
Academic News Block

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New Research: Researchers Identify Public Policies that Work to Prevent Suicide

Policies around economic security, alcohol use and safety restrictions have strongest potential for reducing suicide deaths.

The Elephant in the Room


We lost a public health hero this week, Dr. Philip Lee, who fought tirelessly throughout his career for policies that made sense — among them the creation of Medicare and rational pharmaceutical


The Anatomy of Contagion


We’ve seen the pictures of beach-goers, bar patrons and street parties with revelers packed in, ignoring social distancing and only occasionally wearing masks. We’ve read about the August wedding



Here is how behavior results in contagion and death:

For a primer on how the virus reproduces, Dr. Danielle Ompad, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at GPH kindly provided this brief


It's Time to Roll Up Our Sleeves!

Dean Cheryl Healton welcomes the entire GPH community back to campus — whether they’re here physically or virtually.

Student Highlight: Answering the Call to Serve

MPH candidate Daniel Okpare jumps at the opportunity to put his public health expertise to use in becoming a contact tracer for New York City's COVID-19 tracking initiative.

In Memoriam: Two Civil Rights Icons

Dean Cheryl Healton sends a message to the GPH community mourning the passing of John Lewis and C.T. Vivian.

Protesting for Change in America

Dean Cheryl Healton discusses the ultimate social determinant of health and what we can do to advocate for change in America.

A Message from the Dean: Standing Against Racism

Dean Cheryl Healton speaks out against racism and encourages the public health community to join the battle to end racism and other forms of intolerance here and around the world.

COVID-19’s Devastating Impact on Small Primary Care Practices

Dr. Donna Shelley discusses the economic threat to thousands of independent primary care practices in NYC as a result of COVID-19.

Cities Around the World Respond to COVID-19

Dr. Diana Silver provides an inside look to the COVID-19 related issues effecting cities around the world and how global leaders are working together to respond.