Holly Hagan

Holly Hagan
Holly Hagan

Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Professional overview

Dr. Holly Hagan is a Professor in the Departments of Social Behavioral Sciences and Epidemiology at the School of Global Public Health. Trained as an infectious disease epidemiologist, Dr. Hagan’s work has sought to understand the causes and consequences of substance use disorders.  Her research has examined blood-borne and sexually-transmitted infections among people who use drugs. She is an internationally-recognized expert in the etiology, epidemiology, natural history, prevention and treatment of hepatitis C virus infection among PWUD, and in 2014 her work was recognized by the US Department of Health and Human Services with the President’s Award for Leadership in the Control of Viral Hepatitis in the United States. Dr. Hagan served on the Institute of Medicine Committee on the Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis in the United States, and she has been an advisor to the US Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC, and the Canadian Institutes of Health on national programs to detect, diagnose and treat HCV infections. She was recently appointed to the National Academy of Medicine Committee on the Examination of the Integration of Opioid and Infectious Disease Prevention Efforts in Select Programs.

Dr. Hagan is the Director of the NIDA P30 Center for Drug Use and HIV|HCV Research at Global Public Health, which provides research support to investigators throughout NYU and in two other NYC institutions. In 2017, she was selected by NIDA to chair the Executive Steering Committee for the Rural Opioid Initiative funded by NIH, CDC, SAMHSA and the Appalachian Regional Commission. Her research has shifted to examining the impact of the opioid crisis more broadly, to include studying the epidemiology of fatal and non-fatal overdose among PWUD. She was chosen by the American Foundation for AIDS Research to be the Principal Investigator for the New York State Opioid Prevention Center pilot study, which will examine the safety and effectiveness of the Supervised Consumption Sites to be implemented in New York City and in upstate NY. 


PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
MPH Epidemiology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
BA Russian Studies, Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA



The Tacoma syringe exchange

Hagan, H., Des Jarlais, D. C., Purchase, D., Reid, T., & Friedman, S. (n.d.). In S. Friedman & D. Lipton (Eds.), Cocaine, AIDS, and intravenous drug use (1–).

Publication year


The tacoma syringe exchange

Hagan, H., Des Jarlais, D. C., Purchase, D., Reid, T., & Friedman, S. R. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Journal of Addictive Diseases






For over a year, the Tacoma Syringe Exchange has been operating in spite of existing drug paraphernalia laws. One hundred fifty-four subjects have been interviewed regarding drug injection practices for the month prior to first use of the exchange and for the most recent month since using the exchange. Statistically significant reductions in mean frequency of obtaining used syringes, and in mean rate of passing on used syringes, have been reported. Mean number of times bleach was used to disinfect contaminated syringes has risen. The exchange continues to attract mainly men, median age 35, with a long history of injection. No differences have been observed in mean number of injections per month. In order to increase utilization, new sites are planned, but expansion has been hampered by a series of legal problems. Since the exchange draws many difficult to reach individuals, it is an important location for STD screening and drug treatment recruitment. Documentation of participation patterns and barriers to exchange use, and effects upon HIV serological status are recommended.

Letters to the Editor

Hagan, H. C., & Des Jarlais, D. C. (n.d.). In AIDS Patient Care (1–).

Publication year







hh50@nyu.edu 708 Broadway New York, NY, 10003