HealthRight International: Providing Psychological Support to Children through Barnahus Centers

Principal investigator

Peter S Navario,
Clinical Associate Professor of Public Health Policy and Management
Chief Executive Officer of HealthRight International

Funding Period


With the support of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Ukraine, HealthRight has created Barnahus Centers, safe spaces for children to talk about their experiences. In the course of 2 years, HealthRight has opened five Barnahus Centers across Ukraine where dozens of internally displaced children have received psychological support since the Russo-Ukrainian War began. HealthRight's teams provide critical services to relief workers and displaced families, including crisis counseling and safe relocation, access to shelters and family reunification support, and opportunities for medical, legal, and financial assistance. They also supply local partner organizations with food, medicines, and basic relief provisions (blankets, towels, first aid kits, hygiene products, etc.) to ensure the health of communities in need.

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