Using Administrative Data to Assess Access to and Quality of Substance Use Treatment

February 26
708 Broadway, Room 801 | Online

Hosted by the NYU GPH Department of Epidemiology

In this seminar, Dr. Sugy Choi, Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, will focus on leveraging administrative data to evaluate the accessibility and quality of substance use treatment services. She will explore methodologies for analyzing health records, insurance claims and survey data to identify multilevel factors that are associated with access to care and assess treatment outcomes. This talk will encourage discussions and provide examples of observational studies aimed at addressing the complex factors influencing health outcomes and promoting equity in substance use treatment.

Sugy Choi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. She has access to the NY State Medicaid claims dataset, focusing on improving healthcare quality for Medicaid-covered New Yorkers. Her research experiences include evaluating state-level policies and treatment programs and studying socioeconomic determinants across multiple health care settings at domestic and international levels.