Applied Research from the Marron Institute: A Think-Do Tank at NYU

November 14
708 Broadway, Room 801 / Online

Hosted by the GPH Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences

This talk will introduce the Marron Institute, provide a brief overview of its programming areas, with greater details on two projects. The presentation will conclude with a summary of data tools developed for partner agencies, including in New York City.

Angela Hawken, PhD, is a Professor of Public Policy at NYU and Director of NYU’s Marron Institute, a think-do tank. Marron’s team of faculty and research scholars, along with a growing cadre of NYU students, tackles the challenges of urban living, developing and testing novel interventions, tools, and technologies. Hawken is also the founding director of NYU’s BetaGov and Litmus programs, which support innovation-and-testing for social good, working closely with national, state, and local agencies, schools, and nonprofits across the United States and six countries in developing and testing practices and policies. Most recently, her team is helping prosecutors to harness their own data for equitable decision making and expanding opportunities for diversion, when appropriate.

Please note, this event is open only to current NYU students, faculty, and staff.