Tobacco Harm Reduction, Vulnerable Populations & Health Justice

May 17
Kimmel Center for University Life 60 Washington Square South Room 905/907 New York, NY

You are invited to join a conversation about a controversial but crucial public health issue: Smoking, reduced-risk nicotine products and vulnerable populations. Nearly half a million Americans a year lose their lives to smoking-related causes, yet smoking is left out of the harm reduction conversation. Worldwide, the vast majority of smokers are marginalized—people from low-income backgrounds, people with mental health diagnoses, people from indigenous and other minority communities, people who are homeless and people who use drugs. Smoking in these groups has not significantly decreased. Why? The panelists will explore the reasons smoking rates remain so high among people who are marginalized and the necessity to promote tobacco harm reduction.



  • Dr. Marewa Glover
  • Helen Redmond 
  • Dr. Sheila Vakharia


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