Slaying Giants of The Minds – Confronting Imposter Fears to Advance Your Career And Life!

October 20

Join us in conversation with Dr. Ericka Boone on imposter thoughts and how to confront them head-on by exploring ideas of reflection, self-care, personal stories, and humor to reduce imposter behaviors and empower session participants.

While the biomedical research enterprise is dominated by highly intelligent, accomplished, and driven people, many live in fear of being ‘found out’ or ‘exposed as a fraud’ because someone, somewhere will find out they aren’t quite as talented as everyone else around them. These are imposter fears/thoughts, and if left unchecked, the continual experience of imposter thoughts can impact not only mental health but also work performance and career development. The purpose of this session is to inform attendees about how to recognize imposter fears/thoughts (and imposter behaviors) and then confront them head-on by exploring ideas of reflection, self-care, personal stories, and humor to reduce imposter behaviors and empower session participants.