This event is hosted by the Office of Doctoral Studies.
Speaker Bio: Dr. Hai Shu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at New York University. He earned a Ph.D. in Biostatistics from University of Michigan and a B.S. in Information and Computational Science from Harbin Institute of Technology in China.
His research interests include high-dimensional data analysis (esp. data integration), machine/deep learning, medical image analysis (e.g., PET, MRI, Mammography), and their applications in Alzheimer’s disease, brain tumors, breast cancer, etc. He has published relevant papers in top-tier journals and conference, such as The Annals of Statistics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrics, and AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. He has also served as a reviewer on related topics for Journal of the American Statistical Association, Statistica Sinica, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, etc.
Prior to joining NYU, Dr. Hai Shu was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Biostatistics at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.