Jonathan Purtle

Jonathan Purte

Jonathan Purtle


Associate Professor of Public Health Policy & Management

Director of Policy Research at NYU’s Global Center for Implementation Science

Professional overview

Jonathan Purtle is Associate Professor of Public Health Policy & Management and Director of Policy Research at NYU’s Global Center for Implementation Science.

Dr. Purtle is a mental health policy researcher and implementation scientist. His work examines questions such as how the implementation of policies “on the books” can be improved in practice, how research evidence can be most effectively communicated to policymakers and is used in policymaking processes, and how social and political contexts affect mental health policymaking and policy implementation. He is also studies population-based approaches to mental health and suicide prevention. 

Dr. Purtle’s work has been consistently funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). He is currently leading/recently led NIMH-funded projects focused on the implementation of financing policies related to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (R01MH131649) and policies that earmark taxes for mental health services (R21MH125261) and understanding the dynamics of research evidence in mental health policymaking (P50MH113662). He also recently completed a RWJF-funded project that experimentally tested different ways of communicating evidence about child maltreatment to the public and policymakers.

He has published over 150 peer-reviewed journal articles, is an Associate Editor at Implementation Science, and Co-Chairs the Policy Advisory Board at Psychiatric Services. He is Core Faculty of the NIMH-funded Implementation Research Institute, was Chair of the Policy Section of the AcademyHeath/NIH Dissemination and Implementation in Heath Conference from 2017 to 2022, was awarded the 2018 Champion of Evidence-Based Interventions Award from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies for his work on evidence use in mental health policymaking.


BA, Psychology, Roger Williams University
MSc, Sociology, Universiteit van Amsterdam
MPH, Drexel University
DrPH, Drexel University



A policy implementation study of earmarked taxes for mental health services: study protocol

Purtle, J., Stadnick, N. A., Wynecoop, M., Bruns, E. J., Crane, M. E., & Aarons, G. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Implementation Science Communications




Background: Insufficient funding is frequently identified as a critical barrier to the implementation and sustainment of evidence-based practices (EBPs). Thus, increasing access to funding is recognized as an implementation strategy. Policies that create earmarked taxes—defined as taxes for which revenue can only be spent on specific activities—are an increasingly common mental health financing strategy that could improve the reach of EBPs. This project’s specific aims are to (1) identify all jurisdictions in the USA that have implemented earmarked taxes for mental health and catalogue information about tax design; (2) characterize experiences implementing earmarked taxes among local (e.g., county, city) mental health agency leaders and other government and community organization officials and assess their perceptions of the acceptability and feasibility of different types of policy implementation strategies; and (3) develop a framework to guide effect earmarked tax designs, inform the selection of implementation strategies, and disseminate the framework to policy audiences. Methods: The project uses the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, Sustainment (EPIS) framework to inform data collection about the determinants and processes of tax implementation and Leeman’s typology of implementation strategies to examine the acceptability and feasibility strategies which could support earmarked tax policy implementation. A legal mapping will be conducted to achieve aim 1. To achieve aim 2, a survey will be conducted of 300 local mental health agency leaders and other government and community organization officials involved with the implementation of earmarked taxes for mental health. The survey will be followed by approximately 50 interviews with these officials. To achieve aim 3, quantitative and qualitative data will be integrated through a systematic framework development and dissemination process. Discussion: This exploratory policy implementation process study will build the evidence base for outer-context implementation determinants and strategies by focusing on policies that earmarked taxes for mental health services.

Amplifying consumers as partners in dissemination and implementation science and practice

Crane, M. E., Purtle, J., & Becker, S. J. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Implementation Research and Practice


Background: This Viewpoint argues for consumers (people with lived experience and their families) to be amplified as key partners in dissemination and implementation science and practice. Method: We contend that consumer opinion and consumer demand can be harnessed to influence practitioners and policymakers. Results: Amplifying consumers’ voices can improve the fit of evidence-based interventions to the intended end user. We offer recommendations of frameworks to engage consumers in the dissemination and implementation of health interventions. We discuss the primary types of evidence consumers may rely upon, including testimonials and lived experience. Conclusions: Our intention is for this Viewpoint to continue the momentum in dissemination and implementation science and practice of engaging consumers in our work.

An Examination of Factors Affecting State Legislators’ Support for Parity Laws for Different Mental Illnesses

Pilar, M., Purtle, J., Powell, B. J., Mazzucca, S., Eyler, A. A., & Brownson, R. C. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Community mental health journal






Mental health parity legislation can improve mental health outcomes. U.S. state legislators determine whether state parity laws are adopted, making it critical to assess factors affecting policy support. This study examines the prevalence and demographic correlates of legislators’ support for state parity laws for four mental illnesses— major depression disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), schizophrenia, and anorexia/bulimia. Using a 2017 cross-sectional survey of 475 U.S. legislators, we conducted bivariate analyses and multivariate logistic regression. Support for parity was highest for schizophrenia (57%), PTSD (55%), and major depression (53%) and lowest for anorexia/bulimia (40%). Support for parity was generally higher among females, more liberal legislators, legislators in the Northeast region of the country, and those who had previously sought treatment for mental illness. These findings highlight the importance of better disseminating evidence about anorexia/bulimia and can inform dissemination efforts about mental health parity laws to state legislators.

Comparing organization-focused and state-focused financing strategies on provider-level reach of a youth substance use treatment model: a mixed-method study

Dopp, A. R., Hunter, S. B., Godley, M. D., González, I., Bongard, M., Han, B., Cantor, J., Hindmarch, G., Lindquist, K., Wright, B., Schlang, D., Passetti, L. L., Wright, K. L., Kilmer, B., Aarons, G. A., & Purtle, J. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Implementation Science




Background: Financial barriers in substance use disorder service systems have limited the widespread adoption—i.e., provider-level reach—of evidence-based practices (EBPs) for youth substance use disorders. Reach is essential to maximizing the population-level impact of EBPs. One promising, but rarely studied, type of implementation strategy for overcoming barriers to EBP reach is financing strategies, which direct financial resources in various ways to support implementation. We evaluated financing strategies for the Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA) EBP by comparing two US federal grant mechanisms, organization-focused and state-focused grants, on organization-level A-CRA reach outcomes. Method: A-CRA implementation took place through organization-focused and state-focused grantee cohorts from 2006 to 2021. We used a quasi-experimental, mixed-method design to compare reach between treatment organizations funded by organization-focused versus state-focused grants (164 organizations, 35 states). Using administrative training records, we calculated reach as the per-organization proportion of trained individuals who received certification in A-CRA clinical delivery and/or supervision by the end of grant funding. We tested differences in certification rate by grant type using multivariable linear regression models that controlled for key covariates (e.g., time), and tested threats to internal validity from our quasi-experimental design through a series of sensitivity analyses. We also drew on interviews and surveys collected from the treatment organizations and (when relevant) interviews with state administrators to identify factors that influenced reach. Results: The overall certification rates were 27 percentage points lower in state-focused versus organization-focused grants (p =.01). Sensitivity analyses suggested these findings were not explained by confounding temporal trends nor by organizational or state characteristics. We did not identify significant quantitative moderators of reach outcomes, but qualitative findings suggested certain facilitating factors were more influential for organization-focused grants (e.g., strategic planning) and certain barrier factors were more impactful for state-focused grants (e.g., states finding it difficult to execute grant activities). Discussion: As the first published comparison of EBP reach outcomes between financing strategies, our findings can help guide state and federal policy related to financing strategies for implementing EBPs that reduce youth substance use. Future work should explore contextual conditions under which different financing strategies can support the widespread implementation of EBPs for substance use disorder treatment.

County- and state-level immigration policies are associated with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participation among Latino households

Chaparro, M. P., Auchincloss, A. H., Argibay, S., Ruggiero, D. A., Purtle, J., & Langellier, B. A. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Social Science and Medicine


The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between county- and state-level immigrant criminalizing and integrating policies and Latino household participation in the largest safety net program against food insecurity in the U.S., the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Our outcome, county-level proportion of SNAP-participating Latino households, and county-level covariates were obtained from the American Community Survey 1-year county files (N = 675 counties) for 13 years (2007–2019). Our exposures were county-level presence of sanctuary policies and a state-level immigrant friendliness score, created based on 19 immigrant criminalizing and integrating state-level policies obtained from the Urban Institute's State Immigration Policies Resource. We classified every county in the sample as 1) sanctuary policy + immigrant friendly state, 2) sanctuary policy + immigrant unfriendly state, 3) no sanctuary policy + immigrant friendly state, and 4) no sanctuary policy + immigrant unfriendly state. Using multivariable generalized linear models that adjusted for poverty levels and other social composition characteristics of counties, we found that county-level SNAP participation among Latino households was 1.1 percentage-point higher in counties with sanctuary policies (B = 1.12, 95%CI = 0.26–1.98), compared to counties with no sanctuary policies, and 1.6 percentage-point higher in counties with sanctuary policies in immigrant friendly states (B = 1.59, 95%CI = 0.33–2.84), compared to counties with no sanctuary policy in immigrant unfriendly states. Local and state immigration policy, even when unrelated to SNAP eligibility, may influence SNAP participation among Latino households. Jurisdictions which lack sanctuary policies or have more criminalizing and less integrating policies should consider adopting targeted outreach strategies to increase SNAP enrollment among Latino households.

Earmarked Taxes for Mental Health Services in the United States: A Local and State Legal Mapping Study

Purtle, J., Wynecoop, M., Crane, M. E., & Stadnick, N. A. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Milbank Quarterly






Policy Points Local governments are increasingly adopting policies that earmark taxes for mental health services, and approximately 30% of the US population lives in a jurisdiction with such a policy. Policies earmarking taxes for mental health services are heterogenous in their design, spending requirements, and oversight. In many jurisdictions, the annual per capita revenue generated by these taxes exceeds that of some major federal funding sources for mental health. Context: State and local governments have been adopting taxes that earmark (i.e., dedicate) revenue for mental health. However, this emergent financing model has not been systematically assessed. We sought to identify all jurisdictions in the United States with policies earmarking taxes for mental health services and characterize attributes of these taxes. Methods: A legal mapping study was conducted. Literature reviews and 11 key informant interviews informed search strings. We then searched legal databases (HeinOnline, Cheetah tax repository) and municipal data sources. We collected information on the year the tax went into effect, passage by ballot initiative (yes/no), tax base, tax rate, and revenue generated annually (gross and per capita). Findings: We identified 207 policies earmarking taxes for mental health services (95.7% local, 4.3% state, 95.7% passed via ballot initiative). Property taxes (73.9%) and sales taxes/fees (25.1%) were most common. There was substantial heterogeneity in tax design, spending requirements, and oversight. Approximately 30% of the US population lives in a jurisdiction with a tax earmarked for mental health, and these taxes generate over $3.57 billion annually. The median per capita annual revenue generated by these taxes was $18.59 (range = $0.04-$197.09). Per capita annual revenue exceeded $25.00 in 63 jurisdictions (about five times annual per capita spending for mental health provided by the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). Conclusions: Policies earmarking taxes for mental health services are diverse in design and are an increasingly common local financing strategy. The revenue generated by these taxes is substantial in many jurisdictions.

Four very basic ways to think about policy in implementation science

Purtle, J., Moucheraud, C., Yang, L. H., & Shelley, D. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Implementation Science Communications




Background: Policy is receiving increasing attention in the field of implementation science. However, there remains a lack of clear, concise guidance about how policy can be conceptualized in implementation science research. Building on Curran’s article “Implementation science made too simple”—which defines “the thing” as the intervention, practice, or innovation in need of implementation support—we offer a typology of four very basic ways to conceptualize policy in implementation science research. We provide examples of studies that have conceptualized policy in these different ways and connect aspects of the typology to established frameworks in the field. The typology simplifies and refines related typologies in the field. Four very basic ways to think about policy in implementation science research. 1) Policy as something to adopt: an evidence-supported policy proposal is conceptualized as “the thing” and the goal of research is to understand how policymaking processes can be modified to increase adoption, and thus reach, of the evidence-supported policy. Policy-focused dissemination research is well-suited to achieve this goal. 2) Policy as something to implement: a policy, evidence-supported or not, is conceptualized as “the thing” and the goal of research is to generate knowledge about how policy rollout (or policy de-implementation) can be optimized to maximize benefits for population health and health equity. Policy-focused implementation research is well-suited to achieve this goal. 3) Policy as context to understand: an evidence-supported intervention is “the thing” and policies are conceptualized as a fixed determinant of implementation outcomes. The goal of research is to understand the mechanisms through which policies affect implementation of the evidence-supported intervention. 4) Policy as strategy to use: an evidence-supported intervention is “the thing” and policy is conceptualized as a strategy to affect implementation outcomes. The goal of research is to understand, and ideally test, how policy strategies affect implementation outcomes related to the evidence-supported intervention. Conclusion: Policy can be conceptualized in multiple, non-mutually exclusive ways in implementation science. Clear conceptualizations of these distinctions are important to advancing the field of policy-focused implementation science and promoting the integration of policy into the field more broadly.

Growing inequities in mental health crisis services offered to indigent patients in Puerto Rico versus the US states before and after Hurricanes Maria and Irma

Purtle, J., Rivera-González, A. C., Mercado, D. L., Barajas, C. B., Chavez, L., Canino, G., & Ortega, A. N. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Health Services Research






Objective: To assess changes in the availability of mental health crisis services in Puerto Rico relative to US states before and after Hurricanes Maria and Irma. Data Sources/Study Setting: National Mental Health Services Surveys conducted in 2016 and 2020. Study design: Repeated cross-sectional design. The independent variable was mental health facility location in Puerto Rico or a US state. Dependent variables were the availability of three mental health crisis services (psychiatric emergency walk-in services, suicide prevention services, and crisis intervention team services). Data Collection/Extraction Methods: The proportion and per 100,000 population rate of facilities offering crisis services were calculated. Principal Findings: The availability of crisis services at mental health facilities in Puerto Rico remained stable between 2016 and 2020. These services were offered less at indigent care facilities in Puerto Rico than US states (e.g., 38.2% vs. 49.5% for suicide prevention, p = 0.06) and the magnitude of difference increased following Hurricane Maria. Conclusions: There are disparities between Puerto Rico and US states in the availability of mental health crisis services for indigent patients.

Implementation of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Estimating State-Level Increases in Call Demand Costs and Financing

Purtle, J., Chance Ortego, J., Bandara, S., Goldstein, A., Pantalone, J., & Goldman, M. L. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics






Background: Per federal law, “988” became the new three-digit dialing code for the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline on July 16, 2022 (previously reached by dialing “1-800-283-TALK”). Aims of the Study: This study aimed to produce state-level estimates of: (i) annual increases in 988 Lifeline call volume following 988 implementation, (ii) the cost of these increases, and (iii) the extent to which state and federal funding earmarked for increases in 988 Lifeline call volume are sufficient to meet call demand. Method: A 50 state pre-post policy implementation design was used. State-level Lifeline call volume data were obtained. For each state, we calculated the absolute difference in number of Lifeline calls in the four-month periods between August-November 2021 (pre-988 implementation) and August-November 2022 (post-988 implementation), and also expressed this difference as percent change and rate per 100,000 population. The difference call volume was multiplied by a published estimate of the cost of a single 988 Lifeline call ($82), and then by multiplied by three to produce annual, 12-month state-level cost increase estimates. These figures were then divided by each state's population size to generate cost estimates per state resident. State-level information on the amount of state (FY 2023) and federal SAMHSA (FY 2022) funding earmarked for 988 Lifeline centers in response to 988 implementation were obtained from legal databases and government websites and expressed as dollars per state resident. State-level differences between per state resident estimates of increased cost and funding were calculated to assess the extent to which state and federal funding earmarked for increases in 988 Lifeline call volume were sufficient to meet call demand. Results: 988 Lifeline call volume increased in all states post-988 implementation (within-state mean percent change = +32.8%, SD = +20.5%). The total estimated cost needed annually to accommodate increases in 988 Lifeline call volume nationally was approximately $46 million. The within-state mean estimate of additional cost per state resident was +$0.16 (SD = +$0.11). The additional annual cost per state resident exceeded $0.40 in three states, was between $0.40- $0.30 in three states, and between $0.30- $0.20 in seven states. Twenty-two states earmarked FY 2023 appropriations for 988 Lifeline centers in response to 988 (within-state mean per state resident = $1.51, SD = $1.52) and 49 states received SAMHSA 988 capacity building grants (within-state mean per state resident = $0.36, SD = $0.39). State funding increases exceeded the estimated cost increases in about half of states. Conclusions: The Lifeline's transition to 988 increased 988 Lifeline call volume in all states, but the magnitude of the increase and associated cost was heterogenous across states. State funding earmarked for increases in 988 Lifeline center costs is sufficient in about half of states. Sustained federal funding, and/or increases in state funding, earmarked for 988 Lifeline centers is likely important to ensuring that 988 Lifeline centers have the capacity to meet call demand in the post-988 implementation environment.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 2020 In-State Answer Rates, Stratified by Call Volume Rates and Geographic Region

Purtle, J., Lindsey, M. A., Raghavan, R., & Stuart, E. A. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Psychiatric Services







Newspaper Coverage of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Toxic Stress in the United States, 2014–2020: Consequences, Causes, and Solutions

Purtle, J., Bowler, S., Boughter-Dornfeld, M., Nelson, K. L., & Gollust, S. E. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Trauma, Violence, and Abuse






News media can shape public opinion about child adversity and influence the translation of research into public policy. Research about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress has increased dramatically in recent years, but little is known about how these concepts are covered in news media. We reviewed how newspapers in the United States have portrayed the consequences of, causes of, and solutions to address ACEs and toxic stress, examined trends in newspaper coverage, and assessed differences in coverage of ACEs versus toxic stress. Quantitative content analysis was conducted of 746 newspaper articles mentioning “adverse childhood experience(s)” and/or “toxic stress” published in 25 U.S. newspapers between January 1, 2014, and May 30, 2020. κ statistics of interrater reliability were calculated, and variables with κ ≥.60 were retained for quantitative analysis. We found that newspaper coverage of ACEs and toxic stress increased dramatically between 2014 and 2018 and then sharply declined. Only 13.3% of articles mentioned both ACEs and toxic stress. There were many statistically significant (p <.05) differences in the causes, consequences, and solutions identified in articles focused on ACEs versus toxic stress. Coverage of both concepts predominantly focused on consequences for individuals, not society. However, 54.6% of articles identified a structural cause of ACEs and/or toxic stress. Increased volume in newspaper coverage about ACEs and toxic stress could increase public awareness about the relationship between childhood adversity and adult outcomes. There is a need to portray ACEs and toxic stress as complementary concepts more coherently in news media.

Revisiting the policy ecology framework for implementation of evidence-based practices in mental health settings

Wortham, W. K., Rodwin, A. H., Purtle, J., Munson, M. R., & Raghavan, R. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Implementation Science




Background: Over the past three decades, policy actors and actions have been highly influential in supporting the implementation of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in mental health settings. An early examination of these actions resulted in the Policy Ecology Framework (PEF), which was originally developed as a tactical primer for state and local mental health regulators in the field of child mental health. However, the policy landscape for implementation has evolved significantly since the original PEF was published. An interrogation of the strategies originally proposed in the PEF is necessary to provide an updated menu of strategies to improve our understanding of the mechanisms of policy action and promote system improvement. Objectives: This paper builds upon the original PEF to address changes in the policy landscape for the implementation of mental health EBPs between 2009 and 2022. We review the current state of policy strategies that support the implementation of EBPs in mental health care and outline key areas for policy-oriented implementation research. Our review identifies policy strategies at federal, state, agency, and organizational levels, and highlights developments in the social context in which EBPs are implemented. Furthermore, our review is organized around some key changes that occurred across each PEF domain that span organizational, agency, political, and social contexts along with subdomains within each area. Discussion: We present an updated menu of policy strategies to support the implementation of EBPs in mental health settings. This updated menu of strategies considers the broad range of conceptual developments and changes in the policy landscape. These developments have occurred across the organizational, agency, political, and social contexts and are important for policymakers to consider in the context of supporting the implementation of EBPs. Summary: The updated PEF expands and enhances the specification of policy levers currently available, and identifies policy targets that are underdeveloped (e.g., de-implementation and sustainment) but are becoming visible opportunities for policy to support system improvement. The updated PEF clarifies current policy efforts within the field of implementation science in health to conceptualize and better operationalize the role of policy in the implementation of EBPs.

State and Federal Legislators’ Responses on Social Media to the Mental Health and Burnout of Health Care Workers Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: Natural Language Processing and Sentiment Analysis

Abrams, M. P., Pelullo, A. P., Meisel, Z. F., Merchant, R. M., Purtle, J., & Agarwal, A. K. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

JMIR Infodemiology


Background: Burnout and the mental health burden of the COVID-19 pandemic have disproportionately impacted health care workers. The links between state policies, federal regulations, COVID-19 case counts, strains on health care systems, and the mental health of health care workers continue to evolve. The language used by state and federal legislators in public-facing venues such as social media is important, as it impacts public opinion and behavior, and it also reflects current policy-leader opinions and planned legislation. Objective: The objective of this study was to examine legislators’ social media content on Twitter and Facebook throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to thematically characterize policy makers’ attitudes and perspectives related to mental health and burnout in the health care workforce. Methods: Legislators’ social media posts about mental health and burnout in the health care workforce were collected from January 2020 to November 2021 using Quorum, a digital database of policy-related documents. The total number of relevant social media posts per state legislator per calendar month was calculated and compared with COVID-19 case volume. Differences between themes expressed in Democratic and Republican posts were estimated using the Pearson chi-square test. Words within social media posts most associated with each political party were determined. Machine-learning was used to evaluate naturally occurring themes in the burnout- and mental health–related social media posts. Results: A total of 4165 social media posts (1400 tweets and 2765 Facebook posts) were generated by 2047 unique state and federal legislators and 38 government entities. The majority of posts (n=2319, 55.68%) were generated by Democrats, followed by Republicans (n=1600, 40.34%). Among both parties, the volume of burnout-related posts was greatest during the initial COVID-19 surge. However, there was significant variation in the themes expressed by the 2 major political parties. Themes most correlated with Democratic posts were (1) frontline care and burnout, (2) vaccines, (3) COVID-19 outbreaks, and (4) mental health services. Themes most correlated with Republican social media posts were (1) legislation, (2) call for local action, (3) government support, and (4) health care worker testing and mental health. Conclusions: State and federal legislators use social media to share opinions and thoughts on key topics, including burnout and mental health strain among health care workers. Variations in the volume of posts indicated that a focus on burnout and the mental health of the health care workforce existed early in the pandemic but has waned. Significant differences emerged in the content posted by the 2 major US political parties, underscoring how each prioritized different aspects of the crisis.

State Legislator Social Media Posts about the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Purtle, J., Soltero, M., Crane, M. E., McSorley, A. M. M., Knapp, M., & Drapeau, C. W. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

JAMA network open





Tailoring dissemination strategies to increase evidence-informed policymaking for opioid use disorder treatment: study protocol

Crable, E. L., Grogan, C. M., Purtle, J., Roesch, S. C., & Aarons, G. A. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Implementation Science Communications




Background: Policy is a powerful tool for systematically altering healthcare access and quality, but the research to policy gap impedes translating evidence-based practices into public policy and limits widespread improvements in service and population health outcomes. The US opioid epidemic disproportionately impacts Medicaid members who rely on publicly funded benefits to access evidence-based treatment including medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). A myriad of misaligned policies and evidence-use behaviors by policymakers across federal agencies, state Medicaid agencies, and managed care organizations limit coverage of and access to MOUD for Medicaid members. Dissemination strategies that improve policymakers’ use of current evidence are critical to improving MOUD benefits and reducing health disparities. However, no research describes key determinants of Medicaid policymakers’ evidence use behaviors or preferences, and few studies have examined data-driven approaches to developing dissemination strategies to enhance evidence-informed policymaking. This study aims to identify determinants and intermediaries that influence policymakers’ evidence use behaviors, then develop and test data-driven tailored dissemination strategies that promote MOUD coverage in benefit arrays. Methods: Guided by the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, and Sustainment (EPIS) framework, we will conduct a national survey of state Medicaid agency and managed care organization policymakers to identify determinants and intermediaries that influence how they seek, receive, and use research in their decision-making processes. We will use latent class methods to empirically identify subgroups of agencies with distinct evidence use behaviors. A 10-step dissemination strategy development and specification process will be used to tailor strategies to significant predictors identified for each latent class. Tailored dissemination strategies will be deployed to each class of policymakers and assessed for their acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility for delivering evidence about MOUD benefit design. Discussion: This study will illuminate key determinants and intermediaries that influence policymakers’ evidence use behaviors when designing benefits for MOUD. This study will produce a critically needed set of data-driven, tailored policy dissemination strategies. Study results will inform a subsequent multi-site trial measuring the effectiveness of tailored dissemination strategies on MOUD benefit design and implementation. Lessons from dissemination strategy development will inform future research about policymakers’ evidence use preferences and offer a replicable process for tailoring dissemination strategies.

Unintended consequences of disseminating behavioral health evidence to policymakers: Results from a survey-based experiment

Purtle, J., Nelson, K. L., Lê-Scherban, F., & Gollust, S. E. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Implementation Research and Practice


Background: Communication research demonstrates that messages often have unintended consequences, but this work has received limited attention in implementation science. This dissemination experiment sought to determine whether state-tailored policy briefs about the behavioral health consequences of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), compared to national policy briefs on the topic, increased state legislators’/staffers’ perceptions of the policy brief relevance and parental blame for the consequences of ACEs, and whether effects differed between Democrats and Republicans. Method: A preregistered, web-based survey experiment with U.S. state legislators/staffers was conducted in 2021 (n = 133). Respondents were randomized to view a policy brief about the behavioral health consequences of ACEs that included state-tailored data (intervention condition) or national data (control condition) and then answered survey questions. Dependent variables were perceived policy brief relevance and parental blame for the consequences of ACEs. Results: The mean policy brief relevance score was 4.1% higher in the intervention than in the control condition (p =.24), but the mean parental blame score was 16.5% higher (p =.02). When outcomes were dichotomized, 61.2% of respondents in the intervention condition rated parents as “very much to blame” for the consequences of ACEs compared to 37.1% in the control condition (p =.01). When the sample was stratified by political affiliation, the effect of the state-tailored policy brief on parental blame was larger in magnitude among Democrats and not significant among Republicans. The intervention policy brief increased the mean parental blame score by 22.8% among Democrats relative to the control policy brief (p =.007) and doubled the proportion rating parents as “very much to blame” (52.2% vs. 26.1%, p =.03). Conclusions: Despite limited statistical power, state-tailored policy briefs significantly increased state legislators’/staffers’ perceptions of parental blame for the behavioral health consequences of ACEs, relative to a policy brief with national data. Unintended messaging effects warrant greater attention in dissemination research and practice.

Use of qualitative systems mapping and causal loop diagrams to understand food environments, diet and obesity: a scoping review protocol

Stankov, I., Henson, R. M., Headen, I., Purtle, J., & Langellier, B. A. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

BMJ open




Introduction Food systems can shape dietary behaviour and obesity outcomes in complex ways. Qualitative systems mapping using causal loop diagrams (CLDs) can depict how people understand the complex dynamics, inter-relationships and feedback characteristic of food systems in ways that can support policy planning and action. To date, there has been no attempt to review this literature. The objectives of this review are to scope the extent and nature of studies using qualitative systems mapping to facilitate the development of CLDs by stakeholders to understand food environments, including settings and populations represented, key findings and the methodological processes employed. It also seeks to identify gaps in knowledge and implications for policy and practice. Methods and analysis This protocol describes a scoping review guided by the Joanna Briggs Institute manual, the framework by Khalil and colleagues and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews checklist reporting guidelines. A search strategy was iteratively developed with two academic librarians and the research team. This strategy will be used to search six databases, including Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, EmCare, Web of Science, Scopus and ProQuest Central. Identified citations will be screened by two independent reviewers; first, by title and abstract, and then full-text articles to identify papers eligible for inclusion. The reference lists of included studies and relevant systematic reviews will be searched to identify other papers eligible for inclusion. Two reviewers will extract information from all included studies and summarise the findings descriptively and numerically. Ethics and dissemination The scoping review will provide an overview of how CLDs developed by stakeholders have been elicited to understand food environments, diet and obesity, the insights gained and how the CLDs have been used. It will also highlight gaps in knowledge and implications for policy and practice. The review will be disseminated through publication in an academic journal and conference presentations.

Use, Potential Use, and Awareness of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by Level of Psychological Distress

Purtle, J., McSorley, A. M. M., Adera, A. L., & Lindsey, M. A. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

JAMA network open



Using audience segmentation to identify implementation strategies to improve PrEP uptake among at-risk cisgender women: a mixed-methods study protocol

Pellowski, J. A., Price, D. M., Desir, A., Golub, S., Operario, D., & Purtle, J. (n.d.).

Publication year


Journal title

Implementation Science Communications




Background: In the USA, 19% of new HIV infections occur among cisgender women (cis women); however, only 10% of eligible cis women have been prescribed pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for the prevention of HIV infection (an evidence-based intervention). A fundamental challenge for expanding HIV prevention to cis women is ensuring implementation strategies are tailored to the various healthcare settings in which cis women seek care and the heterogeneous providers nested within these settings. This project’s specific aims are to (1) explore clinician-level characteristics and organizational climate factors that are related to variability in adoption of PrEP service delivery as an evidence-based intervention for cis women; (2) identify latent audience segments of women’s health providers as the related to PrEP acceptability, adoption, and maintenance and analyze demographic correlates of these segments; and (3) identify audience segment-specific implementation strategies to facilitate the adoption of PrEP as an evidence-based intervention among at-risk cis women. Methods: Using the i-PARIHS framework, this mixed-methods study examines three domains for guiding audience segmentation to facilitate PrEP implementation for cis women: innovation (degree of fit with existing practices, usability), recipient beliefs and knowledge and context factors (organizational culture, readiness for change), needs to determine appropriate facilitation methods. To achieve aim 1, qualitative interviews will be conducted with PrEP-eligible cis women, women’s health providers, and other key stakeholders. Aim 2 will consist of a quantitative survey among 340 women’s health providers. Latent class analysis will be used to facilitate audience segmentation. To achieve aim 3, a panel of 5–8 providers for each audience segment will meet and engage in iterative discussions guided by Fernandez’s implementation mapping to identify (1) implementation outcomes and performance objectives, determinants, and change objectives and (2) determine and refine of implementation strategies for each audience segment. Discussion: This exploratory mixed methods study will provide an empirical foundation to inform the development implementations strategies aimed at increasing PrEP delivery to cis women among heterogenous groups of providers.

Where do psychologists turn to inform clinical decisions? Audience segmentation to guide dissemination strategies

Kwon, N., Stewart, R. E., Wang, X., Marzalik, J. S., Bufka, L. F., Halfond, R. W., & Purtle, J. (n.d.).

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Implementation Research and Practice


Background: Audience segmentation is an analysis technique that can identify meaningful subgroups within a population to inform the tailoring of dissemination strategies. We have conducted an empirical clustering audience segmentation study of licensed psychologists using survey data about the sources of knowledge they report most often consulting to guide their clinical decision-making. We identify meaningful subgroups within the population and inform the tailoring of dissemination strategies for evidence-based practice (EBP) materials. Method: Data come from a 2018–2019 web-based survey of licensed psychologists who were members of the American Psychological Association (APA; N = 518, response rate = 29.8%). Ten dichotomous variables assessed sources that psychologists regularly consult to inform clinical decision-making (e.g., colleagues, academic literature, and practice guidelines). We used latent class analysis to identify segments of psychologists who turn to similar sources and named each segment based on the segment's most salient characteristics. Results: Four audience segments were identified: the No-guidelines (45% of psychologists), Research-driven (16%), Thirsty-for-knowledge (9%), and No-reviews (30%). The four segments differed not only in their preferred sources of knowledge, but also in the types of evidence-based posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatments they provide, their awareness and usage intention of the APA PTSD clinical practice guideline, and attitudes toward clinical practice guidelines. Conclusion: The results demonstrate that licensed psychologists are heterogeneous in terms of their knowledge-seeking behaviors and preferences for knowledge sources. The distinctive characteristics of these segments could guide the tailoring of dissemination materials and strategies to subsequently enhance the implementation of EBP among psychologists.

Who’s “in the room where it happens”? A taxonomy and five-step methodology for identifying and characterizing policy actors

Cruden, G., Crable, E. L., Lengnick-Hall, R., & Purtle, J. (n.d.).

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Journal title

Implementation Science Communications




Background: Engaging policy actors in research design and execution is critical to increasing the practical relevance and real-world impact of policy-focused dissemination and implementation science. Identifying and selecting which policy actors to engage, particularly actors involved in “Big P” public policies such as laws, is distinct from traditional engaged research methods. This current study aimed to develop a transparent, structured method for iteratively identifying policy actors involved in key policy decisions—such as adopting evidence-based interventions at systems-scale—and to guide implementation study sampling and engagement approaches. A flexible policy actor taxonomy was developed to supplement existing methods and help identify policy developers, disseminators, implementers, enforcers, and influencers. Methods: A five-step methodology for identifying policy actors to potentially engage in policy dissemination and implementation research was developed. Leveraging a recent federal policy as a case study—The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)—publicly available documentation (e.g., websites, reports) were searched, retrieved, and coded using content analysis to characterize the organizations and individual policy actors in the “room” during policy decisions. Results: The five steps are as follows: (1) clarify the policy implementation phase(s) of interest, (2) identify relevant proverbial or actual policymaking “rooms,” (3) identify and characterize organizations in the room, (4) identify and characterize policy actors in the “room,” and (5) quantify (e.g., count actors across groups), summarize, and compare “rooms” to develop or select engagement approaches aligned with the “room” and actors. The use and outcomes of each step are exemplified through the FFPSA case study. Conclusions: The pragmatic and transparent policy actor identification steps presented here can guide researchers’ methods for continuous sampling and successful policy actor engagement. Future work should explore the utility of the proposed methods for guiding selection and tailoring of engagement and implementation strategies (e.g., research-policy actor partnerships) to improve both “Big P” and “little p” (administrative guidelines, procedures) policymaking and implementation in global contexts.

Comparing two federal financing strategies on penetration and sustainment of the adolescent community reinforcement approach for substance use disorders: protocol for a mixed-method study

Dopp, A. R., Hunter, S. B., Godley, M. D., Pham, C., Han, B., Smart, R., Cantor, J., Kilmer, B., Hindmarch, G., González, I., Passetti, L. L., Wright, K. L., Aarons, G. A., & Purtle, J. (n.d.).

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Implementation Science Communications




Background: Sustained, widespread availability of evidence-based practices (EBPs) is essential to address the public health and societal impacts of adolescent substance use disorders (SUD). There remains a particularly significant need to identify effective financing strategies, which secure and direct financial resources to support the costs associated with EBP implementation and sustainment. This protocol describes a new project comparing two types of U.S. federal grant mechanisms (i.e., a type of financing strategy), which supported the implementation of the Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA) EBP for SUD, through either organization-focused or state-focused granting of funds. The Exploration-Preparation-Implementation-Sustainment (EPIS) framework will guide our study aims, hypotheses, and selection of measures. Method: We will employ a longitudinal, mixed-method (i.e., web surveys, semi-structured interviews, document review, focus groups, administrative data), quasi-experimental design to compare the grant types’ outcomes and examine theoretically informed mediators and moderators. Aim 1 will examine the proportion of eligible clinicians certified in A-CRA with adequate fidelity levels (i.e., penetration outcomes) at the end of grant funding. Aim 2 will examine the sustainment of A-CRA up to 5 years post-funding, using a 10-element composite measure of treatment delivery and supervision activities. We will integrate the new data collected from state-focused grant recipients (~85 organizations in 19 states) with previously collected data from organization-focused grant recipients (Hunter et al., Implement Sci 9:104, 2014) (82 organizations in 26 states) for analysis. We will also use sensitivity analyses to characterize the effects of observed and unobserved secular trends in our quasi-experimental design. Finally, aim 3 will use comparative case study methods (integrating diverse quantitative and qualitative measures) to identify and disseminate policy implications about the roles of state- and organization-focused federal grants in efforts to promote adolescent SUD EBP implementation and sustainment. Discussion: The proposed research will have direct, practical implications for behavioral health administrators, policymakers, implementation experts, and the public. It will offer new knowledge that can directly inform financing strategies to support large-scale, sustained EBP delivery in behavioral health—while advancing implementation science through the use of novel methods to study financing strategies and sustainment.

Heterogeneity in Disparities in Life Expectancy Across US Metropolitan Areas

Schnake-Mahl, A. S., Mullachery, P. H., Purtle, J., Li, R., Diez Roux, A. V., & Bilal, U. (n.d.).

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Background: Life expectancy in the United States has declined since 2014 but characterization of disparities within and across metropolitan areas of the country is lacking. Methods: Using census tract-level life expectancy from the 2010 to 2015 US Small-area Life Expectancy Estimates Project, we calculate 10 measures of total and income-based disparities in life expectancy at birth, age 25, and age 65 within and across 377 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) of the United States. Results: We found wide heterogeneity in disparities in life expectancy at birth across MSAs and regions: MSAs in the West show the narrowest disparities (absolute disparity: 8.7 years, relative disparity: 1.1), while MSAs in the South (absolute disparity: 9.1 years, relative disparity: 1.1) and Midwest (absolute disparity: 9.8 years, relative disparity: 1.1) have the widest life expectancy disparities. We also observed greater variability in life expectancy across MSAs for lower income census tracts (coefficient of variation [CoV] 3.7 for first vs. tenth decile of income) than for higher income census tracts (CoV 2.3). Finally, we found that a series of MSA-level variables, including larger MSAs and greater proportion college graduates, predicted wider life expectancy disparities for all age groups. Conclusions: Sociodemographic and policy factors likely help explain variation in life expectancy disparities within and across metro areas.

Impacts of COVID-19 on Mental Health Safety Net Services for Youths: A National Survey of Agency Officials

Purtle, J., Nelson, K. L., Horwitz, S. M. C., Palinkas, L. A., McKay, M. M., & Hoagwood, K. E. (n.d.).

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Hospital and Community Psychiatry






OBJECTIVE: Mental health agencies provide critical safety net services for youths. No research has assessed impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on services these agencies provide or youths they serve. This study sought to characterize agency officials' perceptions of the pandemic's impacts on youths and challenges to providing youth services during the pandemic and to examine associations between these challenges and impacts. METHODS: Surveys were completed in September-October 2020 by 159 state or county mental health agency officials from 46 states. Respondents used 7-point scales (higher rating indicated more severe impact or challenge) to rate the pandemic's impact on youth mental health issues, general service challenges, and telepsychiatry service challenges across patient, provider, and financing domains. Multiple linear regression models estimated associations between service challenges (independent variables) and pandemic impacts (dependent variables). RESULTS: Most agency officials perceived the pandemic as having disproportionately negative mental health impacts on socially disadvantaged youths (serious impact, 72%; mean rating=5.85). Only 15% (mean=4.29) perceived the pandemic as having a seriously negative impact on receipt of needed youth services. Serious service challenges were related to youths' lack of reliable equipment or Internet access for telepsychiatry services (serious challenge, 59%; mean=5.47) and the inability to provide some services remotely (serious challenge, 42%, mean=4.72). In regression models, the inability to provide some services remotely was significantly (p≤0.01) associated with three of five pandemic impacts. CONCLUSIONS: Officials perceived the COVID-19 pandemic as exacerbating youth mental health disparities but as not having a dramatic impact on receipt of needed services.

Inter-agency collaboration is associated with increased frequency of research use in children's mental health policy making

Purtle, J., Nelson, K. L., Lengnick-Hall, R., Horwitz, S. M. C., Palinkas, L. A., McKay, M. M., & Hoagwood, K. E. (n.d.).

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Health Services Research






Objective: To determine whether the self-report frequency of inter-agency collaboration about children's mental health issues is associated with the self-report frequency of using research evidence in children's mental health policy and program decision making in mental health agencies (MHAs). Data Sources: Primary data were collected through web-based surveys of state (N = 221) and county (N = 117) MHA officials. Design: The primary independent variable was a composite score quantifying the frequency of collaboration about children's mental health issues between officials in MHAs and six other state agencies. The dependent variables were composite scores quantifying the frequency of research use in children's mental health policy and program decision making in general and for specific purposes (i.e., conceptual, instrumental, tactical, imposed). Covariates were composite scores quantifying well-established determinants of research use (e.g., agency leadership, research use skills) in agency policy and program decision making. Data Methods: Separate multiple linear regression models estimated associations between frequency of inter-agency collaboration and research use scores, adjusting for other determinants of research use, respondent state, and other covariates. Data from state and county officials were analyzed separately. Principal Findings: The frequency of inter-agency collaboration was positively and independently associated with the frequency of research use in children's mental health policy making among state (β = 0.22, p = 0.004) and county (β = 0.39, p < 0.0001) MHA officials. Inter-agency collaboration was also the only variable significantly associated with the frequency of research use for all four specific purposes among state MHA officials, and similar findings we observed among county MHA officials. The magnitudes of associations between inter-agency collaboration and frequency of research use were generally stronger than for more well-established determinants of research use in policy making. Conclusions: Strategies that promote collaboration between MHA officials and external agencies could increase the use of research evidence in children's mental health policy and program decision making in MHAs.

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