When planning for registration, be sure to review all the steps in the registration checklist below. Your program advisors are available to answer all your questions and help keep you on track. Don't know who your program advisor is? Please visit this page for further information.
Steps to Complete
1. | Read all emails from GPH Registration–we send out important emails about registration, course changes, etc. from GPH Registration. Be sure to read them carefully! |
2. | Clear your holds: Look in the Student Center in Albert under “Check Enrollment Status” to see there are any holds. If you're unsure what any particular hold means, you can click on it and there will be a description. Common holds which will prevent you from registering include:
3. | Use your planning checklist and schedule to plan! Review your concentration's course schedule and planning checklist to see which courses you are expected to register for in any particular semester. Part-time students should consult the Part-time tab of the relevant planning checklist, as well as their program advisor. Note that certain courses are not offered every semester and some have pre-requisites. On the schedule, be sure to review the Prerequisites and Notes section of the course schedule for important information. And don’t forget about your 0-credit courses, as they are required for graduation! |
4. | MPH and MS Students must get cleared to register. This step is for continuing students only (incoming students may disregard!). To do so, carefully read through and complete the Registration Clearance form. Not sure who your advisor is? See this page for further information. MPH and MS students will not be able to register until you are cleared by your program advisor. MA students are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor each semester, and are required to do so if registering for Bioethics Practicum, a Philosophy course, a Law School course, or an unapproved GPH elective. Public Health Nutrition students who are pursuing the DPD are may reach out to Joyce O’Connor (jao8@nyu.edu) for DPD advisement. |
5. | Check your Enrollment Appointment. All graduate students register on the first day of registration. The time depends on the number of credits earned. Please check your appointment on the main page when you log into Albert and it’s not there, email registration@nyu.edu. |
6. | Course numbers vs. class numbers –know the difference! Course numbers are the prefix of a course (ex: GPH-GU 2106 is the course number for Epidemiology). Class numbers are the numbers used to enroll in a course in Albert. They are noted in blue in column "J" on the schedules. |
7. | Review how to register. Even if you are a continuing student, it’s always helpful to review how to register. Please check the "Registration Quick Links" to help you. Each link includes a video and text below it. TIP: the easiest way to find a course on Albert is go to your concentration or program's schedule on the same page of our website, scroll to column "J" in the schedule where you will find the relevant class number (indicated in blue) and enter it into the box in Albert where it says "Enter Class nbr". Review the schedule carefully, as it has information about pre-requisites, restrictions, etc. |
8. | Validate your courses prior to registration -Albert allows you to select and add your courses to your cart prior to registration to make sure there are no conflicts or any other issues. To do so, add your courses to the cart and click “Validate/Enroll/Edit”. Then follow the rest of these instructions. NOTE: putting a course into your cart does not guarantee a spot –you must click “Finish Enrolling” to complete the registration process! |
9. | Register! To avoid being closed out of a specific course or section, please register at your Enrollment Appointment or soon after (we strongly recommend registering the first day of registration). If you wait, you will risk being closed out of courses. |
10. | Do you have an Enrollment Mismatch alert? After registering, an enrollment mismatch occurs when the number of credits that you are currently registered for is not equal to or greater than the number of credits that your financial aid award is based on. You can follow the instructions to clear this that are outlined on this website. |
Download the Registration Checklist
Advisement for registration
All students are encouraged to meet with their faculty mentors for elective selection and career advisement, but must meet with their Program Advisor listed below for academic advisement (Bioethics students do not need to meet with their program advisor). All Program Advisors can assist with making sure you are on track, course sequencing, degree requirements, and clearing you to register. Bioethics students also meet with their faculty mentor but do not require clearance for registration. Not sure who your Program Advisor is? Please refer to this page for further information.