Faculty Mentors

Stephanie Cook, DrPH
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics / Assistant Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences | NYU School of Global Public Health
: @DrStephanieCook

Karyn Faber, EdD
Director of Undergraduate Experiential Learning and Clinical Assistant Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences | NYU School of Global Public Health

Alexis Merdjanoff, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences | NYU School of Global Public Health
: @lexmerdj

Jose Pagán, PhD
Chair and Professor of the Department of Public Health Policy and Management | NYU School of Global Public Health
Graduate Student Mentors

Gabriella Meltzer

Manuel R. Vazquez-Sanchez, BS

Vivian Hsing-Chun Wang, RD MS MPA
Vivian Wang is a doctoral student in the Department of Public Health Policy and Management. Drawing from her experiences as a registered dietitian, Vivian centers her research on identifying policy levers that can support efforts to reduce health disparities. Specifically, she focuses on examining systemic barriers to inform social and health care services design to achieve health equity. Vivian's current projects include: racial/ethnic disparities in diet-related outcomes and interventions, population-level variations in attitudes and behaviors related to public health interventions, and application of implementation science principes to smoking cessation programs. An amateur cook, Vivian rarely follows recipes and thoroughly enjoys culinary art as an agent to connect with self and others.

Erica P. Wood, MPH
Third year PhD student in Social and Behavioral Sciences | NYU School of Global Public Health
Erica Wood is a third-year doctoral student in the Social and Behavioral Sciences track at New York University’s School of Global Public Health. Erica's work focuses on examining intersections of different forms of minority stress (e.g., sexual orientation-related discrimination and/or racial/ethnic-related discrimination) and mental and physical health outcomes among sexual and gender minorities. Erica’s primary research interests include examining pathways of risk and resilience among racially/ethnically diverse populations of sexual and gender minorities across the life course.
: ericapwoodMPH
Erica supported Dr. Cook for summer 2021.

Jing Xu
MS student in Biostatistics | NYU School of Global Public Health
Jing received a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Wellesley College, and is a Biostatistics Masters Candidate at the School of Global Public Health at NYU. She works as a research assistant at NYU Langone where she studies survival outcomes in cardiac arrest patients. Currently, Jing is examining the relationship between brain regional oxygen saturation and survival outcomes for patients who are admitted to hospitals during cardiac arrest.
Twitter: @Jingistired
Instagram: @jingeatscereal
Jing supported Dr. Faber for summer 2021.

Zoé Haskell-Craig, B.Sc., B.A.
Second year PhD student in Biostatistics | NYU School of Global Public Health
Zoé will be starting the second year of her PhD program at NYU in fall 2021. She has a wide range of research interests including spatial statistics, machine learning, infectious diseases, environmental health and health disparities. Her current projects include a systematic review of spatial methods to study health disparities in air pollution exposure and susceptibility, and incorporating air pollution into prediction models using machine learning techniques. She graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 2020 with a B.Sc. in Physics and a B.A. in Social and Political History
Zoé taught the Introduction to Statistical Computing course for summer 2021.

Temitope Ojo, MPH

Jessica Randazzo, MS
Second year PhD student in Biostatistics | NYU School of Global Public Health
Jessica is a 2nd year doctoral student in the Biostatistics concentration. After receiving her BS in Applied Math from Stony Brook University, she taught Math and English in Mozambique as a Peace Corps Volunteer. She discovered public health through this opportunity and decided to pursue an MS degree at Tulane University School of Public Health in biostatistics. She has research experience in clinical trials, infectious diseases, oncology, missing data, and survival analysis. Her current research focuses on applying pseudo-observations to survival analysis.
: @jrazz12
Jessica taught the Introduction to Biostatistics course for summer 2021.
Social Mentor

Jing Xu
Second year MS student in Biostatistics | NYU School of Global Public Health
Jing received a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Wellesley College, and is a Biostatistics Masters Candidate at the School of Global Public Health at NYU. She works as a research assistant at NYU Langone where she studies survival outcomes in cardiac arrest patients. Currently, Jing is examining the relationship between brain regional oxygen saturation and survival outcomes for patients who are admitted to hospitals during cardiac arrest.
: @Jingistired

: @jingeatscereal