CDUHR Seminar: Medical Consequences of Stimulant Use in People with and at Risk for HIV

December 13

Hosted by the GPH Center for Drug Use and HIV Research (CDUHR)

In this talk, Dr. Adam Carrico (UC San Francisco) and Dr. Elise Riley (University of Miami) will describe the epidemiology of stimulant use in people living with or at risk for HIV, discuss research on the cardiovascular and HIV-related consequences of stimulant use, discuss possible clinical applications of the existing evidence, and explore future directions in research.

About the Speakers:
Adam Carrico is a clinical-health psychologist and Professor at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. His clinical research program has focused extensively on boosting and extending the effectiveness of contingency management for HIV/AIDS prevention in people who use stimulants. Dr. Carrico’s bio-behavioral research examines the mechanisms whereby methamphetamine and other stimulant use alter key biological processes relevant to HIV acquisition as well as HIV pathogenesis.

Elise Riley is a Professor and Epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Her clinical and community-based research focuses on co-morbidities and competing risks in homeless and unstably housed individuals, with an emphasis on the consequences of stimulant use and associated conditions. The aim of her work is to provide clinical tools for risk assessment in order to reduce morbidity and mortality in very low-income populations.