New York State Prevention Agenda Webinar

April 27
Online via WebEx or Conference Phone

The New York University College of Global Public Health is pleased to invite you to a webinar to learn about the NYS Prevention Agenda and to provide feedback that will be used to update the plan.

The Prevention Agenda is New York State’s blueprint for state and local action to improve the health of New Yorkers in five priority areas and to reduce health disparities for populations who experience them.

The Public Health and Health Planning Council's Ad Hoc Committee to Lead the Prevention Agenda, on which I serve, is updating the agenda for the next six years. The vision for the updated plan is " New York is the Healthiest State for People of all Ages."

The committee is eager to hear from a wide range of organizations, including schools and programs of public health, before finalizing the priorities, focus areas and goals of the updated plan. 

Please participate in this webinar to learn about the Prevention Agenda and progress to date and to provide your thoughts on how NYS can update the plan so that it can achieve its vision for becoming the healthiest state for people of all ages.


Sylvia Pirani, MPH, Director, Office of Public Health Practice NYS Department of Health

Jo Ivey Boufford, MD, Vice Chair, NYS Public Health and Health Planning Council and Clinical Professor of Global Public Health, NYU

Join the Webinar via WebEx:

If you wish to call in using a landline please call
Conference ID: 77502162#
Conference Password: 6347#