Pilot Projects & Mentoring Core Grant Development Workshop: Developing the Human Subject Protocol and Finalizing the Application

March 23
Online Webinar via Zoom

In this webinar, Danielle Ompad will discuss the study record form including protection of human subjects, inclusion of women and minorities, inclusion of children, planned enrollment, and additional requirements for clinical trials and interventions for an NIH grant proposal.

Dr. Ompad will also present on how to finalize the application including the abstract, project narrative (PHRS), budget and budget justification, facilities and resources, biosketches, etc.

Danielle Ompad is the Deputy Director for CDUHR and Director of CDUHR’s Dissemination & Implementation Core. She is also an Associate Professor at NYU’s School of Global Public Health. Dr. Ompad is an infectious disease epidemiologist with extensive experience in design, conduct, and analysis of community-based cross-sectional and prospective studies. Her research interests include illicit substance use, sexual risk behaviors, infectious diseases (e.g., HIV, HBV, HCV, HSV, and HPV), adult access to vaccines, and urban health. She has studied HIV risk, and social determinants of that risk, among drug using populations in the US (Baltimore and New York, in particular), Ukraine, and Russia. Dr. Ompad was a member of the Synergy Circle of the Knowledge Network on Urban Settings, a network created by WHO’s Commission on Social Determinants of Health to consider the role of urbanization in health outcomes. She has also been a consultant to the WHO and PAHO on urban health issues. She was a member of the Rockefeller Foundation-funded Roundtable for Urban Living Environment Research (RULER) group. She is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Urban Health and former secretary for the International Society for Urban Health.

This workshop will be available only online.

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