HIV/AIDS Health Professional Training Committee and lead evaluator of the World Bank’s Treatment Access Programme in Burkina Faso.
Donna Shelley
Professor of Public Health Policy and Management; Director of the Global Center for Implementation Science
Dr. Shelley’s implementation research focuses on building the evidence for effective theory-driven strategies that target barriers to implementation and sustainability of evidence-based tobacco use treatment in primary care settings in the U.S and Vietnam.
Kiera Bloch, MPH
Program Manager, Department of Global & Environmental Health
Email: kiera.bloch@nyu.edu
Phone: 212-992-6331
Mariana Weiss
Administrative Aide II, Department of Global & Environmental Health
Email: mlw9776@nyu.edu