Andrea L Deierlein

Andrea L. Deierlein
Director of Public Health Nutrition
Associate Professor of Public Health Nutrition
Professional overview
Dr. Andrea Deierlein’s research focuses on examining how dietary, behavioral, and
environmental factors contribute to reproductive health outcomes and chronic-disease
development throughout the lifespan.Dr. Deierlein is trained as a nutritional epidemiologist. Much of her research has
examined predictors and outcomes of maternal metabolic health-related conditions during
pregnancy and the postpartum, specifically, excessive gestational weight gain,
hyperglycemia, and obesity. She contributed to a systematic evidence-based review
examining outcomes of weight gain during pregnancy at the Agency of Healthcare
Research and Quality. This review informed the development of the 2009 Institute of
Medicine Gestational Weight Gain Guidelines. Dr. Deierlein received the K99/R00
Pathway to Independence Award to expand her training to include the study of toxic
environmental chemicals and metals. She conducted research examining associations of
endocrine-disrupting toxicant exposures during childhood and changes in anthropometric
measurements through adolescence among girls. She also conducted a series of analyses
examining maternal prenatal exposures to phthalates with weight gain and biomarkers of
cardiometabolic health in women during pregnancy and throughout the postpartum.
Recently, Dr. Deierlein has expanded her research to include disability-related disparities
in nutrition and reproductive health. -
BS, Animal Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NYMS, Health Nutrition, Columbia University, New York, NYMPH, Epidemiology, Columbia University, New York, NYPhD, Nutrition Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Honors and awards
Travel Scholarship, Be Our Voice Childhood Obesity Prevention Advocacy Training, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2013)New York Academy of Sciences Education Fellowship (2012)Postdoctoral Fellowship in Pediatric Environmental Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (2010)Travel Scholarship, Researching Women’s Environmental Health: Food, Nutrition, and Obesity, University of Rochester Medical Center (2010)Travel Scholarship, Childhood Obesity Symposium, University of Southern California (2010)
Areas of research and study
Environmental Public Health ServicesEpidemiologyMaternal and Child HealthNutritionWomen's Health