Dual Degree in Public Administration (MPA/MPH)

This interdisciplinary, three-year program with the NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service provides the necessary skills for you to pursue professional careers in both public administration and public health, prepare you for leadership roles in community healthcare settings, government agencies, and non-profit organizations in the United States and internationally. At completion of this full-time program, you will have earned a Master of Public Administration (MPA) and a Master of Public Health (MPH), starting you off in a prime position for advanced career options in either field.

You can choose from two MPA options:

Dual Degree in Public Administration (MPA/MPH) Program Sequence

(33 MPA credits/36 MPH credits)

Students who matriculated prior to Fall 2024 should follow the requirements outlined on this MPA/MPH Planning Checklist 
Students who matriculated in Fall 2024 or later should follow the requirements outlined below and on this MPA/MPH Planning Checklist.

Year One

Fall semester (14 credits) - Registration residency: Wagner
GPH-GU 2106 Epidemiology (3)
GPH-GU 2030 Introduction to Global Health (2)
GPH-GU 5380 Data-Driven Decision Making in Global Public Health (3)
GPH-GU 5171 Global Health Informatics Workshop (0)
GPH-GU 5170 Introduction to Public Health (0)
CORE-GP 1018 Microeconomics (3)
CORE-GP 1022 Intro to Public Policy (3)
Spring semester (13 credits) -  Registration residency: Wagner
GPH-GU 2110 Health Care Policy (2)
GPH-GU 2112 Public Health Management & Leadership (2)
GPH-GU 2136 Fundamentals of Global Health and Development (3)
CORE-GP 1021 Financial Management (3)
CORE-GP 1020 Managing Public Service Orgs (3)

Year Two

Fall semester (12 credits) - Registration residency: GPH
GPH-GU 2140 Global Issues in Social & Behavioral Health (3)
GPH-GU 2153 Global Environmental Health (3)
MPA Specialization Course 1 (3)
MPA Specialization Course 2 (3)
Spring semester (15 credits) - Registration residency: GPH
GPH-GU 2220 Applying Systems Thinking to Global Health Practice (3)
GPH-GU 2995 Biostatistics for Public Health (3)
MPH Elective (3)
MPA Specialization Course 3 (3)
MPA Specialization Course 4 (3)

Year Three

Fall semester (10.5 credits) - Registration residency: GPH
MPH Elective (3)
MPH Elective (3)
MPA Specialization Course 5 (3)
Capstone: Advanced Project I (1.5)
Spring semester (4.5 credits) - Registration residency: Wagner
MPA Elective Course (3)
Capstone: Advanced Project II (1.5)

For More Information:

For prospective students:

NYU Master of Public Health Program

NYU Wagner Admissions
(212) 998-7414

For current students:

MPH-MPH Program Advisement (Wagner)
Scott Statland
Associate Director, Advisement & Student Services
(212) 992-8717