J-Term 2020 - Study Abroad Opportunities
GPH-GU 9345 Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response: A Global Perspective - Tel Aviv, Israel (3 credits)
GPH-GU 9325 Behavioral Communication Strategies for Global Epidemics - Beirut, Lebanon (3 credits)
GPH-GU 9130 Global Health Diplomacy - Washington, DC, USA (3 credits)
GPH-GU 9265 Climate Change & Global Public Health - Shanghai, China (3 credits)
GPH-GU 9343 HIV/AIDS Public Health Promotion - London, U.K. (3 credits)
Scroll down further to view instructions on how to enroll, deadlines, specific course information and fees, and FAQs.
J-term 2020 - Courses on Washington Square
GPH-GU 2347 Tackling Global Health Disparities Through Implementation Science Research - New York, NY (3)
GPH-GU 2342 Global Issues in PHN: Climate Change, Conflict, and the Emergence of NCDs - New York, NY (3)
GPH-GU 2211 Environmental Injustice: From Local to Global - New York, NY (3)
The NY-based courses do not require students to complete the pre-registration form, submit their passport or a confirmation fee. January courses are viewable in Albert now and registration begins on October 7th.
- Complete this Pre-Registration Form by Thursday, October 24th;
- Submit your color, scanned Passport copy by Thursday, October 24th via email to J_term_.4qz3jlwsjk2akktp@u.box.com (highlight, copy, and paste into your email). Make sure there is no text included âin âbody of emailâ or subject line.â Save as LAST NAME_LOCATION (example: Smith_London).
- Submit non-refundable program fee* (each course has a different fee - see below for instructions) by Thursday, October 31st;
- For the course in Beirut (GPH-GU 9325), we also ask that you also complete this form.
- Email gph.registration@nyu.edu confirming you have completed steps 2 & 3;
- Receive permission code to register for the course from GPH Registration;
- Enroll in the course;
- Receive information on when to book your flights, accommodations, program details, visa information and more!
*Program fees will be refunded to students who are unable to obtain a visa or the course does not run due to low enrollment.
- Open Now: Pre-Registration Form
- Monday, October 7th: J-Term registration begins
- Thursday, October 24th: Form closes and scanned, color copy of passport due
- Thursday, October 31st: Program fee due (late submissions will not be accepted)
Please read Frequently Asked Questions below. For further questions, email gph.global@nyu.edu

Program Details
Students MUST have a 3.0 GPA to be enrolled in a study abroad course;
Students must have completed or are currently be enrolled in any pre-requisites for the course;
Students must get approval from their Advisers or Department Chair/Director if a course they want to take is not listed on their course sequencing for their concentration;
Passports must be valid for 6 months AFTER the end of the program date.-
GPH-GU 9345 Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response: A Global Perspective
Tel Aviv, Israel
Dr. David AbramsonThis course will focus on the planning and deployment of international humanitarian aid missions, preparedness and response to terrorism, public health ethical issues that arise in conflict situations, and disaster mental health and community resilience. The course will also review principles of surveillance, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery from natural and man-made emergency events, and cover both US and international emergency management and public health frameworks. This study-abroad course will feature the following:
Attendance at a bi-annual international scientific and provider conference, the International Healthcare Conference on Preparedness and Emergency Response to Disasters (IPRED), which draws scholars and practitioners from around the world. www.ipred.co.il
Opportunities to meet and network with international scholars and specialists in disaster response, climate science, and humanitarian aid
FEMA certification in courses ICS-100 (Incident Command) and ICS-200 (ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents), https://training.fema.gov/nims/
Students will travel to Ben Gurion University in Beersheva, Israel to attend lectures with faculty and students from the Center for Emergency Response Research, http://in.bgu.ac.il/en/PREPARED/Pages/default.aspx
There will be opportunities for students to travel throughout Israel on weekends to explore historical, cultural, and religious sites.Pre-requisites: GPH-GU 2106 or 5106 and GPH-GU 2140 and 5140
Eligibility: This course is open to the following MPH concentrations: CIH, ENV, EPI, GH, PHPM, and SBS. Graduate students in other NYU schools and upper-level undergraduates will be admitted on a case-by-case basis.
Arrival: Monday, January 6, 2020
Program Dates: January 7 - 22
Departure: Wednesday, January 22
Program Fee: $1900
Housing: NYU Provided Housing (shared doubles)
Meals: No meal plan.
Airfare: Students are responsible for booking and paying for their own airfare. Do not book your own flights until you are notified to do so.-
GPH-GU 9325 Behavioral Communication Strategies for Global Epidemics
Beirut, Lebanon
Dr. Chris DickeyThis course focuses on the integration of three public health disciplines for emergency action: epidemiology, behavioral health/intervention research and public health communication to provide students with a knowledge base and foundation of skills to be able to design and implement strategies in disease prevention and response in outbreak situations, with a focus on the reemergence and emergence of global epidemics. UNICEF staff from country offices – many of whom have 15-20 years of experience in the field – take the course alongside NYU GPH students, mixed together on teams and working to develop strategies for some of the most pressing public health challenges in the world.
The course is a hybrid, which means that half the material will be completed online before the in-person component. Almost all of the foundation material, readings, and slides are in the online portion, which allows the in-person time to be spent working on strategies to prevent and manage epidemics.
Pre-requisites: None.
Eligibility: All MPH students are welcome to apply. However, preference will be given to second year graduate level students, UN staff and other health professionals currently serving in the field. You must receive approval from the Chair of your Concentration if this course is not an elective for your concentration.
Program Dates: meets online from November 25th-January 10th (not including winter break); the live portion will run from January 13-21st
Arrival: January 12th
Departure: January 22nd
Program Fee: $1400
Housing: Shared doubles
Meals: Breakfast at hotel, lunch will be provided
Airfare: Students are responsible for booking and paying for their own airfare. Do not book your flights until you are notified to do so.-
GPH-GU 9130 Global Health Diplomacy
Washington, DC, USA
Dr. Peter NavarioMany of the geopolitical forces that shape global health (global disease burden and our collective response to it) lie outside of the health sphere. This course will explore the ways in which global health is influenced by, and can influence, other global forces including foreign policy, trade/economic policy, environmental policy, and security policy in a globalizing world. Effective responses to current and future global health challenges require that public health professionals (particularly those working in policy or at a policy-level) understand these dynamics and how best to leverage them in order to achieve better health outcomes globally.
Pre-requisites: None
Eligibility: Open to all concentrations with approval from Adviser and/or Department Chair.
Arrival: Monday, January 6, 2020
Program Dates: January 6-17
Departure: Saturday, January 18th (or late evening on January 17)
Program Fee: $1000
Housing: Shared doubles
Meals: No meal plan provided.
Transportation: Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation. Do not book your transportation until you are notified to do so.-
GPH-GU 9265 Climate Change and Global Public Health
Shanghai, China
Dr. William RomThis course is about Climate Change i.e. Global Warming! Climate Change has been cited as the most significant public policy challenge of the 21st century. We will intensively cover the climate change science, public health impacts, ecological consequences, fossil fuel air pollution, global food and security, and policy options. Adaptation strategies to control outcomes of storm flooding, increased ozone and heat waves, drought, and threats to biodiversity will be covered. Mitigation by 100% renewables with texts on wind and solar energy will be assessed. Policy solutions will be evaluated from city governments, States, Countries, to Global treaties such as UN Framework Convention on Climate Change-Conference of the Parties Paris Agreement. Climate Denialism is reviewed with the text, ”The Madhouse Effect.”
Pre-requisites: None.
Eligibility: This course is open to the following MPH concentrations: GH, SBS, PHPM, EPI, BIO-ETHICS. Graduate students in other NYU schools and senior-level undergraduates will be admitted on a case-by-case basis. Non-NYU students, please email GPH.Global@nyu.edu.
Arrival: Saturday, January 4
Program Dates: January 6-17
Departure: Saturday, January 18
Program Fee: $1600
Housing: Singles in hotel
Meals: No meal plan
Airfare: Students are responsible for booking and paying for their own airfare. Do not book your flights until you are notified to do so.-
GPH-GU 9343 HIV/AIDS Public Health Promotion
London, United Kingdom
Dr. Farzana KapadiaDuring this 2-week intersession class, students will learn about the evolution of the HIV epidemic in the U.S. and in the U.K. Cross country comparisons of these two epidemics will allow students to examine the bio-psychosocial factors that have influenced HIV vulnerability, examine the application of relevant and appropriate theories to the development of HIV prevention, evaluate the effectiveness of prevention and interventions efforts, and compare how prevention and intervention efforts are implemented in these two distinct health care environments.
Pre-requisites: GPH-GU 2140 or 5140
Eligibility: This course is open to the following MPH concentrations: CIH, GH, EPI, PHPM, and SBS. Graduate students in other NYU schools and upper-level undergraduates will be admitted on a case-by-case basis.
Arrival: Sunday, January 5
Program Dates: January 6-17
Departure: Saturday, January 18 (or after 6pm on Friday, January 17)
Program Fee: $1900
Housing: Singles in shared suite at NYU provided housing (private bedroom, bathroom, shared kitchen and living space)
Meals: No meal plan.
Airfare: Students are responsible for booking and paying for their own flights. Do not book your flights until you are notified to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I select more than one study abroad course? No - you can only select one course to enroll in during J-term. If you have questions about the course, you should attend the study abroad information session or contact the faculty member.
- When can I book my flight? Students should not book their flights until they are told to do so by GPH administrators. Each course must meet minimum enrollment in order to run.
- How do I send in my passport? Passports should be submitted using the link listed in the "how to enroll" section at the top of this page. Do not need to include a subject line or text in the email body. Passports should be saved in a PDF or JPEG format as LAST NAME_LOCATION. Upon submission, you will receive an email letting you know that it has been submitted properly.
- When can I register? Once you have completed the "how to enroll" tasks, you will receive an access code and can register on October 7th.
- Do J-Term courses count as part of my Spring course load? Yes. Therefore, if you would like to have a lighter spring load, you can take a January course, and then 3 courses in the Spring term.
- What does the program fee cover? In general, a program fee covers housing and activities (including local transportation), but it depends on the course. Please scroll to the course you are interested in for specific details on what the fee covers. In some locations, housing and the activity fee are separate since housing at the NYU site is optional and students are billed directly from the site. The program fee does not cover tuition, which is separate.
- Does financial aid cover the program fee? Yes. However, because of how it is set up in the system, you would need to pay for the program fee out of pocket. You will register for the course and then 10 days prior to the start of it, the aid will kick in and cover the fee. If you have further questions about financial aid, please contact the Office of Financial Aid (212-998-4444 or financial.aid@nyu.edu) to discuss this with them; it is not automatically covered.
- Is airfare included? No, airfare is not included in the program fee unless otherwise noted.
- Will I need a visa? Depending on your nationality and the country you are visiting, you may need a visa. Please review the course details for more information.
- Can I arrive early? Yes, but you are responsible for finding your own accommodations. Students must check in and check out on the listed dates per program. If you require a visa, you will need to check with the Office of Global Services as to whether you can arrive early or depart after the program dates.
- Can I travel on the weekend? Yes, if your coursework allows you the time to travel outside of your host city, but you must notify the site administrators and gph.global@nyu.edu in advance of confirming your plans, and enter your information here.
- What is the total cost of a study abroad course? It depends on the course, but you can estimate the total cost by adding the following factors: 1) tuition (the same as any other 3-credit GPH course); 2) program fee, which varies by course; 3) airfare; 4) meals, some of which may be covered by the program fee; 5) housing (in some locations, housing is separate since housing at the NYU site is optional and students are billed directly from the site). Be sure to scroll up and click on the course you are interested in to see specific details.
Other Important Information
- Late program fee payments will not be accepted. Students that do not deposit on time risk losing their spot in the course.
- Program day-to-day schedules and syllabus content are subject to change and will be distributed in advance of departure. Some courses may require online modules or advanced readings to be completed prior to travel.
- Students should make sure they are up to date with their immunizations and contact NYU Travel Medicine to see if any vaccinations are required before travel.
- Students cannot miss class due to their flight schedules. Make sure you do not book your flight to arrive after the course starts, or before the end of the last class.
- If you need a housing or academic accommodation, please contact the Moses Center as soon as you are admitted.
- Students are responsible for obtaining their visas, if needed, but will be provided guidance from GPH and the Office of Global Services (OGS).
- All international students should contact the Office of Global Services regarding their status and to obtain a travel signature.
- NYU Traveler/Egencia is the preferred methods for students to book their flights since your information will automatically be uploaded to NYU Public Safety. The following student travel websites are also popular, though not endorsed or necessarily recommended by NYU:
Submitting your program fee
Instructions for submitting a payment to your student account can be found on the website of the Office of the Bursar.